Not Worth Dying

[System Notice: You have cloned the Ring of Hidden Depths with a recognized member of your bloodline. Do you wish to create a shared pocket dimension that you both can utilize at the same time?]


I choose yes, remembering as I did so, the moment I had first received the ring. I found this meeting with Ryu surreal enough even before the ring was cloned, the creation only highlighted the similarities. He had just reached the age I had been when Thom tossed me into the Ascension chamber. Even now, thirty years later, I still wasn't the minimum age Sidhe had established for making the attempt. Forty-eight and the father of millions of Volar-fey, and who knew how many countless grandchildren.

The Volar-fey proliferated, their return to Talahm had been the impetus for an explosion of new life across all species. Even the staid strait-laced Seelie had found themselves willing to discard the insane standards for purity of blood they had clung to for eons in the face of once again giving birth. For some reason, mating with a Volar-fey increased the likelihood a new life would be formed. Perhaps because they are magic given physical form and identity.

Ryu had been a happy surprise. One of the Cu-sith that had chosen to follow me and bond with me, gave birth to a litter of pups in the middle of my bed. A litter of pups and Ryu, a boy child that confused the Cu-sith, and demonstrated for all the fecundity of the Volar-fey. They really would breed with anything.

There had been an immediate connection between that hybrid child and me. As soon as he had opened his eyes deep with void and shadow and sought comfort and understanding about the world around him, I came to know a real love that had no basis for existing. He was a son to the Volar-fey, one of the millions born after their release. Subjectively, there should have been no real ties to bind us together, but love doesn't need logic or reason to exist. It, like magic, is hard to quantify, it simply is.

The Cyronax heritage ran strong in him, and I had no issues recognizing him as a member of House Teigh. I did refrain from naming him heir, my memories of Thom, and how he was ruined by people in Power spoiling him, making his life one of ease and entitlement a warning I would take to heart. He may become heir, one day, but only after he has walked his own path and created his own legacy.

Perhaps that was unfair. And I didn't abandon him. I made sure he had some of the best tutors, fighting masters, and professional trainers that I could find. And I bolstered that training weekly discussions and training bouts between the two of us.

There were times, I was afraid I was going too far in the other direction, asking and expecting more from him than he could bear because I wanted no hint of impropriety or cronyism to color the perception of his accomplishments. What I was asking from him, I was uncertain I would be willing to ask of another. And perhaps that was just as unfair as spoiling him.

The drop of blood he donated bound him, proved that he was a member of my House and resulted in an unexpected gift. An exact duplicate of the Ring of Hidden Depths that I had worn for two decades was created when his ties of blood merged with mine. A spatial ring that had the same functionality as mine. What was more important was that the Rings were linked, they shared common dimensional space.

I had hoped that was the case when I decided to give him access to the Ring. With this shared space, and a duplicate ring, we could use the dimensional magic that was linked between the rings to meet up, leave messages and items, allow for direct training, and give him a space to retreat to if things when pear-shaped. No matter how far he went, we would have the ability to stay connected.

Other than the nominal weapons training and innate magic he was born with, he had no connection to System skills and spells. His ability to access System menus was limited, and I worried, not sure if that was a good thing or not. Once my System interface had upgraded and allowed me to create and use spells and skills more intuitively, my Powers became more.

More adaptive and more powerful.

They were stronger, more responsive, and the connection between the Wild Magic and I had deepened. I hoped that the same would hold true for him. But I had no idea what System would do, once he reached Ijal, to acknowledge and recognize him and his party.

I hoped as a hybrid, his parentage would allow him to connect with his natural affinities and abilities, more like how the Cu-sith and Volar-fey were born knowing how to tap into their talents. The Volar-fey were born an adult and fully Ascended. The fight to free themselves from the cocoon similar to the Sidhes' rite of passage that occurred in the Ascension chambers. The Cu-sith, like all animals, increased in strength naturally, adapting and increasing in power as they learned to respond to the world around them.

"Your Majesty?" Ryu said reminding me that I wasn't alone and that I was in the middle of a conversation.

"The Universal Senate enacted rules of colonization for our people to claim Ijal. Rules that they thought would take our people a long time to meet. If ever, considering the issues with fertility that Sidhe had been exhibiting," I explained to Ryu as I handed him the newly created Ring.

"I wasn't sure what your bonding with the Ring of Hidden Depths would mean, you are the first person who I have offered the bond. Guard it well and share with no one, the hidden features that ring offers. For most, it will appear as a House Teigh crest, something that has been stylized and woven into the metal filigree of a ring, so it will seem to be a House token or a personal seal.

"Only you and I will know the truth. The Ring has a training space, a pocket dimension inside the Ring that will allow you to move your physical body inside. While your physical body is engaged within that pocket dimension, a projection, an illusion that cannot be broken will exist to obfuscate the truth. You will appear to be in deep meditation by any observers, but safe within the depths of this ring, you will be able to experiment, train, gain the muscle memory that only years of experience can provide.

"It makes this possible because of time dilation. The same mechanics the Sitherns employ to slow the passage of time Underhill. A night spent in the Ring translates to weeks, months, or years depending on what time dilation ratio you select, and what you are training.

"Just as important, since the Ring cloned a copy for you to wear, I received a notification allowing me to upgrade the Rings features and toggle a shared space that we can both use at the same time.

"We will be able to meet face to face even when we are on different Planets?" Ryu asked.

"I believe so. There may be issues with syncing time. But even if we can only meet sporadically, we can remain in contact, leaving each other items and messages. Messages that cannot be intercepted, decoded, or stolen," I said pointing out one of the largest benefits of possessing linked Rings would entail.

"The Senate has released information, publicly, about the type of System world that exists there. Ijal was swarming with beasts. Tides of animals that exist in perpetual war as each species strives for preeminence. This will change once you step on the planet and are recognized. It is unclear how, but the planet will become more organized, more suited for our species.

"Unlike those that were sent there as part of the initial survey team, they have already been System integrated. You and your party will transition, become a part of an evolving System paradigm, as Talahm and Ijal merge and become protectorates of the Tuatha de Danaan. " I continued to lecture.

"New planets are almost always classified as Dungeon worlds. I'm sure the other Pantheons have some theory or idea why, but no one has shared what evidence they have to explain this classification. But if this is the case, Dungeons may be prolific. Which should be a good thing, since your goal is to find, defeat, and claim a Dungeon core.

"Aside from the normal dangers that you can expect on an unexplored world, System works differently there than on Talahm. The planet has not been claimed by any Pantheon of Gods, as such, the Rank system doesn't exist. Or the Ascension process. You should have access to System; levels, skills, spells, and attributes soon after you arrive.

"The Egyptians have explained to me that an unclaimed System world, regulates the environment, maintaining a homogenous system that can adapt, and will as you begin the process of claiming. Your actions and decisions will impact System, teaching it, in a way how to react, and what is expected."

"I can help the System evolve even though I don't have full access yet?" Ryu asked.

"The Twelve have discussed that, and we have reached a working theory. The unfiltered unbiased System archetype that exists on Ijal may not look like anything we have come to expect. But that isn't the point. As long as you can clear a dungeon, you can claim the planet for Tuatha de Danaan.

"The merging of the two varied paradigms will give birth to something new. Mostly modeled on the Talahm standard, but with enough new functionality to breathe new life and new paths for all Sidhe.

"But Ryu," I said my fondness for the boy finally breaking through, Grandfather, not Monarch speaking to him now, "if gaining a Dungeon core means losing your life, leave it and come home.

"The Sidhe live a long-long time. There will always be chances for another planet."