Tuatha Book 2 Chapter 6

Rituals of this type required a connection between the place where the Sithern would be planted and the people that would come to call the Sithern home. A kind of sympathetic magic between the two needed to be created. That connection allowed the Sithern seed to understand what type of world it needed to develop. The difference between Sithern and Underhill was that a Sithern could change or adapt as time went on. The Sithern and the potential [Host] formed a connection as supplicant and partner.

I was invoking [Fairy] and the Wild Magic in concert with the blood needed to Power the [Ritual] and invoked a [Revel]. My invocation was more an invitation than a command, a way to gain the [Powers] attention. I was asking the gathering energies to respond to our needs. As the ceremony progressed, I began to establish a link between those forces of magic and the nexus node buried deep beneath the ground

The opening moments of the [Ritual] were the simplest. A slash of a blade across both my wrist and Huig's as an offering of blood to the Tuatha de Danann, and [Fairy] and the Wild Magic took notice.

Blood and sex were the cornerstones to who the Sidhe were.

Blood to make the crops grow, sex to give it life, and fertility. I began to channel my connection with the Gods, asking Danu as the Sidhe Mother Goddess to breathe an awareness, an awakening into the seed. I widened that connection to gain the attention of a bevy of Tuatha de Danann fertility gods and goddesses. I hoped their participation would encourage the spark that would kindle the seed with benefits beyond the creation of a Sithern.

This was the usual way that Sithern's were made real. What I had done with Seastan Deireanach on the Isle of Wight was a bastardization of this Ritual, only made possible by sacrificing the Banshee and the magic she had absorbed and the unique location where the Sithern was planted. The ability to draw energy and magic from three dimensions made up for the sexual energy required for a Sithern to bloom.

That was probably why that Sithern hadn't populated itself with new life. There was no outbreak of Fey to tie Sidhe to Fairy. No new colonies or Demi-fey manifested to anchor that Sithern.

Blood gained the Gods' attention, but sex would give the seed the life it needed to flourish. As Fairy responded, as the Wild Magic stirred, fertility and blossoming life filled the air, the [Revel] began. A wild thrumming demand for sex spread through the gathered Sidhe.

The few inhibitions the Sidhe might have were discarded, lost in that moment, as clothes were discarded and flesh met flesh. Illusions and glamour sprung up. The melodies of the song thrumming with the drumbeat of fornication.

Tables appeared, groaning under the weight of newly formed cornucopia and horns of plenty. Gastronomical delights were made available to refresh and revitalize each Sidhe. Each dish and drink were infused with aphrodisiacs. Sidhe cocktails that would add additional immediacy and potency for those imbibing to return. They would be urged to find new partners, to splash the growing Sithern with sexual fluids and energies. Their sexual appetite was ever-increasing.

The pounding of bodies matched the thrumming of magic as carnal instincts were elevated to primal frenzy. Sweat, groans, and semen were released in copious amounts, the bodies of every Sidhe present, this mix of orgasm and blood made part of the [Ritual] that would give birth to the Sithern.

Sexual need, wanton groping, and unbridled passion called those gathered and demanded the Sidhe answer the call of [Fairy] and the Wild Magic. And as every pelvic thrust across the field of bodies writhing in orgiastic pleasure continued, the pressure of magic built. That pressure resulted in an inevitable explosion of climax and sensual delight.

Desire spent only and rekindled as the Sidhe satisfied themselves with one partner after another. Fairy and the Wild Magic responded to the [Ritual] and became a participant in the [Revel]. It flowed and embraced our efforts, moving to answer and reply to my pleas.

I was long familiar with the nature of both [Powers]. They could both be capricious at times, almost childlike in their interactions with me. I often felt like I was walking a tight rope when dealing with them. They could not be forced or ordered to obey, but they could be guided and shaped.

[Fairy] wanted to expand, claim new territories, and gain influence. The Wild Magic was a force of nature, underpinning the world itself. It was implacable and slow to stir, but it could be vengeful. It was better to accept the changes they made as gifts. If you fought what they did and feared what was inevitable, you might warp what would be, and the nature of the two forces would turn against you.

