The Inner Circle Increases

[Regional Announcement - Blayney has successfully challenged and defeated Herd Lord Haygan.]

[Herd Lord Blayney has been promoted from Knight to Lord and claimed the lands as part of his new Fief.]

The look of satisfaction on Una's face after reading the System notice was quickly replaced by concern as she watched her husband collapse. His ability to heal wounds had taken a toll on his magical and life energies. And although he was in no immediate danger of death, he was certainly unable to defend himself from unexpected or sneak attacks. If Haygan's people struck now, he would likely die.

The Water-Arena that had formed to contain the challenge, collapsed. The water spitting out Blayney along with Haygan's corpse in a stream of bloody water, as it lost shape and function. The millions of gallons of water returning to the lake, the transition from arena to lake surface seamless. There was no giant splash, no waves forming from the sudden explosion of excess waters, just a bloody tinge of water that lapped at the beach in counterpoint to the wind.

A blood pool, water that had been clearly tainted, mixed quickly with the pristine waters of the lake until it was impossible to tell that a battle had just occurred. The last remnants of blood were absorbed as a tribute and sacrifice to Belisama.

The absorbed blood that had been spilled, nourishing the plankton and plant life, making use of the life-giving property and nutrients that Kelpie blood contained. There would be a benefit to the lake for allowing the gift of water to be used as an arena, an acceptance that this tribute of blood and viscera was the water's due. Belisama would take even what she hated and squeeze out something good and life-affirming.

Una had moved to protect Blayney, his form instinctively transiting completely to the Kelpie horse shape. Even though Thom's torture and treatment had locked him into this shape, it wasn't something he feared or avoided. The Kelpie respected all of their forms.

Belisama had first created Kelpie with this shape. It was not a symbol of disgrace; it was a reminder of that first connection the Kelpie had to the Divine. What Thom had done was try to remove choice and try to remove or restrain intelligence and self-identity. The form itself was comfortable, safe, simply part of what it meant to be Kelpie, for all Kelpie, and assuming this shape as he lost consciousness was proof that Thom had not been able to destroy his essence or identity. He would be Kelpie no matter the form.

I strode over to kneel beside Blayney, extending my arms, resting a hand on his head, another on his throat, I channeled my magic into a healing spell. Allowing the energies that I controlled to shape and mend flesh, bone, and restore life energies that had been expended. I could not restore the magical energies that he had depleted, time would resolve that issue, but I could share a fraction of my life energies to restore balance and clarity.

Blayney accepted the life energies I offered ravenously, his energies almost completely consumed during the battle, his body was desperate to replace and rebuild his energy stores. For Una, it must have seemed as if an eternity had passed, waiting unable to help or shape circumstance, uncertain if her mate and the father of her children would survive. For me, it was only a few seconds.

Blayney's energy levels were still at Knight-Rank, even though System had proclaimed his advancement to Lord Rank. He hadn't had time to meditate, to incorporate his experience and gain the benefits of his new Rank yet, so restoring him for me was trivial. His energies a drop in the bucket compared to the blazing furnace that gave life to a Prince.

A few breaths later and he woke. His eyes clear and certain, no sense of ambiguity or incertitude present. He knew where he was and that he had successfully completed and won the challenge. Still, he spent a few seconds reading his System messages, until finally, he was satisfied. Standing and transforming from one breath to the next into his humanoid form, he reached out to clasp Una's hand before turning to confront the Elders.

A mated couple. They were Kelpie that had been hand-fasted, and they meant to demonstrate that no matter what form they took, they were in agreement. Hands linked together, a statement, to make certain there would be no misunderstanding. They spoke with one voice. Una's words were as intractable as Blayney's.

Any conversation the observers had was immediately interrupted as the Elders turned to enter the building, motioning for Blayney to follow, they left the rest of us to clean up, heal the wounded, and care for those grieving the loss of loved ones.

Irvin took this opportunity to address me.

"Your Highness. Blayney and Una will need to stay and rebuild the community. After he incorporates the increases to level and Rank and claims his rewards, they will become the Lord and Lady. These herd lands will become pastures and lakes claimed and known as Herd Blayney.

"Alma and Briano are young, not yet having reached the age to complete Ascension. I know my Rank and Level aren't high, but I would like to join your House," he said.

"Why would you want to leave your parents and this community?" I wondered.

"The reasons remain the same as when we originally left. Although Kelpie have the innate abilities to tend the land and waters, there are a few that are more intimately tied to our original purpose. To travel, learn, and grow.

"Belisama's original mandate still calls to a few of us to branch out and attempt to fulfill that original intent. She created a race to broker peace, a race of ambassadors, and for some of us, that desire still exists. Peace-brokers can only flourish if they learn the cultures, bigotries, and motivations that foster feuds and rivalries.

"I have trained my skills and abilities to enhance those abilities that are most suitable in forwarding Belisama's goals. Journeyman Level Statesman, Journeyman Level Diplomacy, and Journeyman Level Negotiations.

"I admit that my training is incomplete, but I would ask that you accept me into your House and consider me when and if you establish your own fiefdom or kingdom as Potentate. You will be needing skilled statesmen. I hope I can upgrade my skills and learn, leveling those skills.

"I have seen your worth. You chose to protect the innocent and vulnerable. You trust that those with you are capable and intelligent enough to understand their own limits. You understand when to help, more importantly, when not too. That ability is crucial for any good leader.

"I would serve. Not out of obligation or duty, but out of true affection and respect," he promised. "It seems to me that you are surrounding yourself with talent and people that are young, those that have not been inured into the constraints and paths of history and precedence.

"Cedric. Uron. Lohne. They are all young. None have faced true loss or disillusionment yet. All are still open to fresh ideas and innovative thinking. I would offer my services into this pool of fresh young talent.

"Please, Your Highness. If I remain here, something, some part of my soul will atrophy, and that yearning to grow, to embrace Belisama's path will die."

I knew he was going to make the offer. The System reward for protecting the children had hinted towards this result. But I was happy to find that his decision to join my House was something he aspired to. I would have refused the offer if I felt he was being coerced or manipulated by his family or System.

The fact that he had skills that would come in handy, that he had goals and plans that would seamlessly mesh with my own, and that he was perceptive enough to notice that I was attempting to surround myself with young bright talents and minds made my decision to accept his offer easy.