Dangling bits

Following Squire Cedric to the Gold chambers that had been set aside for Percival to take measurements was short and uneventful. I didn't attempt to catalog items, architecture, or directions as we traversed the hallways. I really was exhausted, and hungry, so ignored my surroundings completely.

Dying, being reborn, killing and the need to clean and pack the detritus of the degenerate Knight Thom would exhaust anyone.

Percival was almost vibrating with excitement at the chance to let his creative abilities free reign and fashion Masterclass clothing for a Ranked Prince. We'd no sooner entered the room I'd been assigned when he began rubbing his hands together gleefully.

I wasn't certain why a tailor so highly Ranked would choose to settle down and craft in such an out of the way province. He probably had valid reasons, but my imagination decided he was a lover spurned and had retired to Kel fief to lick his wounds and heal a broken heart.

"If you would disrobe please, I'll get your measurements," Percival said interrupting my musings. "His Lordship has stressed the importance of presenting the best image possible and that time is of the essence."

Body image had always been a problem for me. When you are overweight, getting naked in front of other people is not the most comfortable feeling. I began disrobing reluctantly before I finally realized that this body was nothing like my former. Tall, lithe, muscles, even a six-pack. I certainly had nothing to be ashamed of, I wondered if all Seelie were so well endowed.

I wasn't wearing an undershirt, but the briefs I had on were the same I might find on Earth. Elastic band, the pouch in the front, short style, not boxers. Silky texture, almost like a pair of latex exercise shorts. And a vivid hue of green. They were the most garish color I'd ever worn. I asked that a dozen sets of underclothing be included as part of my order, in whites and blacks.

"I won't be able to outfit you with a complete wardrobe by tonight. But if you give me a week, certainly, we can create something not only suitable but fashionable."

"That is fine," I agreed, "as long as you have something for me to wear for tonight's banquet, you can deliver when you are ready."

"I should inform you, your presentation clothing, what you wear for your introduction to their Majesties, has to conform to specific guidelines and can only be crafted by Royal tailors in the capital. Dame Blair will have more knowledge about what's expected for that."

"You're a Masterclass tailor, shouldn't you have the skills to create presentation clothing?" I wondered.

"In this case, it isn't about skill, it's about royal warrants. The tailors in the capital have been granted exclusive warrants to craft those garments. It's not that I or other tailors don't have the ability, we don't have the authority," Percival explained.

The tailors that had been awarded warrants probably paid licensing fees. Or bribes. But the garments themselves shouldn't be in high demand. How often was one required to present themselves before the Monarchs?

Percival was efficient as well as quick. I think it took me longer to undress than it did for him to get the measurements he needed. Once finished, he excused himself and left quickly, making clear in his opinion, as well as actions, that protocols and manners were secondary to genius and crafting.

He was kind enough to let me get a robe on before opening and slamming the door in my face. He did pause long enough to bellow through the closed door that I should see about footwear when I had time, I guess the shoes I was wearing were reprehensible and would not be acceptable to showcase and accent the clothing he planned on fashioning.

I wasn't sure I would have the time before tonight's banquet. Certainly not the time to have something hand-crafted. I'd have to visit this worlds version of a Mall at some point and buy ready wear. I probably should have considered that option for under-garments, instead of asking a Masterclass tailor to bother.

Squire Cedric, Commoner Ril, and Commoner Gil and I looked at each other in amusement before I gestured, "Looks like we need to make a stop to purchase shoes.

"I'm not sure there is enough time in the day for all that needs to be accomplished before tonight's dinner," I mourned. "Ril. Gil. Inform the Majordomo that we will be leaving the palace after our discussion and tour with Dame Blair to do some shopping.

"It shouldn't take long, and if there is time, I'd like to visit an armor dealer. Nothing I own fits anymore."

[Reputation with Kel guard faction increased 100 points]

I wonder what I did to deserve a faction increase? Was it sharing the joke amongst ourselves, or expediting and facilitating their duties by letting them know of my plans?

"Caraid," I thought to my spirit companion, "have you noticed I seem to know information I shouldn't? Like just now. How did I know shoes were probably massed produced, but armor needs to be created by a specialist?"

[Maybe it has something to do with our past life memories not being removed.]

[You do seem to be displaying more and more of the common knowledge of this world, things people just take as given knowledge, things you would have experienced, and you should know as part of growing up.]

[I have noticed I can easily access and gain knowledge of your past life as well. Perhaps the error that allowed us to retain our memories has some bleed over effects and we will just absorb knowledge from each other the longer we are together.]

It made as much sense as anything else. And realistically, it didn't really matter how it was happening, I was just glad it was. It would take forever to get anything accomplished if I had to continuously ask Caraid to explain even the simplest most common-sense tasks.

Maybe I should just look at it as another skill, like daggers. I hadn't tried using a weapon, or the associated skill set, but my skills tab said I had that knowledge, including knowledge that Caraid hadn't had. So perhaps Skill: Common-Sense existed. If it did, I was awarding myself 10,000 experience points in a bout of self-congratulations.

Tabling any further discussion, I informed Cedric, Gil, and Ril of my plans to sleep, before heading towards a luxuriously appointed bed. They left, closing the door silently behind them, and I allowed myself to collapse.

[You should set a crystal to ward and wake you before you sleep.] Caraid suggested.

"A what?"

[On the bedside table. The yellow crystal. Imbue it with a bit of magic, it will open a display prompt that includes an alarm function and the warding rune. You can set it to wake you, and an energy field that will give you some warning if broken or crossed.]

Sending a bit of magic into the crystal, I found drop-down menus that allowed me to interact and accomplish the tasks Caraid had suggested. The alarm clock feature was digital and holographic. A small hourglass was projected that visually represented how much time was left before the alarm would wake me.

The ward had multiple settings and ranged from standard to high quality. The magic required to initiate each setting increased substantially by rank. And only those persons with high magical strength would have the ability to use the highest setting. I had the strength and decided to use this setting, to test the effects.

Other than increase my fatigue level, I didn't notice any change. There was no emptying of mana pools or depleting magic stockpiles. It tested to see if I met the requirement for magic strength, once satisfied I did, it simply activated.

I think I fell asleep instantly. Waking from my nap, I felt more alert. The ennui that had accumulated as the day progressed finally gone. I'd not had time to dream, and my mind had ignored the countless details I should be obsessing over.

Opening a few connecting doors, I discovered a sitting room, dining room, restroom, and a wardrobe. A quick wash and search through my Spacial bags forced me to confront a problem. I really had nothing to wear. I was a foot taller than Caraid had been and had been traipsing around the keep and palace in ill-fitting, shorts and shirt.

Thankfully the wardrobe had clothing, I had no idea whose, but they would do. There was an assortment, all exceptionally crafted and of high quality, there was enough to allow me to find a few things to wear. Although not specifically tailored for me, the items I selected did a passable job and was certainly preferable to the clothes I'd been wearing.

Refreshed and more confident now that I wasn't in danger of having my dangling bits falling out and becoming exposed, and happy to find that my dangling bits looked and worked as I'd hoped, I found Squire Cedric posted outside my door. "Cedric, if you would have someone inform Dame Blair that I'm available, I'd appreciate it."

I'd barely completed the sentence when I felt myself being tackled and my body-slammed to the ground.