
"The M-CI, magically constructed intelligence, was able to collate all of the information and look for patterns," Cedric explained.

"There was no trace of sales records for these specific weapons, but the Maker's Mark was traceable to the craftsman. Every item can be traced to two individuals. Journeyman Blacksmith D'Dar, son of Grandmaster Blacksmith Dar, and Journeyman Bowyer R'Swift."

"Were you able to question them?" I asked.

"It seems they are part of an exchange of apprentice association and have headed to Fief Demming," Cedric answered

"So, a dead end?"

"There were a few other interesting tidbits the M-CI managed to ferret when organizing the documents Dar provided," Cedric said.

"The expenses for rare metals have increased fourfold each year for the past decade. The metal is coming in, but there is no corresponding sale of items that make use of these metals."

"The gold income and outcome also show some discrepancies. There are no sales, no exchange of goods or services that account for the increasing financial purchases for these rare metals."

"But taxes and tithes are being paid to Lord Kel based on figures that include the expenditures."

"He's paying taxes based on sale figures that include where these rare metals are going or being used for?"

"Exactly. His ledgers show that income is generated, enough to offset the cost of materials, but doesn't show where that income is sourced."

"He's making sure Lord Kel gets his share of the spoils?" I guessed.

"That was my conclusion also, Your Highness," Cedric agreed.

"Is there any way to track down those two journeymen?" I wondered.

"Not quickly," Uron suggested. "There are trackers that specialize in this kind of thing, but they take time."

"And even if you find them, what are the chances they are going to talk and provide any real information?" Cedric asked.

"I just wonder. Is Fief Demming a part of this conspiracy? Or a ruse to throw us off the trail?"

"Your Highness," Henry said interrupting our conversation to gain my attention. "The guards have informed me that Knight Lohne has arrived. She is waiting in the interview room."

"Alright gentleman, for now, Uron after this meeting find a trustworthy tracker and have them find our two wayward journeymen. I want to know if they really are in Fief Demming.

"Cedric generate a set of financials for me. I want to see exactly how much gold and rare materials Dar is funneling through his business. Include a timeline for when it started and how it's progressed."

Knight Lohne was a study in contrast, especially when compared to Knight Uron after he entered the room. Standing next to him they painted a picture of opposing natures. Both were tall, I think it a law that Seelie men and women be tall.

But where he was dark, she was light.

Light and shadow, the two of them blending together to make a whole.

He exuded confidence and certainty, she shyness and hesitancy.

Interestingly, there seemed to be an immediate attraction between the two of them. A yearning and reaching out as each recognized that missing something, that small part of their soul that would make them whole.

I was almost not surprised when the Wild Magic burst forth, surrounding them, encasing them in a bubble of magic and solitude. As the magic stirred, the two began to spiral around each other, not levitating exactly, simply a dance of joy and movement.

Feet placed purposely and in sync with the other.

Arms and hands hesitant and uncertain as they began to touch, to know each other.

Their hair, one with shades of black, the other shades of white intertwined and separated. A life of its own, patterns formed as their hair created sculptures of possibilities. A hint of children. Softening of features as they grew to know each other better. A life lived to the fullest. And most importantly, a sense of happiness in each subtle sculpture that was formed.

I was astounded as I watched their auras react, tendrils of light and dark stretching, grasping, and intertwining, creating a soul weave so intricate that two became one. And as their souls blended and transformed, so too did their appearance. Uron became more focused, more real as his appearance took on a depth and dimension that had been missing. Lohne became more radiant as shadows softened and highlighted her features.

They had found their missing half and been made whole.

[Congratulations: Knights Lohne and Uron have recognized they are Anam Cara. Their souls two sides of the same coin. The essence of true souls. He for her. She for him. They are destined soul mates, forged as one, their connection is unshakable]

The binding process, if that is what this was, ended as suddenly as it had begun. The room at large was stunned over what had just happened, but Lohne and Uron were oblivious. They had eyes only for each other, they had forgotten where they were, or why they were here.

"Caraid," I asked, "does this happen often? And what does it mean to be an Anam Cara?"

[Anam Cara means they are fated.]

[Fated mates.]

[Fated friends.]

[True love that transcends the platonic or the romantic.]

[Theirs is the ideal love. That state of perfection that understands inherently that love is boundless, messy, painful, and glorious.]

[The chances of meeting your Anam Cara, your soul mate or so small that it approaches impossible. Historically only the Gods and Kings and Queens have found their Anam Cara.]


[This is a blessing and a miracle. A once in forever happenstance that we have been privileged to observe.]

[You will need to recruit both of them into your House. An Anam Cara pair are fated. And the fates do not take kindly with being ignored.]

[You also need to think of an appropriate gift.]

[You have been a witness to a great event. Treasure this moment. And remember.]