
I had practiced and trained with all my skills over the past several days, making exhaustive use of the ring and the training facilities I found within. I'd learned something interesting about Belenos Aura. Not only would it respond intuitively to intent, but it also had an ability strangely reminiscent of echolocation for bats. I could pulse and ping my surrounding area, and the aura somehow adjusted to circumstance.

In this case, instead of damage, the aura pulsed dispel.



Finally, at the very limits of my range, changes occurred.

A few guests morphed into Gorgons.

At least half the guards were stripped of illusion and appeared in their real forms. Satyrs and Children of Artemis sprinkled amongst them.

But the most enlightening and damaging revelation was Lady Patricia herself.

Gone was the beautiful aristocratic Seelie noble.

In her place was a Siren. My illusion canceling ability compelled her form to change.

With the illusion dispelled, her beauty remained. But those characteristics and traits that were exclusive to Siren were revealed. They added a wrongness to her shape and form.

The changes were not unattractive.

Simply other.

Sirens are a weird mix of human and bird. Those features and attributes that emphasized and were based on her bird lineage were revealed softening the stark, austere mien she'd created.

Tufts of feathers interwoven with hair. A neck ruffle of down. Eyes devoid of lashes and brows, sclera a uniform black, she was glaring menacing and in fury as her true identity was exposed.

Screams rent the air as the gathered Sidhe came face to face with that which had been hidden. The sounds of chairs being overturned, weapons being drawn, and spells both for protection and attack being cast filled the room.

Lord Kel remained unmoved. A slight smile graced his face, and I knew beyond certainty. He was part of the plot to allow Olympus to subjugate and destroy Talahm. At some point, he had become a participant in Zeus' quest to control the Summerlands.

I wondered if Patricia was his real wife, or a double that had used enchantment and illusion to replace her and assume her identity.

"It appears there was no need to inform you or your court of the intrusion and conspiracies from Olympus and Asgard to infiltrate your lands," I said sarcastically to Lord Kel. "I suppose it makes some sense. Their plan to expand and devour what belongs to the Sidhe would start with a no-account minor Ranked potentate, in some backward forgotten fief, and expand outward."

"I wonder if you are instrumental in Zeus' planned invasion or just an initial stepping stone in the path that will lead directly to the Capital?" I mused aloud.

"Zeus?" Lady Patricia sneered. "That blowhard? He has never been the smartest of the Olympians."

"The most prolific, yes, that man can barely keep his toga below his knees, but he is too easily manipulated and lead by his baser instincts. No, this little adventure has not been sanctioned by Zeus."

"Dolus, God of Guile and Apate, Goddess of Deception, have conspired to trick both Pantheons. They are tired of being relegated to minor deities, whispered and mocked by their brothers and sisters.

"Guile and Deception.

"They are uniquely qualified and imminently powerful enough to use tricks, illusions, and conspirators to further their schemes," Lady Patricia bragged.

"No sibling rivalry in that family," I sneered as an aside to my Vassals, "The Greeks are nothing if not manipulative. They espouse integrity and honor to those that worship them, while ignoring those ideals themselves. They systematically insist on practicing a divinity or patricide, fratricide, and matricide."

"If it moves, they will either kill it or fuck it. They have no shame. And barely any honor. If the Fates didn't exist to warn them of the consequence of their hubris, they would spend their time in battle with each other, until no one remained."

"You dare," Patricia hissed!

"Dare?" I asked.

"You invade Talahm. Kidnap me. Try to have me killed. And are angered by my effrontery?

"The Gods of Talahm may be in Sleep, but their children See!

"Balance will be maintained," I pronounced my anger rising.

"Haven't you wondered why System would allow a nobody with a dual nature and bloodline to ascend to such heights?

"Has it occurred to you that I am the stone dropped into the pond? The beginning of ripples that grow and culminate in the massive waves that crash and beat at the shore?

"Your Gods of Guile and Deception may be a Power, but System is a POWER. You are really going to risk breaking the balance that System has created?" I demanded.

I wasn't sure where this sudden idea came from. Maybe hints from my conversation with SYSTEM and Caraid. But it made a strange logic. It explained why I'd retained my memories. SYSTEM allowed me to maintain my knowledge of those other-worldly pantheons. The myths and legends I was familiar with would allow me to understand their motivations and histories.

Was I SYSTEM's solution to Olympus and Asgardian expansion? Probably not. This was all just justification and extrapolation on my part. And even with my increased abilities and intellect, I would never really be able to discern SYSTEM's motivation.

"How were you convinced to participate in this madness, Lord Kel?" I asked.

Lady Patricia spared a withering and dismissive glance back towards Lord Kel, telegraphed her thoughts before returning her focus on me. She gestured negligently, almost dismissively at Lord Kel.

My perception caught the barest spark of magic as feedback between Lord Kel and Lady Patricia pulsed briefly. Once I noticed the connection, it was child's play to stretch out my powers to understand.

"Elfshot," I announced. Elfshot was a vile substance, a creation made by humans to try to enslave the Sidhe. It was modeled around Foxglove, an herb that protected against Sidhe curses and proved effective against Tinneas Sidhe, fairy disease. It had an addictive quality to its nature, and it would weaken a Sidhe to the point of death during the withdrawal phase.

Its most horrific side-effect was the removal of free will. Those who became addicted were easily enslaved.