No Place Like Home

It was only after I had dealt with the Sithern that I allowed myself to pay attention to my surroundings. The blizzard had ended, and there was a quiet stillness that sometimes greeted the new day. The sun reflecting so brightly off the freshly compacted snow that glare and blindness were real concerns.

Earth was a beautiful world, and winter enhanced that beauty. The snow blanketing everything in a pristine newness. A fresh and unspoiled vista of possibilities, each snowflake proof of the wonders and innovation of Nature.

But already there were noticeable changes from the System integration.

Traffic was stopped. Cars abandoned as people had been transported to tutorial and lower level zones. Nature was already reclaiming what man had so industriously built, reclaiming what had been lost, even in Winter the changes to land and buildings were obvious. Plastics, rubber, garbage; the flotsam and detritus of modern life was decomposing at an accelerated rate.

Animals both indigenous and mythological were prevalent, an ecology that was being restored as life replaced the sterility of concrete and steel. The most notable new life-form was the nest of Griffins that had claimed the CERN Dome as their new home. They had managed to open a hole in the base just large enough to allow them to enter easily, and they were working to transform the space, to build an aerie for future chicks.

I wasn't sure of the logic behind their appearance in this area. We were in Switzerland so it seemed that the mountains would make a more suitable location, but perhaps they considered the nearby river and repopulated wildlife as a food source more important than the protections the mountains might give.

And it was entirely possible some Wyverns and Dragons had claimed those mountains. If all of Earth's myths and legends were returning, then those beasts would certainly make an appearance. They were part of the folklore and fantasy for most countries.

It was also likely that dwarves, kobolds, and Drow might populate the subterranean levels. If they existed and needed to forage for food, placing nests within reach may be more problematic than somewhere in a lower-lying area.

The land the Sithern had been located at was flawlessly restored, any minute changes to landscape undetectable from the surrounding field. There had been subtle changes hidden by glamour and illusion when the Sithern was active and in place, but everything had been wiped clean. Even the drifting snow was uniform, the false spring that had protected the area nothing more than a distant memory.

"It's time," the Duchess reminded me, rousing me from my reflections. Deliberately, I focused on her and her people, turning my back literally on the World that was like the fallen snow, fresh and filled with magic and possibilities.

"I agree," I said harnessing will, intent, and word.

"[Portal: Summerlands]" I intoned. The activation and creation of the portal much easier this time than when I had attempted it from within the CERN Dungeon. There was none of the inflexibility or rigidness as realities fought to link, no clashing of dimensional magics as each location fought for dominance. The dungeon had been closed, and it not only made opening the portal much easier, but the resulting structure was that much sturdier.

"I haven't visited the other side," I informed Duchess Wynne, "so, I'm not sure what will greet us. You should go through first. If there is something dangerous on the other side, you have the best chance of defeating it and protecting the others until I come through."

Nodding her head in agreement, Duchess Wynne stepped into the portal authoritatively. Unafraid and certain that she would be fine. She was a Power, and without the threat and blackmail those holding her daughter had used to restrain that power, she would have leveled Haygan's land and Kel's Fief.

Her people followed quickly, their absolute devotion and faith in the Duchess obvious, as they too harbored no fear or hesitation. Once the final Knocker had entered the Portal, Aspen and Pine moved to follow. They paused at the threshold, turning for one final glimpse at the World that had been the place for their birth.

Bowing their heads in benediction they released a blessing on the small field that had been home to the Sithern. These lands were not claimed by the Sidhe, but their blessing would endure. It expanded until it included the Griffin Aerie, restoring Spring to Winter.

The snow melting, becoming rivulets of freshwater that filled a small pool. Flowers and fruit bushes bursting into full bloom and heavy with ripened fruit. They created a close replica to the Sithern field, almost an exact replica of the place where their race had been born. A final footprint, a lasting testament to the power of Creation that had been the epicenter, the place that had ushered in the new world order and System paradigm.

[World Announcement - The Cernunnos have created and gifted the World the first Landmark. The Nexus of Creation has been named. Landmark protections have been activated. Griffin Aerie identified as the Nexus of Creation Landmark Guardian.]

Examining what it was they had wrought, the Cernunnos seemed satisfied. I wondered if they regretted that they would have so little time with the world that birthed them. It was impossible to tell. Once they had left their gift for the people of Earth, they didn't allow hesitation or reluctance to affect their decision to enter the portal. Once their benediction and gift had been accepted by System, they stepped forward with a certitude that belied any unwillingness.

