Epilogue - End of Arc 1

Turning around and returning quickly to the en-suite, I once more stood in front of the mirror to scrutinize my appearance. Unsure how to begin, I applied the lessons I'd learn with my control of Belenos' Aura.

Intent. Will. Release.

I directed my magic to establish connections with my new bloodline, examining the difference, seeking and scanning as I expanded my search criteria to include my entire body.

I entered a fugue state, able to watch as blood marrow created blood cells, and blood cells carried oxygen and energy to tissue, nerves, and muscles. The scan was intrusive, but once I was able to recognize exactly how Belenos lineage modified my cellular capacity, I easily discovered the changes made by the Cyronax lineage.

It was a simple matter of enhancing that lineage with magic and taming the icy landscape to my will. A soft fog began to coalesce around me, the world encased in the splendor of winter. A living snow globe began to manifest with me at the epicenter, as snowflakes began to form and fell silently.

As more snow formed, I began to gather the individual snowflakes, layering them sequentially, compacting and sculpting the packed snow and ice until a mask was formed. Placing the mask over my face, I continued to apply the falling snowflakes until I had created the desired effect.

A living, malleable snow sculpture. It was exactingly detailed, conformed perfectly to my facial structure, and most importantly suppressed the glamour and beguilement Gwyn had gifted me with. The mask was so intricate that it conformed to the minute details my face displayed during movement and emotion. Instead of a cold lifeless mask, the glittering reflective properties of freshly fallen snow was transmitted as the light caused the individual flakes to sparkle with the intricacy of wonderfully crafted diamonds.

[Nice look. That isn't going to be easily overlooked.] Caraid snickered

"Should I go without?" I wondered if this wasn't over the top. It wasn't as if the changes to my appearance were horrific, simply other. The glamour was probably easily ignored by most fey. After all, the Sidhe were not ugly people. And beauty as glamour was certainly not a new concept.

[Most will consider an affectation, but why not? It will allow you some anonymity. You can change the look and characteristics of the mask, or simply not don it when you want to hide your identity.]

Satisfied with the results, I followed Cedric to breakfast, excited to begin the next step in my adventure. I paused startled, my surprise obvious when I found Leian among those waiting for my arrival. Choosing to ignore her presence for the moment, I joined the rest of my Vassals at the table.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Lohne greeted me nervously. "I apologize for the lack of notice, but we need a decision from you before we can depart.

"Duke A'Daoine has requested Squire Leian's presence at his estate. During my discussion with his staff yesterday to inform him of what had transpired, they requested that she be allowed to join our group and travel with us."

I glanced over at Leian wondering what the Duke had planned for her. I wasn't comfortable escorting her to her execution. She'd never tormented or bullied Caraid, so I had no ill intentions towards her. I secretly believed that her mother was murdered by Lady Patricia to more easily control and corrupt Lord Kel.

"We agreed to a small party, with only a few escorts each. That should see us safely to Duke A'Daoine in three or four days," Lohne explained. "I've updated the Duke's people, so he knows to be expecting you and the time frame for our arrival.

"I haven't contacted their Majesties, directly. But I have left messages with their staff and believe Duke A'Daoine will also convey your intentions."

"Dreyken. Cullen. I will task you with Squire Leian's safety," I ordered, tacitly agreeing to include her in our party.

"Gil and Ril, I want you roaming front and back as we travel, keep an eye out. Once I've arrived at Duke A'Daoine's, I'm sure his people will provide a proper escort and protection for her, but I want nothing happening to her while under our protection.

"Speed is preferable, so a trip of three or four days is acceptable."

"But," I paused making sure I had each of their attention.

"Is there any reason, she can't travel by Skimmer and arrive there directly?" I asked.

"A Skimmer would be faster," Uron agreed, "but it would send the wrong message.

"Squire Leian is Lord Kel's designated heir. As the heir to a fief, even if ultimately Duke A'Daoine strips her of those lands, she has a certain prestige that comes with her position. She would be ill-served to arrive at the Duke's estate like cargo.

"It's the same reason we are riding mounts. Perception is paramount for the Ranked."

"I've arranged my own mount to ride, but there are a few animals in the stable that now belong to you," Leian said speaking up for the first time. "Along with golds, armor, and items you gained from Thom, the Stable-master informed me of five animals that Thom owned and should rightly belong to you now.

"I believe you have already made arrangements to meet with him this morning. If you find they are not suitable, the Stablemaster has been instructed to allow you to select alternative mounts from those available.

"That's fine," I agreed, before taking the last bite of eggs. I pushed my plate away and took a sip of the 'coffee', Jennie had served. It wasn't the exact flavor I was used too, and it tasted like a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg had been added to the brew, something to remove the bitterness, but it wasn't bad. It wasn't served with sugar or cream; honey and milk were used instead. The taste was acquired, but it served the same purpose as coffee and gave me my morning jolt of caffeine.

"I believe Henry had already communicated with the Stable about the mounts that were now considered mine by right?" I asked.

"Yes, Your Highness. Five Kelpie that belonged to Thom as well as a few others that belonged to his retainers that you were awarded after combat," Henry explained.

Checking to see if the others were done with their breakfast, I motioned them towards the exit.

Nodding to Jennie, I moved to walk next to her, "Jennie, breakfast was as wonderful as ever. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your decision to join us. I shudder to think what kind of camp fare we would come up with if left to our own devices as we traveled." She laughed delightedly, blushing faintly in appreciation for my comments.

The Skimmer trip to a well-kept and neatly manicured field took almost no time. Kel's stables were located on the outskirt of town, directly off the main concourse as one left town.

Leian and I were surrounded by the four guards once we disembarked from the Skimmers, their attention to detail and a sense of heightened awareness obvious as we walked the last few steps to the stables. Cedric, Jennie, Uron, and Lohne were somehow included in that protection detail, while somehow making it appear as if they were not a part of our formation.

A paddock opened to a stunning vista and a bounty of beautiful horses frolicking and grazing within the lush grasslands gave a serene natural Feng Shui to the vista. The horses were familiar in appearance and temperament, exactly what I would expect to find on Earth. Four legs, flowing manes, and colors of reds, browns, whites, and blacks. Frolicking and prancing with high spirits and unfettered worries.

As we neared, a group of horses separated from the others, I began to notice differences as they ran to avoid us. Three of the animals had silver collars bolted around their necks, and although, at first glance, they looked very similar to horses, there was something not quite right about them.

I wasn't sure what the difference was. But the sights and smells of the place was comforting. A good place to say goodbye to Fief Kel and begin the next stage of our adventure.