System's Purpose

Each of us had leveled up. Except for an increased cost to reach the next level, and increases in our stats, there was nothing unique about level five. I had hoped that the level might be a milestone and we would gain new spells or skills. But that hadn't been the case.

We still weren't sure how our Classes would impact our levels. I had received the [Backstab] skill during combat, so it was possible to earn and learn skills holistically. But Grandfather was certain that there was more to Class creation than the skills and spells we'd received during integration.

The problem was the Sidhe were so long-lived, that for someone like Queen Brigda of the Seelie, she may have reached levels in the hundreds of thousands, that is, if there were no level limits or class evolution at certain inflection points. And at this point, we simply didn't know enough to even guess.

It had taken me a while to figure out that my skills and spells were divided into levels too. My highest leveled skill was my [Dagger] skill at level three. The rest were mostly level two, with a few that I hadn't used still at level one.

Thutmose had spent the time looting our kills while Sieph, Bob, and I were focused on our System menus. I would get the occasional notification that I had received, Horvee sunset nectar, metal, body parts, or the occasional coin. The most interesting item was a bone, shaped like a key.

Although we were informed, we knew what loot to search for, battle rewards never dropped all tied up in a nice box with a bow. We had to sift through bodies and extract the promised rewards ourselves. The 'intangible' items, things like money were automatically looted, but the key, sunset nectar, and the metal took digging and harvesting of body parts to find.

The nectar was pretty straightforward. A vial from our inventory was used to milk the flower and the collection of nectar was complete. I would leave it for grandfather to have experienced Sidhe alchemists and botanists figure out why the System identified it as a reward.

The metal was likewise easy to obtain. The stingers the Horvee were equipped with were reinforced with metal, a type that Sieph had never seen before. She refused to give up everything she looted, but she did donate the lion's share so that Queen Wisteria of the Knockers could discover its properties.

The key took the longest to find. It wasn't until Thutmose expanded his search to dissect the [Toadstool]'s internal organs that it was finally discovered. It must have eaten it at some point, because it was firmly lodged in the upper intestinal tract. It was lodged perpendicular to the lining of the walls, stretching the membranes and allowing partially digested food to pass.

I still found it strange that the coinage that System had implemented made use of Talahm currency, each coin was able to be exchanged for credits based on weight and worth. During integration, we had learned that Silinium was one of the denominations. I had no idea if that coinage would remain, but it appeared as if integration had accounted for the monetary system King Teigh had established on Talahm, it even appeared to use the same exchange rate between coins, 100 of one denomination could be converted to the next highest denomination.

"Did either of you gain anything from leveling up?" I asked as I went about cleaning up the blood and viscera from my hands and clothing. It would have been nice if my affinity to ice allowed me to summon enough water to help with that chore, but it didn't.

I had to rely on a cleaning solution that was specially designed to remove bio-degradable waste. It, combined with the blood and viscera I was covered in, would work as a natural fertilizer enriching the ground as it broke down. Instead of destroying or harming the local eco-system, it should afford the area a nice boost.

Grandfather had expedited research into the native plants and herbs we'd discovered so far. Enough so that we knew that there were no under-lying contaminants on either side of the equation that would lead to harm. The plants were standard, with slight genetic variances, but with the same pharmacological building blocks that would allow our bodies to process and digest.

That ability to digest went both ways. Our bodies during decomposition would make suitable fertilizer. If we could find something that was highly nutritious and easily farmed it would make colonizing the planet go much faster. Grandfather had already made a pronouncement that we would not introduce Talahm native species to Ijal. What changes the System made as it merged the two worlds were out of our hands, but we would do everything we could to maintain the unspoiled diversity that was already proliferating and abundant.

"Level five," Sieph informed me.

"Me too," Bob said.

"Do you think we get new skills at some point? Or will we gain skills like on Talahm?" He wondered mirroring my own questions and uncertainties.

The method to gain skills for Talahm was one of hard work. There weren't classes, so there were no restrictions on skills and spells, they were able to be learned by anyone. The only thing even remotely close to a class for the Sidhe were those people who focused on professions; blacksmiths, tailors, and array masters.

But even these were more about employment than class. If you wanted to be a blacksmith, you apprenticed and learned from your master. Techniques and skills that were passed down as legacies.

"It is almost a certainty, at some point the System will offer us the choice for advanced skills and spells," Sieph answered while I was considering Bob's question.

"Why do you think that?" I asked, agreeing with her but wondering what logic she used to arrive at her theory.

"We are the first," she explained. "There is no one we can go to, no bank of spells and skills that we can spend energy learning. The System is obviously testing out its own ideas and theories. A class system instead of a Ranked system would require unique spells and skills that might not be found anywhere else. Adaption to spells and skills that have never been seen and that can only be learned if certain criteria are met.

"There would be no real reason to create a Class System otherwise," she continued.

"Your [Shadow] spells for example. None of them exist on Talahm. [Shadow Blend] is close. But on Talahm that skill allows you to hide in shadows, you don't actually enter a Shadow zone. If you are going to expand on those abilities, System is going to have to help."

"I have to agree," I said. "I also think it likely that the classes we have now are just beginner classes. I think we will get a chance to upgrade and evolve them. Perhaps they will branch at some point to allow us to specialize further, or an opportunity to gain a secondary class. Both seem reasonable."

"That makes sense," she agreed, "it would allow us to grow in unique ways. No two people being exactly the same with the exact same skills, spells, and attributes."

"I wonder what the point is," Bob asked.

"What do you mean?" Sieph wondered.

"I mean why bother changing or introducing a Class system? What does the System get out of it?" He explained.

"Order," Thutmose answered him. "The order/chaos theory has been bandied bout forever. It is backed by the most authoritative and substantive research into the System, with input from all Pantheons.

"Basically, the question was posited, why we would need a System in the first place. The Gods are real and move among us. Your Goddess Danu, for example, gave you life, created your people. Why would she then allow the System to take over and determine how you prospered?

"The Gods refuse to answer that question, but the only solution that makes sense is that they have no choice. The Universe expands, and as it expands, it creates order out of chaos.

"Stars form. Worlds obey the rules of gravity. And life is born. Each planet a Divine experiment created by the Domains of the Divine.

"But the Gods are not omnipotent or omniscient. Until they turn their focus and notice a World, a Star System, or a Galaxy, events occur based on System protocols. If you manage to claim this planet for the Tuatha de Danaan, their influence will increase, but System was the progenitor.

"It followed the Divine mandate and rules that were implemented at the moment of all creation. It will continue, willing to share influence, but refusing to release the order it has created to the whims of fate and Gods."