
"Who and what exactly are you looking to recruit?" Brianna asked.

"You mentioned Guards and Management, what rank are you hoping to attract? And are you hiring individuals as staff or recruiting some as members of your House?"

"Cedric? What exactly is a House?" I asked.

[Once a Ranked individual has reached Lord level, they can recruit people by adopting them into their household. A House is comprised of those members that the Head of Line has vested full faith and trust in.]

"What are the benefits?"

[For the individual, they gain protection and a branch line status.]

[They assume your name as part of the family designation. Any treaties, partnerships, or corporation perks that you bargain for are shared equally with all House members.]

[Usually, but not always, a House will set up a contribution point system. This allows associate and branch members to purchase equipment, items, or land rights based on how many points they have earned.]

[For you as Head of House. These people that you adopt can be relied on, for the most part, to further any goals you may have. The rewards the House gains are cooperative and pooled.]

[You would retain the absolute right on how or if to distribute gains.]

[Because House members enjoy a certain level of trust, it best to never rush into ennobling them. Spend time to really understand their motivations before granting Ranks.]

Satisfied I understand at least the concept behind Houses, I answered Brianna's question. "I plan on recruiting any truly talented people I find as members of my House. For now, hiring as staff seems the safest route, but contracts and confidentiality oaths will be required.

"I know it will be impossible to weed out all spies, but recent events have demonstrated that certain factions have aligned with other Pantheons, I have been attacked by Olympians, and in the process learned that Asgard's are at work too.

"I will be requiring confidentiality oaths from both of you, now, before we go any further. There is too much to be discussed, to worry where your loyalties lie.

"I know Jennie has vouched for you, that is why I am willing to offer you each a permanent position, but until you make Oath and accept those positions, I need some assurances that the conversations you might overhear or take part in, are proprietary.

"You might want to consider that before you decide to join my house permanently. Cedric and I recently had to fight for our lives. These other Pantheons are motivated by hubris, discounting the abilities of Sidhe.

"Since our discovery that other Pantheons are active on Talahm, I am certain that this first attack will not be the last.

"We have no idea who is backing these factions, or what their endgame is, but I am sure I haven't heard the last of them."

"Just so you aware, I have no intention of pledging to either Seelie or Unseelie monarchies. I'm sure that decision is going to generate its own set of problems and headaches. So, any person willing to join my House needs to be made aware they will be required to take the strongest Oaths possible."

"Caraid, remind me to discuss with you what oaths I can use, and any ceremonies or requirements to accept Retainers, Vassals, and House members," I said. "Also, let's discuss if my actions are tantamount to creating a new faction."

"Particularly, I am looking for people that can fill roles of Seneschal, Majordomo, Advisors knowledgeable in taxes, inter-planetary law, land acquisition, and fief management. Guards, including those with ranks and experience to train and outfit guards. Knowledge brokers," a diplomatic way of saying spies, "and support staff."

"I doubt we will stay in Lord Kel's fief long. A week, maybe two, depending on how recruitment is going, so make sure anyone I interview is aware of our imminent departure, willing to travel, and that I am uncertain of our ultimate destination.

"I am less than pleased with the amenities of Lord Kel and his lands. Those with families must have plans and living arrangements for family members until I have established a base and built or bought suitable structures to house and relocate family members."

"Slaves and Serfs that meet my requirements are acceptable. Even criminals may apply, I'll decide their status based on the details of their crimes."

"Cedric, I will task you with background research for now. Try to find out anything you can about the applicants after Brianne has supplied you with a list of names."

"Prince de Belenos," Cedric spoke up, interrupting my diatribe, "Lord Kel left a message requesting your presence for tonight's dinner. He was hoping to host a banquet in your honor and apologize to you."

"Thank you, Cedric."

"Sir Henry," I said recognizing I would have to meet with Lord Kel at least once more, "contact Lord Kel's staff and arrange a more suitable time to attend.

"Any time in the next few days is fine but attending a banquet tonight without my own staff or guards in place is out of the question."

"Of course, My Lord," Sir Henry agreed. "Perhaps the last day before your departure? There are certain ceremonies and protocols that must be met. As well as small household matters that need to be sorted, at a minimum, a tailor to fashion uniforms and heraldic devices for the staff. Suitable garb would be required before any formal gathering would be possible."

"Good. Let's plan to leave in a fortnight then. That also gives us time to purchase any supplies we might need and outfit those I accept into my house. It also gives me some breathing room to dodge the political pitfalls that are certain to prop up."

"Where should we plan as our destination?" Cedric asked.

"Duke A'Daoine's city first. I owe him at least this small courtesy.

"The Capital, eventually.

"I can't put off meeting the Seelie and Unseelie Royals for long. Where we'll head once that is done, I have an idea. But it really depends on what happens in the Capital."

"And Cedric," I added, "plan for a leisurely trip from here to the Capital. I've never left Fief Kel before, and I want to take me time and enjoy the sights and peoples along the way."

"We would need to travel with mounts instead of skimmers, anyway. It should give you plenty of opportunities to enjoy and discover the surrounding areas." He asked.

"Mounts?" I wondered aloud. "Why would anyone still use mounts?"

"An affectation of high Rank and class," Cedric answered.

"It allows you to show off your wealth and the success of any breeding programs or stables that your House might control," Henry explained. "Only those with culture and money maintain a stable of pure-blooded animals that can be used as mounts.

"Skimmers and haulers are mainly used in cities, by lesser nobility and ranks, and for transporting goods and services. Anyone who is anyone knows that maintaining and using mounts to travel is the thing to do. It's become another way for the rich and powerful to exaggerate the difference between them and lesser Sidhe."

"But mounts do have one bonus skimmers don't. They are often battle-trained, hardened, and can help attack and defend if you meet up with ambushes or monsters," Cedric interjected.

"It seems like an unnecessary expense and hardship for support staff and those without mounts," I suggested.

"Support staff and those individuals without mounts usually travel ahead using Skimmers," Sir Henry supplied. "They find rooms in inns when available or set up roadside camps when not.

"Cargo haulers may be used for transporting large groups of individuals along with any items or supplies."

"Let me guess, no Ranked would ever deign to ride in a Cargo holder?" I said.

All three of them refused to answer my question, darting glances at each other, uncertain how I would react if they agreed.

"It doesn't matter," I said resolutely, "you will find my beliefs are more plebeian in nature. Perhaps skipping so many Ranks will allow me to remember and embrace those people that have been trapped by greed and indifference."

"Henry. Brianna. Let's get Oaths and contract done and out of the way. We have a lot to discuss and plan, and it's best to get this over with."