
"As early as it is, people," I said deciding to interject myself into the conversation, "what are the plans for getting this cluster fu… I mean, this mess sorted, and the day organized?"

"The front desk has compiled a list of names and contact information from anyone that was brave enough to actually inquire about you," Brianne answered.

"They are willing to loan staff to escort applicants to the conference room. They also have agreed to supply signs and notices to post your contact information and details so that private inquiries can be made.

"I've supplied the contact information from the business enterprise you established yesterday," she informed me.

"I have a compiled a list of names, ranks, and skillsets from people that have already gathered and will continue to update the list. There are enough applicants to keep you busy for the next day or two, depending on how many of these people you intend to interview," she continued.

"I've informed the front desk that there will be no minimum rank requirement when applicants inquire and apply for a position, and that includes those Ranked at the commoner level and below. They agreed to allow Ranked peon's access, in fact, they seemed rather delighted by the novelty."

"Of course, they were," Jennie said, "My family has always placed more importance on deeds and actions than Rank and levels. We have long memories. We remember when attempts were made to force us into positions of servitude because of our nature. We refuse to treat others as we had been treated."

"I plan on reaching out to Lord Kel's people today about the issues we discussed," Henry informed me.

"Please add contacting Grandmaster Percival as a priority to your list, Henry," I suggested. "He was the tailor I used to design my heraldic device, so give him first right of refusal in supplying uniforms for anyone I decide to hire or absorb within my House."

"Cedric," I directed while the tailor was the topic of conversation, "get with Percival. If he agrees, have him create appropriate tunics and overlays with my House emblems and colors on them for you. I'm not sure how fast he can get things crafted, but I'd like at least to see you outfitted appropriately."

"By the way, what level are you now? How close to reaching Knight Rank?"

"I reached Squire level 10 after the battle in the Summerlands," Cedric informed me, pride evident in his words and his expression.

"Caraid, how do I promote him to Knight? He is my vassal so I should be able to, right?"

[Blood makes the crops grow.]

[It's not just an expression. The Sidhe have based ritual on the life-giving properties of blood and fertility. You need to slice your palms and his. By clasping hands, you establish a connection.]

[Share and mingle blood, then extend your will through the blood link. Just a small push of intent will set off a chain reaction and force a level up. His Rank will increase immediately from Squire to Knight. Leveling up between Ranks in this manner doesn't require the meditation process.]

Acting on my newly acquired knowledge, I withdrew a dagger from spatial holding, before moving to stand in front of Cedric, "What an appropriate way to start this new day and our new adventure, give me your hand, Cedric," I commanded.

Unsure of my intention, he trustingly offered me his left hand. Holding it steadily, I made a quick slash, opening a shallow wound, almost before he could react, I released his hand to make an identical slash on my left hand. I once again clasped his hand, mingling our blood, and as I did so, I began to channel intent. No words were necessary to complete the process, but I felt somehow compelled to give voice to meaning.

"True worth is in being, not seeming,

In doing, each day that goes by,

Some little good - not in dreaming

Of great things to do by and by.

For whatever men say in their blindness,

And in spite of the fancies of youth,

There's nothing so kingly as kindness,

And nothing so royal as truth."

I'd like to take credit for the words, and in this Universe perhaps they would be credited to me, but in truth, the words were a symbolic representation of what true nobility should be and were authored by the poet Alice Cary back on Earth.

I found them auspicious. And felt they gave meaning and direction to what I hoped my House would become. I decided to embrace the words as my House Motto.

Cedric fell to his knees, our hands still clasped, his hand spasming and clenching with mine sporadically as my intent began the chain reaction to transform and elevate him. A blinding light radiated corybantic energy as the transformative process began and ended.

The look on his face was not one of pain. Ranking up appeared more euphoric than painful, which explained why the process for leveling was delayed. He was helpless in his ecstasy, the experience orgasmic and miraculous. Participating and witnessing his experience was awe-inspiring and both

Henry and Brianne began to cry tears of joy, as they stood witness to his elevation.

[Cedric has been promoted to Knight Rank.]

[Vassals – 1 : Knight Rank - 1]

[Reputation with Cedric V'Mac has increased - Reputation has reached esteemed]

[Reputation with Brianne Waite has increased - Reputation has reached friendly]

[Reputation with Basil Henry has increased - Reputation has reached friendly]

His countenance transformed into one of gratitude, Cedric slowly regained his feet.

"Your Highness," he began, "you do me a great honor by elevating my Rank with no stipulations or demands. I have pledged myself to you, but your actions have demonstrated a nobility of spirit and kindness that few aspire too. I am not sure why you have bestowed this honor on me and my family, but we will repay kindness with steadfastness."

Releasing my hand, he stepped back to bow deeply, genuflecting in recognition of the honor and reverence he held for my actions, not a sign of subservience or kowtowing.

The wounds on our hands had healed, the blood consumed by his elevation. But a faint white scar remained, a permanent testament to my action. It seemed a suitable reminder, the perfection and flawless nature of Seelie and Unseelie accented by a fine scar.

As I elevated others, these scars would crisscross and build a road map and document, an evolving testament that documented the history of those rewarded with elevation.

"Well," I joked trying to lighten the mood in the room, "I guess I need to give you a raise now."

Brianne and Henry looked at me in horror, before realizing I was joking. Cedric was the first to laugh, but it set off the rest of us and soon the four of us were laughing until tears streamed down our faces. It was a nice way to break the tension and ground us.

"Seriously though, we should discuss wages," I said after I finally managed to gain control of myself. "An elevation in rank should include a pay increase, shouldn't it?"

"Really?" Brianna asked.

"Did Lord Kel not even bother explaining the relationship between Vassals and their Liege?" Henry sputtered aghast.

"I don't work for you," Cedric informed me, his face transformed from one of pleasure and wonder to embarrassment.

"I am your Vassal.

"You can reward me with lands, arms, or items, but as far as monies go, I and all Vassals tithe their liege lord's 10 percent of their earnings. That includes those earnings for any individuals they may accept as vassals in their own right. Further, income from lands requires a tithe of 5 percent.

"It is one of the ways higher Ranked earn capital to expand," Cedric explained.

"You also have the right to levy people that have settled Vassal's lands to your flag during times of conflict."

[This is one of the reasons you need capable advisers, to guide and explain the nuances of your Rank. You should know this, Lord Kel did, in fact, instruct me in these matters. For now, explain it off as a possible memory loss,] Caraid suggested.

"Oh." I said agreeing to Caraid's plan, "I'm not sure if Lord Kel's discussions ever included Vassals. I've noticed there are several holes in my memory, lately."

Basil and Cedric seemed relieved once I explained my memory issues. It was as if they'd been worried that I hadn't exhibited any problems from my ascension. I didn't try to understand their relief, I just accepted it because memory loss allowed for a perfect excuse and enabled me to camouflage my own mistakes. Any idiosyncrasies they may notice in future would be attributed to my ongoing problems with my memory.

The next few hours and were mundane. Tedious and monotonous, anti-climactic after Cedric's elevation. But necessary.