Ring Upgrade

It had taken me a few seconds to get my bearings and re-orientate myself to reality. The System menus had not only jarred me out of meditation, but it had also broken my connection to the ring. The sudden shift in perspective had my stomach churning as I broke out in a cold sweat.

It did allow me to recognize that Ring had settings that allowed me to adjust System notifications so they could be delayed. I was uncertain if turning off notifications while in the ring, was a smart idea, but I decided against it. Even as uncomfortable as the transition between realities had been, it didn't make sense to completely disable notifications.

If I thought of it as a safety measure, a way to be certain I exited the training space, it could be useful. I found a feature that allowed me to set alerts. After a bit of fine-tuning and tweaking, I'd modified notifications and assigned them a priority. Those I deemed high priority would continue to function, the rest would be disabled.

It wasn't a bad idea to exit the training space after leveling up, and there were a few other security concerns I toggled on while adjusting the Rings settings. The more I played with the Rings functionality, the more impressed I became.

I was able to assign storage space by type and category. Armor, Weapons, Clothing, all separated by type, rank, and level. Clothing and armor combinations set to fast change settings that allowed me to easily swap in and out, equipping seamlessly.

Perishables, gems, and crafting materials were each categorized, and a list of items was compiled that included a search feature.

Finally, a function to add House members and give them access rights to the training space was made available. The settings were tier-based, with an option for me to upgrade by upgrading the binding with the use of semen.

Once I'd configured the Ring and saved the new settings, I took the time, before falling asleep, to analyze and ponder the data I'd discovered during the day, and the information the trainer had imparted.

My mind finally shut down, and I fell into a dreamless sleep, exhausted from the day's events, my body and mind blissfully unaware and taking the opportunity to rest and recuperate.

Technically I was at full health. But a new world. A new life. And killing for the first time had assaulted my mental fortifications.

I needed time to decompress and just be.

The sound of dishes clanking and voices in the next room slowly seeped into my awareness the next morning until finally the last vestiges of sleep gave way. I stretched luxuriously, amazed at how much better I felt after just one night's sleep. A quick mental scan helped me to more fully understand the changes leveling up had made to my body. My strength may have only increased incrementally, from 12 to 12.2, but I was unquestionably stronger.

Additionally, my reaction speeds had increased, and my thought processes seemed just that much faster and clearer. Leveling up had changed me. The decision to invest in agility and intellect had been a gamble on my part. This was my first level up, and I hadn't been certain how much difference I would be able to notice.

I was just that much more.

My movement, my thought process. The changes were noteworthy.

Heading to the restroom to answer the call of nature and begin my day I was happy to note that hot showers felt as good no matter what universe you were in. Dispensers for soap and shampoos were the same built in to the shower enclosure, the loofah hanging from a hook was exceptionally familiar. It made sense, convenience was paramount, and there really was only so many ways you could configure an en suite.

As I bathed, I considered my dreamless night. I had killed yesterday. My body had reacted each time, but my emotions seemed deadened. I had no nightmares, no real remorse.

I wasn't numb, compartmentalizing the events, or suppressing the serious and horrifying results of my actions.

I cared that I had to kill. I cared more that I seemed not to regret those killings.

I didn't believe my moral compass had changed that drastically. I still knew that murder was wrong. But what I had done wasn't murder, but self-defense. If I hadn't been attacked, then I wouldn't have responded. Perhaps I was rationalizing, but I truly seemed to be at peace with my actions, and yesterday's events.

The toilets were interesting; they didn't have any plumbing or use water to dispose of waste, instead, enchantments existed that functioned in place of running water. The functionality translated well.

It was interesting to note that Seelie/Unseelie males experienced the same morning physiological response as human males when they first woke. I took matters in hand and remedied the situation like so many men have before. And to not let that experience go to waste, I made sure to upgrade the binding on the Ring to the next tier using the spilled semen.

It was messy, but these things so often are. And at least I was in the shower.

Examining my chin in the mirror, I was happy to note that my face was as smooth and fresh today as it had been yesterday. It looked like shaving wouldn't be an issue, and that beards, mustaches, sideburns, and body hair were a thing of the past.

I had mixed emotions about that.

