[Font of Tuatha de Danann]

The Sithern began adding gems of every variety to the flowing river of metal that was taking shape. Diamonds so brilliant as to rival the stars were added to the cloak the Cyronax image was wearing, giving him the illusion of wearing the void seeded with constellations. Sapphires of every hue were used to make the tri-colored eyes for each of the Gods.

Flowers and leaves adorned the pedestal made of gems and precious metals. [Beleros' Aura] was banked, his fire contained within a hearth that Danu tended. The warmth radiating from that fire held pack the individual snowflakes, each geometric shape unique and transformative.

As the snowflake landed against that shield of warmth that radiated outward from the hearth that Danu blessed, they began to transform, changing into a demi-fey of snow and flesh. Individual wings were created to mirror the unique snowflake they were formed from. These tiny people held some of the glamour of their wisp brethren, flickering lights of blue, red, and silver.

As I molded the liquid metal, some of the Silinium I had donated to create the statue had sublimated into the air. The particles, once released, were collected, and used as the center of each flake. That tiny particle of metal became the epi-center where ice would nucleate. This merging of liquid and metal, this snowflake wing formation, was blessed by Danu. It gave life to a Demi-fey; they were as much tinsel and energy as flesh and blood.

The Yeti had begun to rut as I crafted the altar to the Tuatha de Danann. I released my aura, initiating [Ritual] to siphon the sexual energy of their orgy. That energy combined with the sacrifice of blood allowed me to forge a place of worship. A Divine altar that would fuse the natural gifts of Sidhe blood and sex with the Divine and provide a beacon for the Tuatha de Danann to follow.

As I completed the altar and statues, I made an offering of the blood, and sexual energy gathered. The primal rutting of the Yeti, a gift of devotion from a people teetering on the brink of extinction, provided the potential of life. I slashed my wrist, allowing my blood to continuously fill the font that I had created, providing the proof of life. And as I did so, I cleared my mind to focus.

The intent was a cornerstone for success when working magic or interacting with the Divine. The difference? Magic could be controlled by intellect and the power of your will. The Divine went beyond those parameters and factored in your emotions and belief by testing your soul.

It wasn't a test of good or evil. The Tuatha de Danann Divine didn't play those types of games. There was no point; those concepts were esoteric and ever-evolving. What was evil today might be an accepted practice in the future.

My offering was both a prayer and a sacrifice. My blood was infused with the Divine. My connection to Beleros and Cyronax had been purified and awarded by the System. The offering of such a potent gift allowed the Tuatha de Danann to connect with me more fully. To enter the [Dream State] for this world and use the connection that existed between the Tuatha de Danann and me to send a portion of that awareness here. That awareness subsumed to [Dream], to focus on the events here in this time and place.

It was a moment of [Lucid Dreaming], an event out of time that would allow the Tuatha de Danann to act within the confines of their agreement. Because even in [Sleep], they were the Gods of my people. For all the bombast and treachery, for the scheming and jealousy, Zeus and Odin engaged in, that truth was universal. They could not sever the connection between the Sidhe and the Tuatha de Danann.

The Gods had to be able to answer when we called. As long as we were willing to offer a sacrifice potent enough to guide their [Dream] and gain the attention of those in [Sleep], the very [Laws] of the Universe required they respond.

I had spoken with the Gods once before under similar circumstances. An offering made of blood that sanctified a newly created [Font of Tuatha de Danann]. A place of worship that allowed the Gods a moment of clarity. I had hoped this event would be similar, that they would manifest directly. The energy of [Revel] that lingered from the creation of the Sithern intertwined with the frantic energy of the rut to add an additional boost of power.

The Gods had never reached forth to claim even a part of this world as far as I could tell. How the Sidhe had managed to exist without a connection to the Summerlands or the slightest Divine spark from the Tuatha de Danann should have been impossible. That connection had to have existed before they migrated here. That was the only way they could have been created.

But the multiverse was filled with the impossible. That a universe existed where the Sidhe lived, having lost any connection to and the attention of the Tuatha de Danann, was simply one of those universal mysteries that only the Alpha and the Omega might understand.

Whatever the reason, my arrival on this world would have consequences, and my decision to embrace the Yeti as Sidhe would have more significant ramifications than even the Gods might expect. I was not adopting the Yeti into my House; I was invoking the Divine to remake them. To gift the Yeti with the powers of illusions of Sidhe, to bless them with immortality and the Summerlands was transformative.

I knew my request would require direct Divine intervention.

I counted on it.

Because this change to the very fabric of who the Yeti were and who they would become would allow the Tuatha de Danann to gain a foothold here, to claim a small part of this world and the Sidhe that lived on it as theirs by right.

The connection with the Summerlands had begun that process. But this would open the floodgates and change the weft and weave of [Fate]. Olympus and Asgard could rail until the end of time, but the Tuatha de Danann would gain a foothold. A reason to belong, a people that they could claim. The kindling of that connection between parent and child that all Sidhe enjoyed with the Gods that breathed that first spark of life into our people would be the fire that burned across the Heavens.

I'm sure it would be possible for the Gods to infuse their Divinity into the metal I had used. The sculpting I'd done to form a link based on their semblance and the use of Silinium made that more accessible for them to create plangency, a resonance between the Divine and the mundane.

Danu was the first to step forward, the change from inert to Divine presaged by a sine wave of energy that coursed throughout the Sithern and bounced back. Only to be expressed, again and again, reaching beyond the dimensional membrane that formed the pocket world to spread across the planet.

Beleros and Cyronax drew breath simultaneously. Their opposing forces of fire and ice added to the electromagnetic and magical energy that fused the Divine with the structure of energy and [Law]. [Law] that defined this Universe.

Another soon joined; their energy added to the whole as Arianrhod became incarnate. The statue I had created representing her brimmed with fertility and sexuality. Her power, her [Domain], used and supported Danu's gift of creation. [Fertility], [Rebirth], and [Fate] the Tuatha de Danann's own version of the Greek Fates.

The Yeti lost to rut, noticed the changes around them. The Divine was too powerful and too oppressive to dismiss or ignore. Only four of the Tuatha de Danann had been invoked. Only four Gods made incarnate. But the Domain of that Pantheon of Gods contained the blessing and awareness of each and every member. Only four answered my call and claimed flesh made of metal, but all of the [Dreamers] had focused on this moment.

The Tuatha de Danann were present. Their awareness would change this world and this Universe.