
I searched the room, trying to figure out why I could hear the conversation between Lady Patricia and Lord Kel. It wasn't until I examined the lights above a display rack, that I discovered a series of embedded crystals.

Thom had installed listening devices. He had the audacity to bug his parents' chambers. There were a dozen crystals, so there was no telling where else he might have placed these devices. I wondered briefly why the device had activated and decided it was simply a fortuitous sequence of events.

The energies I used when activating my perception, combined with my physical interaction as I examined items that had been placed on the rack, must have triggered the device.

"Where is Thom now?" Lady Patricia demanded.

"I've had a few trusted men escort him to the Winter Estate. It will keep him out of sight until Odharc is dealt with," Lord Kel said.

"You should start using his new name. It wouldn't do to slip up the next time you meet.

"And we definitely need to decide how to deal with him. Where have you done with the new Prince?"

"I left him in Thom's room. I had to follow protocol and allow him to claim Thom's possessions, but I didn't have to gather and hand them to him. He should be wading through the accumulated detritus and junk that has found its way to Thom's quarters.

"It's probably the first time the room has gotten a cleaning in years. And who better suited than a bastard hybrid Prince?" Lord Kel said gloating.

"You really are an idiot, aren't you? I think some of your proclivities have destroyed one or two brain cells too many," Lady Patricia sneered.

"What's wrong with letting him clear Thom's room?"

"We both know Thom is not that intelligent. We have been able to easily influence his actions for decades. So. Do you think he might just happen to have left clues hanging around his room? Clues that might shed light on some of the illegal activities he has been engaging in?

"And if those activities are discovered. Anyone with half a brain is going to wonder who else is involved.

"The chances this new Prince will link us to Thom are remote. I admit you've done an admirable job of walking that fine line between duty and neglect when it comes to dealing with the little bastard.

"But even a small chance of discovery would ruin plans that have taken years to set in motion.

"You know just how difficult it has been to create even the few inconsistencies in System that we've managed. We are too close to the final phase for anything or anyone to interfere."

"What should I do about the Prince? Stop him from searching Thom's room?"

"No. It's too late for that. We will just have to hope, and if he does discover anything, plead ignorance.

"Really. Why did Thom need to pick this moment to settle petty jealousies?" Lady Patricia huffed in exasperation.

Lord Kel's response went unheard as the sounds of the door to their chamber opening and closing was transmitted via crystal.

[I knew Lady Patricia hated me. But I did think Lord Kel at least tolerated my existence.] Caraid said.

[That aside. It is troubling to me that there appears to be some hidden and ongoing conspiracy that is behind everything. Probably even Thom's decision to deal with me. And I don't think I can shed much light on who or what. I have always been too isolated. Ignored. I wouldn't even know where to start to untangle the web of lies and plots that Lady Patricia may be spinning.]

'I wonder what they are planning, that they are so worried that we might discover and disrupt.'

[I'm afraid we are going to find out. Hopefully, before it's too late to do anything about it.] Caraid said worriedly.

[We might want to get out of this room. You don't have any idea how to deactivate the listening devices, so it would be prudent to not be around when somebody else discovers their existence.]

[I have a feeling those crystals are going to cause Thom some real problems.]

'Speaking of.

'Lord Kel lied to me. He broke faith, didn't he?

'He made a System accepted declaration that Thom was disinherited and banished.

'How is he managing to break his oath?' I asked as I exited Thom's 'treasure room' adjusting the tapestry to once more conceal the hidden partition.

[He hasn't lied or broken Oath. The Winter Estate isn't part of Kel Fief, it's a small estate located in Daoine city. The family uses it when they need to attend Duke A'Daoine's court. So technically he has been banished from the Fief.]

[As for disinheriting. He never swore he would disinherit Thom for all time. I'm sure once you are out of the picture, a local System broadcast will inform the citizens of his demesnes that Thom has been reinstated.]

'And Thom's lost Rank?'

[What Lord Kel takes away, Lady Patricia can restore.]

[I would be surprised if he wasn't re-invested with the Rank of Knight within days.]

The Sidhe ability to disseminate and obfuscate was legion. They were known as tricksters, and although they did not lie, often, they certainly could mislead.

Looking around Thom's main room, I moved to the pile of fallen and protruding dross that had escaped when I opened the door. I really didn't want to deal with his filth but thought it made sense to at least make an attempt. If Lord Kel or Lady Patricia did return to check on my progress, digging through the trash would satisfy their prurient sensibilities.

The hybrid-bastard Prince was dealing with trash, something he was well-suited for.

It took me over an hour to even make a dent in the debris. Finally, I had enough. I found little worth the trouble. Most of it was neglected or broken items that had long sensed been used. Thom really did seem to be a hoarder, incapable of discarding anything that he had used or owned.

When I found the first bit of decaying and discarded food, I'd had enough. Someone else could sort through the rest of this mess.

Returning my attention to Thom's bedroom, I considered the artwork. Eventually, I decided not to bother and left the paintings and tapestries as well as any furniture that might have sold.

They had value, the paintings and tapestries probably worth a fortune, but they would have just cluttered up my inventory. And taken work and the time to find buyers that could afford them or would risk Lady Patricia's wrath displaying them.

Not knowing how much gems, power stones, potions, or enchanted gear sold for I wasn't sure if I'd made smart choices with my selections or if I should have just grabbed a painting or two and left everything else behind. I figured it didn't really matter, with the gold SYSTEM had created for me, I had enough to buy armor and weapons, and I could probably barter and trade some of the heavy armor I'd grabbed for something more lightweight.

The en suite I ignored completely, after my encounter with the wardrobe, I was afraid of what I might find in there. That left one final room. A room that left me blushing and embarrassed.

Whips, restraints, sex toys that were obviously used in some kind of poor Marquis de Sade imitation that certainly encouraged sexual activity that relied heavily on Sado-masochism. I refused to enter the room. I didn't think this world had anti-bacterial soap, and if it did, there wasn't enough to remove the bits of blood and body fluids that permeated that room, just looking in the room made me want to scrub my eyes.

Finally, the outer room was a bit more organized than when I'd entered. I decided I was finished. I'd spent hours cataloging, separating, and discovering the bits of the minutia that made up Thom's personality. I'd tried to sort and separate as I searched, but I still felt sorry for whoever was responsible for clearing and cleaning this mess.

Heading out the door I motioned for the guard. "I'm done here."

"Yes, Your Highness," the guard said snapping to attention.

"Lord Kel has left instructions. Commoners Ril and Gil have been assigned as your personal bodyguards," he continued as he motioned towards the two men. "They will escort you to the Ambassador's palace if you have any requests the Seneschal and staff have been instructed to give any aid possible."

Following Gil, Ril taking up a position behind, they soon lead me up a flight of stairs. I was surprised. Lord Kel had mentioned moving me to the Ambassador's Palace, so heading back up to third-floor living spaces didn't make much sense.

That is until they opened a hidden passage that led down.

The path to my new quarters was convoluted. Only to be expected since the person's that make use of these rooms were high leveled dignitaries. I was surprised that we didn't have to exit the keep but an underground tunnel had been constructed to facilitate travel between the two structures.

I'm sure this network of tunnels and passages improved security, but it made me wonder if this tunnel hadn't been constructed because some visiting royal hadn't wanted to get their clothing wet or muddied when it rained.

It was convenient. But really? A secret passage in a castle? How cliché.