That was a fearsome prospect.

Huig was standing steadfast where I'd placed him, ignoring the orgy surrounding him, lost in his own world as his energies were committed to transforming him into [Host]. I was separate, an island isolated and consumed with channeling [Fairy] and the Wild Magic magics into and through the Sithern seed.

The life energies released as Sidhe reached a climax, only to move to the next partner and begin again added to the potential of the Sithern. The seed spilled by the Sidhe, the blood offered by Huig and me a sacrifice for birth and renewal.

"Huig, can you hear me?" I asked, getting ready to move on to the next step, using the contained energy to give the Sithern sentience. I had never attempted this part before, trying to guide a person and Sithern into forming a [Host] bond, but I knew how. The mechanics had been proven to work by people I had trusted.

If Huig lost himself to lust and the [Revel], any chance to guide the bond would be left to chance. He needed to be present and in the moment to listen and respond.

"I hear you," he said, his voice strained as his body and magic were being probed by [Fairy]. The effort not to move, not to forget his objective, not to satisfy his lust took a herculean effort of will. And what I was about to do would only increase the desire to give in to that temptation.

"[Fairy] and the Wild Magic are forces of nature," I began. "They can't be contained or constrained. You cannot force obedience, but you can cajole and entice. It would help if you treated each of them as a lover. Embrace the [Revel] energies and seduce each [Power].

"Reach out with your senses. Listen to the sound of bodies pounding against each other. Hear the moans of pleasure and pain of sexual delight. Smell the odors of bodies drenched in sweat, the pheromones being released as they rut. Taste the saltiness of sweat and semen that permeates the air.

"Embrace what your senses are showing you and release your magic. Call to [Fairy] and the Wild Magic. Seduce them with longing and whispers of desire."

I watched with my own extended senses as Huig responded to my words. His actions were fumbling in the beginning, uncertain and hesitant. He acted like any virgin would their first time. His actions were a mixture of excitement, fear, and passion.

But he soon found a rhythm. A give and take. An in and out with the magic that pooled within him. A rhythm that involved sharing the core of who he was, giving of his essence as he embraced the gifts of [Fairy] and the Wild Magic.

I released the Sithern seed now kindled and attuned to the possibility of creation, the paths of energy from the orgiastic [Revel] creating a network of channels, a system of roots that the seed could follow and claim.

As Huig, [Fairy], and the Wild Magic enacted their dance of carnal delight, I watched for that moment when the energy of creation would be released. That final climactic moment when energy would be spent and the chance for life would arise.

It was not long in coming. Huig's virginity in stoking the magics of [Fairy] and the Wild Magic sacrificed as the explosion of energy erupted, his potency spent.

I guided that eruption of combined essence, funneling the energies into the Sithern, encouraging it to grow. I added my magic to protect it as it emerged, expanding my perception as it continued sending out trailing roots, questing to find a source of energy that would allow it to flourish.

The roots were able to ignore the earth, ignoring bedrock, drilled beneath the surface, betwixt and between, until it found the nexus node. Once that connection was established, it began sending out tendrils and offshoots that pierced the dimensional barrier between reality and possibility. To create a pocket dimension that would protect the Sidhe.

The connection between Sithern and Huig was established as it searched his memories and desires to shape the space inside the newly formed pocket dimension. Fields and Forests. Lakes and streams. And deep mountain tunnels grew as it gave substance to his needs, to manifest the desires of Huig, and eventually, the people lost to [Revel]

I contributed a few pieces of Silinium seedstock to prime the tunnels of those mountains. The rare ore would make a difference in how the Sidhe progressed from this point. And I prayed to Danu that the Sithern would use the burgeoning powers of creation to give life to the Aziza on this planet.

A prayer partly answered as Balfour became the model for a new form of winged Fey.

A new people. A new species of Sidhe.

The Azi-Fey would have the intellect and diligence of the Aziza as well as the unique features of the Demi Fey. No ward could deny or hold them. They were also gifted with natural camouflage, which did not rely on glamour or illusion. Combining those two traits would make this new species of Sidhe even more formidable than the Aziza.

That is if Balfour could train them and if they were interested.