Figuring things out

"I have a Vassal. Cedric de Belenos, that will be arriving at some point. He will be staying with me, please allow him to have access to my suite," I informed the receptionist before turning to follow the valet she'd motioned forward to accompany me to my rooms.

"By the way," I said stopping and turning back. "While I conduct interviews in the conference room. Would you please see that refreshments are available, nothing to elaborate, some beverages, a few finger foods would be sufficient?

"And perhaps assign some staff to help control and funnel any crowds that may appear?

"There seemed to be quite a few individuals who wished to see me at Lord Kel's ambassador palace, and Jennie informed them they could find me here.

"I'm not sure when they will start showing up, but possibly you might inform security and management that large groups of people may show up at some point."

"Of course, sir.

"I'll inform management. We will provide and assign you a butler and secretary during your stay. We have a secretarial service that we contract with, but the butler will be someone from staff that has been trained to deal with issues of high-Ranking individuals.

"When you are ready to meet with them, please notify the front desk and they will find you in your rooms."

"Jennie," I said after thanking the receptionist, "let's have dinner together and catch up?"

"Since I intend to cook for you while you stay in our hotel, that won't be a problem," she joked and agreed before we said our farewells and I made my way to the suite I'd been assigned.

The suite I was shown to was on an upper floor. Not the penthouse, but certainly one of the rooms that would be considered pride of place. The furnishings and arrangement were eerily similar to something that I would find on Earth. A lounge, office, kitchen, dining room, and two bedrooms both with en suites.

My examination of the rooms was perfunctory at best. I had some research to do and wanted to get my hands on this world's version of a computer and the Internet.

"Caraid," I said my relief evident as the staff left me alone, "how do I access the computer?"

[The information crystal and network array are embedded in the desk. Simply infuse some of your magic into the crystal and you will be able to establish a connection with the Seelie domain.]

[Most people have to use tertiary enchantments and items to access the domain, but your mental affinity is high enough that you can simply make a connection with your inherent abilities.]

Connecting to an information crystal and network array was nothing like casting a spell. I didn't need to gather will, focus, or intent. It was more like a handshake. I extended my magic into the crystal and it latched on forming a mental connection that allowed me to project holograms and mentally surf for information.

And just that easily my knowledge base expanded. A bit of magic injected into a crystal, handshake protocols established between the network and my mental affinity, and within seconds I was creating a new user account.

Sharing my System status screen information, and allowing my magical energy signature to be registered, I was able to create communication accounts that were theft-proof and establish a security level for my account that was based on my Rank.

I opened an account with a banking firm, established a line of credit for 10,000,000 gold based on my Rank, and created an independent corporation account that would be tied to any lands I claimed. An account that had the ability to accept taxes I may establish in the future and pay any expense my country may incur.

And all this done with holographic projections, video conferencing with individuals, and navigating screens and search tools mentally. No keyboards. No typing. Just mental and voice commands.

I also purchased an index and search algorithm that was tailor-made for my purposes and that was compact enough to be stored in a smart-crystal.

This worlds version of a cellphone and app, which I quickly ordered, customizing to include my heraldic device.

I was able to find Cedric's network account easily since he'd already updated his social media account to display his updated affiliation as my vassal. Something else the smart-crystal allowed. So, after a quick message to him telling him, I'd sorted lodgings for the moment, and to instead focus on the blacksmith investigation, I re-directed his priorities.

I informed him of who Jennie was, where we would be staying, and let him know I'd arranged for him to have access to our rooms with the front desk. As well as informing him that the suite included room for his lodgings.

Once all of that was done, I got to work.

First, I began by establishing security and safety measures as tight as possible. I was able to incorporate a few tricks I'd learned on Earth. Software programming was universal. The language and protocols might change, but the adaptability and functionality seemed constant. Masking my presence and obfuscating my location from others was a simple matter, easily done before I started my research.

I decided the best thing to do was start with the big stuff.

The planet appeared to be in the Pangea phase of development. One Supercontinent separated into three enormous expanses of territory. The Seelie and Unseelie had annexed almost four-fifths of the available land. The remaining land was simply labeled: The Neutral Divide. This divide separated the territories that the two factions had claimed.

The landmass and oceans were at least five times the size of Earth, which would explain why there was such a pronounced increase in strength and health for people living on this planet. The increased gravity for such a large super-planet required species that were capable of adapting to evolve with increased muscle mass and bone density.

As I examined the Neutral Divide further, I wondered why the land had remained unclaimed. It appeared to be ideal. Plains, forests, mountains, lakes, rivers. Perhaps it was simply the location.

Centrally located with obvious geographical delineations.

Perhaps it was simply easier to use this area to separate the two factions. Plus, there was enough landmass to allow for sneak attacks to be problematic. Any military maneuvering would be easily noticed and allow those monitoring to warn either side if troop movements occurred.

The capital was strategically located at the apex and junction of the three territories. It was here that a geological oddity had occurred. It was almost as if the territories were funneled to this one point, an intersection of confluence and geography. No mountains, rivers, or chasms to separate them. It was at this point that the Capital for both factions had been established. A Seelie/Unseelie metropolis that contained over one billion individuals.

Broad information about both factions existed.

Population numbers, species density, and type, government distribution. Looking at the information, I realized exactly how small and insignificant Lord Kel and his fief were. There were thousands of Lords assigned to towns and small cities. Dukes assigned to a large metropolis and mega-cities. While Archdukes functioned like Governors and ruled broad swaths of areas that contained dozens of Dukes and hundreds of Lords.

Archdukes were not an established rank, recognized by the System. They were simply Dukes that had reached level ten and had been appointed to rule over a significant expanse of lands and area.

Portals connected cities and lands and were established and built-in cities governed by those who had attained the Rank of Duke. I would have to travel to Duke A'Daoine's territory and city if I wanted to fast travel to the Capital. A small journey of several hundred miles. That may have been a daunting task before I discovered skimmer transportation. But now it was a matter of minutes or hours depending on a Skimmer's top speed.

Both territories were ruled by Monarchies with a Parliament of equals that contained Kings and Queens of Sidhe factions and races that the Seelie and Unseelie considered lesser. It was these parliaments that housed Goblin Kings and Queens, the Demi-fey, Slaugh, Redcaps, Boggans, Sprites, and Fairies. Every species that existed had their own court and Monarchy, and this collection of equals was powerful.

Powerful but subservient to Seelie and Unseelie demands and prerogatives.