
With Ril leading the way and Gil protecting my flank, the passage eventually ended at a stairwell. The door at the top of the stairs opened into a foyer. It was the first bit of architecture and design that differed from the stark realities and stone slabs that made up the keep.

They had painted the walls in this room a pale blue, accented with a soft eggshell white wainscoting. There was no furniture, but a crystal chandelier and wall sconces shone brightly to illuminate the area.

The room had one exit, opening directly across from the underground passage; the door protected by a pair of guards. I didn't recognize the weapons they were using. It almost looked like a blend of rifle and yari, a Japanese style spear. Their weapons were crossed, barring anyone from entering.

They seemed well trained as they stood there, offering no greeting or challenge, simply standing at attention, staring directly ahead, their weapons and intentions obvious. They could have been automatons for all the life and movement I was capable of detecting. They would have reacted to our presence and challenged us were it not for the fact that there were also three other people waiting in the room.

Dressed luxuriously, brocaded tunics, embroidered with Lord Kel's House Crest, gold and silver accents of jewelry, items, and clothing worn with an ostentatiousness that was provincial and reminiscent of something the novae rich would wear.

It was easy to recognize that the three were of a higher level and rank than the guards. They made sure their status was apparent in the clothing and trappings of power they wore. Two men and one woman, all of whom bowed in greeting, as I studied them.

Their bows seemed more artful, trying to convey meaning behind each movement. Hands opening and closing in a syncretic performance that was meant to please the recipient. I'm sure there was actually meaning to each movement, and they had researched and executed the respect my Rank required.

At least their attitude wasn't dismissive or perfunctory like Lord Kel's had been.

"Your Highness," the man in the middle said, speaking for each of them, "welcome to Ambassador Palace. I am Majordomo Calum Tulley a Knight in service to Lord Kel," the heavy chain that was draped around his shoulders culminating in a series of keys reflected his position.

That chain and those keys were a tangible symbol that represented his position and power. He literally had the keys to the castle around his neck. Still, he exuded a shrewdness and intelligence that would have established his position even without the symbols of office.

"Allow me to introduce the gentleman, Grandmaster Percival, Lord Kel's personal master tailor. Lord Kel has asked Grandmaster Percival to make himself available on your behalf.

"The young lady is Dame Blair, a protocol instructor, well versed in Royal prerogatives, responsibilities, and duties. Lord Kel felt she might be beneficial.

"My Lord realizes time is short and there may be some confusion and after-effects from the ascension, but if you feel up to it, it would honor him to host a banquet for you this evening. He would like to introduce you as a newly Ascended Prince to Ranked members of House Kel.

"If that would be acceptable?"

The tailor was a stuffy fastidious man, honestly, he couldn't have been more stereotypical perfect if they had cast him for the role. Hair slicked back without a strand out of place, his only imperfection, if I could classify it an imperfection was the difference in eye color. One a brilliant blue, the other reflective of gold.

Dame Blair was likewise flawless. Brown skin tones, raven hair cascading in waves, and blue eyes that reflected a youth and freshness the two gentlemen lacked. They all looked young. In fact, I hadn't met a person yet that looked older than 25 or 30. Probably a side effect of practical immortality.

It was hard to estimate age, perhaps there were small clues, minute details of dress and jewelry that individuals wore that would help establish an age range. They often based clothing choice on comfort and style a person grew up wearing. Other than denoting position, power, and accomplishments, those small idiosyncrasies might help. But until I had more time to chat with Caraid, I was oblivious to their existence or how to recognize what fashion may have been popular during that era.

"Your Highness, Lord Kel informed me of your arrival and directed my staff and me to make ourselves personally and immediately available," Grandmaster Percival said.

"His Lordship informed us that you will be traveling to the capital to be presented to their Majesties? And would need an entire wardrobe designed and crafted before you began your journey."

"I admit I was unfamiliar with the Beleros bloodline. It has been a least a thousand years since the last known Beleros' descendant served, so I will need to do some research into crests, emblems, and heraldic devices, but Beleros' influence is well known. As the God of Sun and Healing, your colors should include oranges, reds, greens, yellows, or blues.

"Do you have a preference?" He asked.

"Not really," I replied, "Maybe keep the theme of fire like my hair and eyes?

"Is there a heraldic device reserved for retainers of the Beleros bloodline? I'd like a device that could be embroidered into tunics, cloaks, and pocket squares, and allow those who serve, to be easily recognized."

"When I research any existing crests, I will also try to discover if House emblems exist," Percival promised.

"If there isn't one, design one with the Sun in a starburst pattern. Perhaps share the design with armorers so that leatherworkers can include the emblem."

"Creating a heraldic design for your house is one of the royal prerogatives you now hold," Dame Blair interrupted her voice and countenance differing vastly from Grandmaster Percival.

She radiated the same shrewdness and intelligence that the Majordomo projected. Yet, somehow my sense was that she was much younger than the others, some small inflections pinging my perception that suggested she had recently attained her majority. It was apparent that she was a determined, astute, and insightful woman, perhaps even, that she felt she had something to prove.

I wondered if sexist attitudes carried over to this realm.

"You might consider a structural framework for the device so that ranks and levels for retainers can be easily recognized. Perhaps a border in differing metals that coincide with a person's rank?" Blair suggested.

"Easily done," Percival agreed. "If the Belenos family already has devices registered, then it will still be possible to implement the emblem you suggested as your personal device. I will also search the crystal net to make sure the sun with a starburst pattern does not conflict or infringe on other family standards.

"I don't foresee any real problems, but if one exists, I am sure I can modify your suggestion."

"The device will also need to serve as his seal," Dame Blair reminded Percival, "so make sure the details aren't so onerous that no metalworker or jeweler can reproduce the crest."

"Is it possible to have an outfit created and ready for a banquet tonight? I realize crests, seals, and jewelry may be a stretch, but clothing, simple and elegant should be possible, shouldn't it?" I wondered.

"Of course, Your Highness. Once we get your measurements, we will begin construction at once. I will have sample patterns for your heraldic device in time for you to make a decision and include that device on a tunic and cloak."

"In that case," I said addressing Majordomo Calum, "inform Lord Kel and his staff that I will make myself available for dinner this evening."

"Thank you, your highness. His lordship will be pleased.

"Squire Cedric," he said directing our attention to a young man waiting patiently outside the room. "Escort his highness and Grandmaster Percival to the gold chambers,"

"Your Highness, once Sir Percival has taken your measurements, perhaps Dame Blair might escort you and familiarize you with the palace. The two of you can discuss what protocol lessons you may require, if any, at that time?"

"Dame Blair?" I said acknowledging Calum's suggestion, "if you wouldn't mind postponing for an hour or so. The day's events have been fortuitous and exhausting. I find myself weary and would like to relax for a while and refresh myself after today's events."

"After a short nap, I would be pleased to walk the Palace halls with you. Perhaps we can discuss protocol and the need for lessons over tea, once the tour is concluded?" I finished.

"Of course, Your Highness.

"Simply direct one of the staff members to notify me when you are available. I have cleared the next several days of duty, to free up my time so that I may be available when your schedule allows.