Lord Kel's Fate

I was tempted.

I was being led in this direction. It seemed inevitable that I claim land at some point. But did I want this land?

I quickly minimized the prompt window; I didn't want to take the chance of mistakenly clicking yes or no before I'd come to a reasoned decision. There was no need to rush, and I wanted to discuss the situation with my Vassals before I made one.

Making better use of my resources was one of the lessons I needed to learn, one that I hoped to utilize methodically until I began adhering to the practice religiously. It didn't mean I would automatically make better decisions, or that I shouldn't respond quickly when needed. But when I had the time, I planned on being more thoughtful, to try to use the intelligence gains I was accumulating in my decision-making process.

"What's wrong with him?" Cedric asked drawing my attention back to Lord Kel. "Shouldn't the Wild Hunt have claimed him?"

"I think his mind is gone," Lohne replied. "It happens in the later stage of Elfshot addiction. And without Lady Patricia alive to control his actions, he's like a puppet whose strings have been cut."

"That would make the most sense," Uron agreed, "and it explains why the Hunt didn't claim him. Everyone knows that children and the innocent are never claimed by the Hunt. What isn't widely known is that occasionally, those whose minds have shattered, those insane are also ignored.

"Sadly. In those cases, where the Hunt allows them to survive, it is no mercy. They become little more than beasts. If they aren't insane the devolve as their mind break further. They lose all sense of self. In every case, they die soon after the Hunt passes, always in extreme agony as they rend and tear at their bodies. Ultimately, they become creatures of horror, as they devour and consume their own flesh.

"It would have been more merciful for the Hunt to have killed him."

Lord Kel's Majordomo Desmond approached and interrupted our conversation, "Your Highness. What are your orders?" He asked obsequiously.

He seemed certain I would remain to run the keep now that Lord Kel was indisposed. I'm sure in his experience not many people would have turned down the opportunity. Assuming control over an established Demesne would be attractive to most that hungered for power. I hadn't decided yet. The System prompt was minimized for now, and I was ignoring the incessant flashing reminder, I would not be rushed into deciding.

"Show us to an office or private room where I can consult with my Vassals," I commanded the Majordomo, "I will need to see Lord Kel's Seneschal, Captain of Guard, Heir, and any other high ranking or Government officials he trusted to help him run Kel Keep. Gather them together in his council chambers. I will meet with them in thirty minutes."

I had noticed Squire Leian off to the side being comforted as she dealt with the loss of her father, but I choose to ignore her for now. What comfort could I offer? And any words of condolence or sympathy would only sound hollow and false. After all, no matter how I sympathized with her, I was still the instrument of vengeance that had called the Wild Hunt. Even if her father had been the instrument of his own doom.

She would need to find someone to hate and rail against. Someone to direct her anger and frustration at. And with Lady Patricia dead, the only person left was me. My actions may have been virtuous, but what do honor, and virtue mean when your father has lost his mind and will soon die a painful agonizing death.

Desmond led us deeper into the Keep, quickly leading us to a hallway. The path was completely devoid of life, no one hindered or barred our way as Desmond opened the door to Lord Kel's office. He assured me the room was soundproof and constantly swept for listening devices. A regular sweep had just been performed so the room should be clean.

After we entered the room, he took pains to assure me that we would not be disturbed. Finally, before excusing himself he drew my attention to a connecting door, a door that opened into Lord Kel's council chambers. He promised to have the required people gathered and waiting for me in this room within the time appointed.

Once he had left, I addressed my guards, "Sweep the room again for listening devices. Then two of you step out and guard the entrance, make sure no one approaches or listens at the door. One for each door."

They were quick and efficient, withdrawing and brandishing glowing gems that resonated. Gems that had been crafted and enchanted to detect the hidden and illuminate that which did not belong.

They detected not one but five devices that had been concealed. Powerful devices that had been used to spy on and monitor Lord Kel. It made me wonder; was his team that swept for bugs corrupt or were the devices replaced as quickly as they were found? Easily done if the Lord insisted on a regular schedule for his sweeps.

Gil and Dreyken were chosen to guard the doors, each stepping out to guard against intrusion. It was the first time I'd seen Gil and Ril not act in concert. It made me wonder why, until I realized, that they might not trust the new guards.

Dreyken and Cullen had yet to prove their worth in battle, and honestly, at this point, I was hoping they would not have too soon or ever. I trusted their motivations over Gil and Ril, but that was more because I was still annoyed about how they had acted when we'd been kidnapped to the Summerlands. No matter how naïve and short-sighted that hope might be, I knew that battle was going to be a mainstay of my life.

At the last moment, I decided to send Ril and Cullen out to support Gil and Dreyken. The number of listening devices demonstrated the lengths people would go to discover what transpired in this room. I thought the additional guards at the doors would bolster and increase the chances that those that gathered and conspired would be stymied in their efforts, further ensuring our privacy.

I'm sure most would realize what we would be discussing, but I would bet good gold that none would guess the direction this discussion would take.