Anam Cara

"Uron. Lohne. We have been honored to witness the joining of an Anam pair. May your life be filled with happiness, prosperity, and children," I said.

It took several moments for Lohne to respond and acknowledge my offer. She and Uron were still absorbed in the afterglow of their joining. Unable to focus on anything but each other. The emotions of two souls recognizing and joining together was palpable. Happiness. Lust. Energies and emotions shared by everyone within sight.

To share such emotions should have been embarrassing, but it wasn't. There was a sense of acceptance and trust that reverberated amongst those gathered. Each of us experiencing and reflecting the emotions in a round-robin of wonder and delight.

[Make sure you include them as part of your escort when you attend the banquet. Bring them as your honored guests, not Vassals. They should sit at your left hand, not separated from you, a symbol to all that you consider this Anam Cara, the duo are your strongest supporters. The people you choose to protect the weakest side if you are attacked.]

[Place Cedric to your right. This still gives him the pride of place but demonstrates when asked, that you understand the importance of Anam Cara.]

[And you will be asked, even challenged about your decision on seating arrangements. Lord Kel has probably promised preferential seating to his more powerful sycophants.]

"Should I send word ahead of time, giving them a heads up on the situation?" I asked.

[No. This is where the gamesmanship with politics begins.]

[Lord Kel is trying to demonstrate his strength and the connections that exist between his House and yours for those in attendance.]

[You will demonstrate Lord Kel's ignorance when it comes to you and yours, and that you still find his abilities to protect you suspect.]

[This allows you to distance yourself from him without insulting him or Duke A'Daoine.]

"All right, I will follow your suggestions," I agreed before turning my attention back to the oblivious couple in front of me.

"Knights Lohne and Uron, my sincerest congratulations," I said interrupting the metaphysical blending of their souls and the corresponding fluctuations that were impacting the room.

"Fated mates are a blessing, and I am honored to have witnessed the duality of your souls transforming to a singularity."

"I have no lands. No real influence. And if you wish to sever your contract now that you have found your Anam Cara, Uron, I will understand and allow it."


"I would appreciate it if you would instead, consider pledging your fealty as my Vassals. In return, I promise to promote each of you in Rank as you attain the requisite experience. I will not hinder or delay your growth. I will elevate you even if it means elevating you to the same rank I possess."

"Lohne the position of Seneschal is yours if you still want it. And Uron. I promote you to Commander of Troops. You are tasked not only with my Household Guards, but creating, organizing, and staffing my entire armed forces."

I recognized I may have been taking advantage of the post-euphoric consummation of their soul blending. Their eyes were still glazed, and Uron needed to change trousers, his reaction had been a bit explosive. But it wasn't like I was manipulating them to take advantage of them. I really wanted what was best for them.

Just as I justified my reasoning to myself, I began to wonder if this isn't how many sociopaths and dictators started, vindicating and rationalizing seemingly innocent choices until real evil is being done. The expression the road to Hell is paved with good intentions was said because it was true.

I almost retracted my offer, but they had both kneeled before me before I could and began the ritual that would make them my Vassals.

[Knight Uron and Knight Lohne have sworn fealty and binding oaths.]

[Vassals - Knights 3 of 3]

[Knight Cedric- First among equals]

[Knight Lohne- Seneschal]

[Knight Uron- Knight Commander]

A gentle wind ruffled my hair, in a room with no windows, that was no mean feat. I heard a gentle whisper, a blessing from the wind, as the Wild Magic surged again for a moment witnessing our pledges.

Henry was the first to break the silence, startling the rest of us.

I had forgotten he was even in the room until he spoke, "Royals and Ranked used to form receiving lines, and every person of age would be introduced to them when they visited each other's fiefs.

"It slowly went out of fashion and was replaced by pomp and circumstance. Replaced by royal prerogatives, and heraldic announcements of Rank and lineage. But you might consider re-instigating the ritual if Anam Cara is once again possible for our people.

"The reason for the receiving line was to allow fated mates to meet. It was with the kiss of the hand, the clasp of friendship that the spark of Anam Cara was ignited.

"Something else to consider," Henry continued.

"I'm not sure if there is a direct corollary, but Seelie populations began decreasing about the same time the ritual for Anam Cara died out.

"Maybe the Wild Magic is reminding us that we are creatures of nature. Yes, we can be fickle tricksters, but at essence, we are spirits of nature."

"Returning to our roots might be the solution to our inevitable demise as a species."