I was happy to be spared the daily chore, but I'd had a beard in my previous life that I was proud of. It seemed there was no way to disguise my youthful appearance. I wouldn't be using a beard to hide behind. But I wouldn't have to worry about nose or ear hair either.

I'd stored all the clothing Grandmaster Percival had created for me, and used the wardrobe option in the Ring, so deciding on something to wear for the day was easy. I went with something comfortable and familiar. Shirt and slacks.

I made a mental note to remind Henry to contact Percival and commission appropriate uniforms for staff, guard, and Vassals.

I thought it might be an interesting experiment to find out if I could introduce jeans. A well-fitting, comfortable pair of jeans suited my style much more than the elegant and refined masterworks Percival had supplied me with. It did dawn on me to find out if he'd been paid for the clothing, he'd supplied, but shrugged it off adding it to my mental checklist for something that we should discuss when we met to discuss my new requirements.

Jennie was the first to greet me as I made my way into the main room. Brianne, Henry, and Cedric were huddled together scrolling through holographic crystal projections, working to coordinate the day's schedule.

System: Time informed me it was barely 6:00 in the morning, and these three looked as if they'd already been up and working for hours. Although I was impressed with their dedication, I was also worried that they might be attempting to do too much too quickly.

The only solution to that was to get more help.

Hopefully, before they burned out or collapsed in exhaustion. Which gave rise to the question of healing spells, and their efficacy and ability to work on exhaustion. Did potions that increased stamina regeneration or healing even exist? It seemed unlikely considering the phenomenal restorative and regenerative properties of even the lowest Ranked Sidhe.

"Good morning everyone," I greeted everyone before moving to the dining room table to break my fast.

"Jennie, it's not that I'm unhappy to see you, but I'm surprised your clan can spare you again this morning."

"I've made arrangements with the clan. They know I will be joining you," Jennie declared. "I've discussed the matter with Henry, and he's agreed that I would make a formidable Head of Kitchen."

Her face beamed with pride and expectation certain that I would be happy that she was joining me.

I should have tried to dissuade her, I knew being around me might be dangerous, and that it was safer to refuse her service. But I couldn't. Mainly because Caraid loved and trusted her so much. But additionally, because if I let my suspicions and worry about danger dictate my decisions, I wouldn't engage any staff or Vassals.

This world was too big and too confusing, for me to attempt to go it alone.

"I'm so happy," I told Jennie, reaching down to give her a tight hug, "thank you for this. I know how hard it must be to decide to leave kin and clan."

"Not entirely. There are a few newly Ascended youngsters that have a bit of the wanderlust and would seek a new home and hearth. A prep-cook and maid," she replied returning my hug before heading towards the kitchen.

I eavesdropped on the conversation going on in the other room as I finished eating. There was an argument developing, mainly about what duty I owed Lord Kel. Henry rightly pointed out that I had been a ward of Lord Kel's, and should acknowledge that obligation, no matter how spurious and hesitant Lord Kel has met his own obligations. He pointed out that as a Prince, I should be above petty affronts and revenge.

Cedric was adamant that I no longer owed Lord Kel any type of filial obligations, rather Lord Kel had neglected his responsibilities and allowed his son to bully me until the attempted murder attempt. If he'd acted steadfastly and assuredly from the beginning, instead of reluctantly supplying the bare minimum, then Thom might not have abused and broken kin and guest rights.

I agreed with Cedric but decided not to interfere in their discussion. I wanted to see how they brokered a solution that both sides were satisfied with.

I was happy with how they were relating to each other.

Egos and expectations seemed to not be part of the debate. Just honest give and take until a consensus was reached. They acknowledged that it might be disrespectful to meet with and host small intimate dinner discussions with those Royals and Ranked that were hoping to meet with me, but I had made my opinion about Lord Kel public.

I outranked him, and it was no longer necessary for me to worry about his reputation. I shouldn't plan to intentionally go out of my way to insult him, but I was under no obligation to restore his honor and reputation.

Small, quiet, dignified dinner meetings over the next few days.

Discrete discussions to ferret out how people were responding to System's broadcast of my circumstances, and to gauge the feasibility of negotiating alliances and friendships were acceptable. I was astonished at how adept and knowledgeable both Cedric and Henry seemed to be on the topic of politics and how insightful they were about hidden motivations and behind the scene maneuvering.