Banquet Part 2

For a banquet, the hall seemed strangely devoid of tables. A path extended from the doorway across the room, leading to a raised dais. Chairs were stationed on multiple levels of the dais with Lord Kel sitting stiffly in a throne on the highest riser. Next to him sat whom I assumed was his wife, Lady Patricia.

There were multiple levels for the dais, but all other seats were strategically placed at a lower level. It was obvious from the empty four seats that had been placed several risers below Lord Kel that he meant to demonstrate my position to his was subservient.

Desmond had informed me that Leian would introduce herself and escort me to my chair, but my anger at this blatant insult had me striding forward regardless of protocol or plans. This was a planned and blatant insult, and if I didn't respond, I would lose reputation. Or demonstrate my ignorance of protocol due a Ranked Prince.

Cedric, Uron, and Lohne moved to position themselves so that we formed a diamond pattern as we walked. Lohne and Uron to the left and right, with Cedric taking the rear position. And as I walked toward the dais, I released the healing aspect of Belenos Aura to make an impression on those gathered. I would have them know that my aspect and nature were the direct inheritance of Belenos.

My body burst into flames as I walked. Warm, soothing flickers of fire that left patches of soot and ash with my passing footprints.

The Wild Magic stirred once more, playing joyfully in my flames. Illusions of fairies and fire elementals cavorted in time to the Wild Magic's joy. A dance of magic and flame that confirmed I had the blessing of the Wild Magic.

Uron and Lohne responded as well, unable to ignore the Wild Magic's call.

Their souls began shining with a profound counterpoint to my fire. Shadow and Light enhancing my performance. And it was a performance, I would demonstrate to all those gathered that Mac de Belenos had gained Belenos' lineage, as well as his name.

It's strange how people react. Although my act had the desired effect, it was Lohne and Uron that caused the most commotion. Whispers becoming louder until demands for explanations resounded within the room.

"Anam Cara," the voices whispered the title, the identification passing from person to person, disbelief and hope the prevailing sentiment. The whispers gaining strength and force until the room was awash in the sounds of boisterous discussion.

"Seneschal Lohne," turning to face the room after I'd arrived at the risers that comprised the dais, I addressed Lohne, "look around, you are well versed in protocol and diplomacy. We were welcomed here, and assured guest rights would be honored.

"Does that seem to be the case?" I asked my voice dripping with disdain and anger.

"No, Your Highness," she answered understanding what I meant for her to do.

"Perhaps they know no better," I said, disbelief and derision obvious. "I suppose they can cry ignorance, but I believe it our duty to set matters straight.

"Educate them so this ignorance will not be repeated."

"Yes, Your Highness," she said before advancing to stand directly in front of me.

Bowing her head slightly she began, she was well suited as taskmaster and reminded me joyfully of a school headmaster scolding a classroom of unruly children.

"Protocol demands that when higher-ranking individuals acquiesce and deign to attend a function in their honor, then that individual is met and greeted by the highest-ranking official.

"Expecting a guest to wait in an outer solarium while available seating is requisitioned is bad form.

"Neglecting to inquire or include titles and honors of individuals when announcing their presence slights the guests and negates their accomplishments.

"Knight Uron is Commander of Forces, Vassal of House Belenos, and Anam Cara of Knight Lohne.

"Knight Lohne is Seneschal of House Belenos, Vassal of House Belenos, and Anam Cara of Knight Uron.

"Their union witnessed and consecrated by the Wild Magic.

"Knight Cedric is Vassal of House Belenos, First amongst Equals, and Sworn Right Hand of Prince Mac de Belenos."

"The rituals for Anam Cara were not conducted, no receiving line was established, and whispering, muttering, and shouting from lower-ranked individuals were allowed to transpire," she soldiered on.

"Finally, the Lord of Kel Fief and his Lady maintained their seats as you approached, seats that were positioned higher than those afforded to Prince Belenos. This can only be seen as an intentional slight, it is well known, and System announced, that Prince Belenos outranks Lord Kel and his denizens.

"Prince Mac de Belenos was expressly invited here today, to atone for the poor treatment he received as a guest.

"This ill-treatment continues.

"One can only assume that the House of Kel holds the House of Belenos in despite and intends to engage in House rivalry," she concluded.

That last sentence had the same effect as a bomb being tossed into the room. Shouts of denial and fear began ringing out as guests that had flaunted my rank quickly rose to their feet. The crowd began clamoring, pushing and shoving at each other in an attempt to be heard or to fade into the background and not be noticed or seen.

I was delighted at the effectiveness of my new Seneschal and thought humorously that if she is only at expert level in diplomacy and management now, I would be in awe and fear of her skills when she reached Grandmaster rank.

The sound of clapping broke through the cacophony of noise.

Slow. Loud. Mocking.

It originated behind me, and when I turned to locate the who, I saw Lady Patricia de Kel standing resplendent and beautiful. She wore a flowing gown of golds shimmering as the light reflected her movements. Sleeveless and Strapless.

She meant to seduce those who saw her. Her alabaster skin glowing with health. The sculpted bodice of her dress molded to emphasize and enhance her breasts. She used her beauty as a weapon. The dress, armor as well as couture.

"Well done, Lohne," Patricia said, her condescension as evident as her disrespect as she failed to include either Lohne's title or rank with her addressed. "It's always so amusing watching peons trying to ape those so far above them."

"Peons, Lady Patricia?" Lohne asked turning to address Patricia. "We all start out as peons, even you.

"Opportunity and circumstance are the only things that separate the Ranks.

"I wonder, if Rank were based on merit, would all of us have the rank we have now?"

"You think I haven't earned my Rank?" Patricia demanded to know.

"You? Maybe.

"But we all know people that have been power-leveled. Thom and Leian for instance."

"A few years apart in age, yet Leian is Ranked Commoner, until Thom's disinheritance. But today we discover she has suddenly been elevated to Squire.

"And Thom? A Ranked Knight? I wonder was he really that much more talented, or did you pour resources and experience into leveling him as quickly as possible?"

"Thom has been cast out!" Patricia hissed in fury. "His name stricken from our House!"

"That is true," I said, interjecting myself into the conversation, "and one wonders, how he was raised to allow him to think his actions were acceptable?"

"Seneschal Lohne has a valid point. The rich and powerful always find ways to take advantage of the rules.

"There is nothing wrong with helping your children out.

"What is wrong is thinking you are better than others simply because you have the ability to avail yourself and family of resources others don't."

"I wonder, Lady Patricia, what is the point?" I asked.

"The point?"

"Yes. Why bother with this charade?

"The ill will between our Houses will obviously not be mended over a banquet. Especially at the extremes, House Kel has gone to further insult me and mine.

"Private, honest conversations may have done much to heal the breach. But there have been no attempts at reconciliation in these past days. No attempt to explain or foster a reconciliation since I ascended."

"Incessant demands and entreaties by your staff for me to attend this banquet, certainly.

"But from Lord Kel and yourself, not a word."

"No private messages congratulating me on my ascension. No apologies that your son attempted to murder me. No regrets that a guest of your House was kidnapped. No comments at all on the attempted assassination.

"Yet still, we came.

"But we see," I said ominously. Pulsing my Belenos Aura and extending it as far as it would reach.

I hoped.

I wondered.

What would the illusion canceling aspect would reveal?