Phase IV - Part 2

"Una?" I asked, unsure of what I or my people should do if an actual attack was made.

"Blayney has entrusted the children with you, Your Highness," she said answering my unspoken question. "Protect them. Irvin, Isolde, Shaela, and I will deal with any who might attack." With that said, the four of them transformed from their humanoid form to Kelpie. Claws extended and positions taken.

Each moving to protect one of the four quadrants, while Una remained stationed in the lead, the others ready to give support whoever might need additional aid. The children strategically placed to the rear.

I signaled for Cedric, Lohne, and Uron to stand ready, but not to attack unless attacked.

"Caraid. Keep an eye on our rear flank. Just in case someone attempts to grab the children from behind while the rest are distracted or engaged in battle."

That fact that we were aware of their movements and ready to respond seemed to give those who would interfere with the ongoing challenge pause. I noticed, as I watched as my perception allowed me to analyze the actions of others, that my emotions seemed to recede, calmness and anticipation blending into a hyper-awareness. My logic and patience, as the standoff stretched on, seemed to become more focused.

An icy conviction that I would protect those children that had been entrusted into my care grew. I wasn't sure if this cool logical state would persist; if it was part of the Cyronax abilities my newly awakened bloodline had gifted me. Or if, once the battle was begun, the Beleros heat and passion I had come to rely on would assert itself.

I actually enjoyed this almost fugue state. It allowed me to be more methodical, more rational in my decision process. It did leave me wondering if some of my past actions, my impetuous nature may have had to do with the passion and fires of my Beleros heritage.

Granted there was immaturity and cockiness to a lot of my actions, but those behaviors had really not been apropos for my personality. I was more likely to observe and plan. Slow to act. Methodical, normally. My recent actions of blundering in, fire blazing, had been surprising.


But not how I envisioned myself responding in most circumstances. The dichotomy between my expectations and my actions may be related to bloodline and hormones. I was in a new body. A body that was just entering adulthood, with all the raging hormones and drives a virile young man was cursed with.

Recently my emotions would have ruled my actions, I would have immediately wanted to blast my aura, initiate battle, and impose my will on the unfolding situation. Logically that made no sense, this was not my battle. Blayney and Una had specifically detailed why they were the ones that needed to confront and solve the issues Herd Lord Haygan had created.

They didn't need to be rescued or protected. They weren't children to be coddled. They were Sidhe, probably hundreds of years older than me, considering they had an adult son that had Ascended, and although I had found them in dire straits, that had been due to betrayal, not ability.

My role had been explicitly stated before we approached the Kelpie village. Protect the children. And although I could and would expand that role to include protecting my people, ours was a more supportive role in this confrontation. If I or mine were not to participate in the imminent battle, then we would remain wary bystanders, we would not be caught flat-footed and unaware.

I would honor those requests from the Kelpie, and trust they were knowledgeable and responsible enough to have charted the correct path for them and their people.

It might have been different if I was planning on staying, or if I were Kelpie. But this colony of individuals would not accept a ruling Ranked Seelie. No matter their form, they were enlightened, intelligent individuals. And I could not impose my will or beliefs on their society.

[Factions loyal to Herd Lord Haygan have decided to act in support of his policies. You have sworn to protect the Kelpie children, Alma and Briano.

Note. Other Kelpie Children may be harmed by accident. You can choose to extend your protection to include those children.

Protect All Kelpie Children (11 of 11) YES/NO]

I didn't even consider declining this quest. No matter my form, Sidhe or Human, children from both my lives were precious, they were to be cherished. You couldn't protect them from everything. But certainly, you could try. And to be harmed or killed accidentally by friends, neighbors, or parents was fundamentally wrong. The pain children harmed or killed by warring sides was unacceptable.

Their innocence and naivety called to me, unfettered by faction or bias, demonstrated just recently as they dared and egged each other to touch the arena during the lightning trial proved they hadn't been exposed to or become inured to the horrors that life had to offer yet. They still trusted and had faith in the community and their elders that they would be protected and cherished, and I did not want to see that trust destroyed.

"Cedric, Uron," I yelled grabbing their attention, "help gather the children. Let's not allow this idiocy to spread and claim the innocent."

My directive meant abandoning key and strategic fields of opportunity. Position and placement by two of my strongest that they had painstakingly maneuvered in order to have a clear line of sight.

Lohne moved towards me, ushering those children she encountered as she made her way, protecting them as they moved with her unaware that they may be in danger. Cedric managed to snag two children, but it was Uron that was instrumental in gathering and collecting the rest.

I'd trained with him, but during the battle in Lord Kel's hall, I'd been too busy to see him in real action. Watching him move was eye-opening. He had been going easy on me during training because his ability to move was daunting. His movements were so fast that he appeared to blink from location to location. I made a mental note to have words with him about our training regime. He was doing me no favors by not using his full abilities. My enemies would have no such compunction.

One child after another was collected and deposited near me, as he continued this bit of sleight of hand and misdirection. Of course, that wasn't what was really going on, nothing so simple as a Magician's sleight-of-hand trick. His agility must be his primary stat and it was probable that he had a skill or two that allowed him to enhance his agility when needed. It was only after the last child had been marshaled, that he returned to his original position, once more strategically placed to give aid where needed.

Our decision to gather the children drew the attention of those civilians that had been unaware that the real machinations to decide today's challenge were not happening in the arena. I'm not sure exactly what Haygan had planned, but if I had to guess, he'd ordered his people to kidnap and hold as surety Blayney's family. They would be used to demand his surrender and parole if it became necessary.

Lord Haygan was devoid of all honor it would seem. And those that would support him, supported his corruption.