
[For most the Universal re-set was a brief hiccup of time and space. Barely noticeable, but the event allowed the re-formatting of System that was required to encompass the entire breadth and width of creation.]

[Because System created an avatar modeled and based on Gwyn ap Nudd, he became the focal point of that re-write. S-Prime used that connection as an Avatar to System to trace the corruption and hacks, allowing it to overwrite and apply a successful patch.]

[The collective mind of the Hunt shared Gwyn ap Nudd's experience. The millions and millions of minds, the vast intellect combined, and our attention to detail while linked, allowed the many minds to minutely and narrowly focus on events.]

[And because the collective was so expansive and focused on events, it allowed some bleed through to be processed. I didn't 'speak' with S-Prime. But the Wild Hunt came to know It and some of Its goals.]

[Perhaps just an infinitesimal amount of Its knowledge. But enough for conjecture and supposition to be formed.]

[The Wild Hunt is a Cosmic force of nature.]

[Destructive, unmovable, and unemotional. Until that is, this back-door hack to System allowed our purpose to be co-opted. Like a force of nature, there are certain rules and laws that must be followed.]

[The Hunt cannot address the wrongs done to System or act to destroy those who would tamper with Its purpose. But justice is owed.]

[The patch allowed the Wild Hunt and S-Prime's goals to merge. The Wild Hunt subsumed the mission it was created to encompass, to seek justice and dispense vengeance, and allow the instrument of S-Prime to find those guilty and to seek justice.] Caraid explained.

[Gwyn ap Nudd was within his rights to judge and deliver his sentence to you when you died.]

[But he exceeded his authority when System created an Avatar and imbued that creation with Administrative authority. This abuse gave S-Prime the opening It required to act and allowed the Wild Hunt to act as a collective to adjust the parameters of justice, slightly.]

[At that moment, you were the chosen instrument of S-Prime. You were an Agent of Change. The focus of opportunity that the multi-verse coalesced around. At that moment, you were the instrument of rebirth.]

[That may change.]

[That may have already changed. You may have already completed the task S-Prime meant for you. But you are the only instrument of change the Wild Hunt had access too.]

"So, I've become an instrument of the Hunt as well as S-Prime?" I asked. "Just once, it would be nice if I were asked my opinion. These behind the scene and back-door manipulations are becoming wearisome."

[Weren't you asked your opinion when you were offered the choice to be reborn? To reincarnate in this body?] Caraid asked.

"Is there any way to free you from the Hunt?" I wondered choosing to ignore his question.

[I don't know.]

[I know it's never been done before. I'm also not sure there is a point to trying. At least until I have more information on what being a member of the Wild Hunt entails. And definitely not before I learn how to create and control the body the Hunt has provided me.] Caraid answered.

"Wait. You said we are still one soul. So, what does that mean if I die without a respawn? Will I join the Hunt, or will you reincarnate if I do?"

[Again, I'm not certain. I'm not sure the Powers ever envisioned a circumstance like ours. Other than S-Prime. It will have contingencies in place if that event does occur.]

Our conversation was interrupted as those around me finally thawed enough to restore thought and movement. My Vassals were the first to approach me, with my guards quickly following. Making a mental note to pick up the discussion with Caraid at a later time, I began to examine those that had fallen.

I would be no help in identifying friend from foe of those that had attended, I hadn't spoken or been introduced to any of them before the events of the Hunt transpired, so I decided to instead focus on the dais and see if I could discover the fate of Lord Kel and Lady Patricia.

Lady Patricia's body was splayed inelegantly, her Siren features easily recognizable, she was obviously dead. Her face frozen, features etched with horror and surprise. The terror and disbelief that she had failed and that the Hunt was so powerful obvious.

What was interesting was Lord Kel.

He was alive. Not coherent, but alive.

He was a blubbering mess of tears and snot, despondent and in despair as he draped his wrecked and ruined body over the lifeless form of Lady Patricia. His despair and pain engulfed his persona and may have been what protected his mind from shattering completely.

His grief separated him from those around him and isolated him in an island of uncertainty and devastation. His ability to survive in the face of the Hunt was stunning and confusing. It could only mean one thing. Gwyn ap Nudd had found him innocent. Somehow, despite his involvement with Olympians and his addiction and dependence on Elfshot, he had been absolved.

As I approached Lord Kel, another System announcement was generated that completely stunned me.

[You have, through your actions, defeated Lord Kel of Kel Fief.]

[Rewards – Variable]

[Do you wish to claim this land as your territory?]

[Accept Yes/No]

Shouldn't the Wild Hunt have gotten credit for these events?