As for me? I had already severed my ties with Earth. The changes that had been made to heal the chasm of my soul, the integration of my Caraid's memories had already begun to subsume my own old life. That life, those memories were quickly fading, and any emotional lingering investment I might have in the people or the planet were fading along with those memories.

There was no more grief. No sense of loss of purpose. This world would fade becoming nothing more than vague dreams, occasional reminders, until those too faded.

My duty was done. I stepped through the Portal into the Summerlands, closing the Portal to Earth behind me.


Transiting between realms made no logical sense, but then magic wasn't based on logic. But there did seem to be rules, Universal Laws that even this type of travel adhered too. The person that took that step into the unknown, that traversed wormholes, or dimensional rifts, or magic gates, whatever the reality behind the Portals was, that person was destroyed. Rendered into the composite molecules and atoms that made me, me.

And as my body was torn into its constituent parts, the final changes were made to my memories. I would remember Danu, Beleros, Cyronax, and System. But the rest, those memories of S-Prime and the rules of Karma and the multiverse I had learned during reincarnation were removed. Caraid and I became who we were meant to be.

I was now and forever Teigh Mac de Beleros y Cyronax.

Sidhe Prince.

[System Announcement: Portal: Earth waystation removed.]

I dismissed the notification negligently. Perhaps I should have wondered how way-stations could be removed from my Spell list, but I wasn't unduly concerned. The Portal to Talahm remained, and that was all that I cared about. I wanted to return and begin. It was time to build and claim a home.

"Where will the Portal to Talahm open," I asked Duchess Wynne once I had taken a visual headcount and assured myself everyone had arrived safely and at the same location. I was more than happy to find that the first phase had worked as I'd hoped, but I was unsure where we would arrive at on Talahm since I'd not created a waypoint as a saved location.

"Chances are near the last location on Talahm you were before entering the dungeon and left Talahm. It should be very close to where the CERN opening was located."

Understanding the logic, we decided to move on quickly. The time vagaries of Summerlands may already mean we returned dozens or hundreds of years from the moment in time when CERN dungeon had been closed by Cedric.

A quick cast of [Portal: Talahm] and a new dimensional rift was quickly opened. We entered in the same order. Perhaps it was psychological, the knowledge that we were finally returning home, but the excitement and sheer joy was obvious as one by one each individual, those long trapped in CERN, rushed to finally be done with this part of their travels.

I did take a moment to save the current location as my default setting for Summerlands. The area was uniformly bland, seemingly benign. Nothing but sparse vegetation and broken boulders littering the ground. With nothing dangerous apparent, it would be a safe location for quick egress if I needed to teleport here in the future.

Once done, I too quickly entered the Portal, happy that I would soon be reunited with friends. And people I was quickly coming to consider my family.

The Duchess had been correct, we had arrived in the cave system where CERN had formed. I had barely got a moment to get my bearings before I was overwhelmed with System Messages.

[Quest Complete – Save the Duchess and her people]

[Quest Complete – Solve the mystery behind System virus infection]

[Quest Complete – Destroy the God Particle emissions]

[Quest Complete – Save Two Worlds]

[Quest Complete – Bring Danu's Children to Talahm]

[Hidden Quest Complete – Refuse to claim Earth and honor Oaths given]

[Hidden Quest Compete – Systems Integration of Earth]








[Rank-Up Rank: King]




[Rewards – Title: Life-bringer – You have saved the people on two worlds and allowed Danu the opportunity to create a new race of Sidhe. Fertility for those that have sworn Oaths to House Teigh increase by 100%]

[Rewards – Title: Monarch's Own – You have introduced a new species to Talahm and reintroduced a species thought long extinct. The Cernunnos and Volar-fey are indebted and will answer your call as long as that call does not conflict with Danu's tenets.]

[Rewards – King's Regalia: Diadem of Focus, Scepter of Authority, Cloak of Protection, Necklace of Justice]

[System Quest: Lohne, Uron, and Cedric are being held by the Seelie Monarch and Court. Free them and honor Oath's given, Oath's that you have sworn to your Vassals.]

[Failure: The Death of Lohne, Uron, and Cedric.]

[Reward: Variable]