God Particles - Part 2

I had the guide quickly recount the information he had shared, making sure Lord Nelson was up to speed before beginning my interrogation.

"How many people from the other side of the portal have you allowed passage? Why did Haygan hide this Dungeon? What were his plans, and how were they able to use the Portal?" I demanded when the last person was linked to our M-CI conference.

Conference calls were more advanced on Talahm than on Earth. A meeting room composed of spiritual and magical energies was formed and those that joined sent a spark of their spirit to gain access. Apart from the ghost-like quality of the images, it was detailed enough to mimic real face-to-face gatherings.

Those gathered looked warily at each other, uncertain how answering my questions would affect them. Their motivation was obvious, they were Sidhe, and always scheming to get the most out of any situation. But the unique characteristics of the Dungeon, not only to me but possible Sidhe at large would not allow for suppressing information that may be vital.

"I will recommend that Duke A'Daoine turn over to the Seelie monarchs any of those who refuse to answer my questions," I threatened. "I wonder how long you can resist answering the questions with the methods they may exert?"

My threats were effective. The Monarchs were well versed in extracting information. They had a pledged Vassal that was System ranked for torture.

Reluctantly at first, then almost frenzied, they began to explain. The cacophony of sound and confusion was commensurate with the number of advisers and as the seconds passed, they became more frantic to share information. Each speaking louder, faster, and more desperate in an attempt to make sure they conveyed the intentions and plans of Haygan. Anything to keep from being turned over for torture.

"Enough!" I said, unable to understand a word as they squawked and shouted to outdo each other.

"Blayney. Select one as the spokesman. We'll never get anywhere otherwise," I ordered.

"Knight Blair. You have been part of Haygan's staff the longest. Answer the Prince's questions," Blayney said motioning a woman forward. She was all straight lines and angular features. Eyes that flashed fury and fear. Her posture was ramrod straight, giving her a military bearing. She was a woman used to giving orders, and to be relegated to a messenger and spokeswoman demeaned the person and image she had crafted and refined over the centuries.

Like all Kelpie, she had an otherworldliness about her. Not ephemeral or delicate in her case. More solid. She was steadfast, a woman who had deep roots and a solid foundation that could weather any storm.

Her one redeeming feature, that softened her otherwise austere appearance were her hands. You would think that this woman was adept at weapons and farming. Her military bearing and deep roots radiated her interests in those areas clearly. But her hands were delicate. Soft. Graceful. They softened her visage and transformed her from a two-dimensional caricature to someone of profoundness.

"Of course, Lord Blayney," she agreed, lips clenched tightly in frustration.

"Which question would you like to start with, Your Highness?" She asked me.

"Our guide mentioned that there have been incursions. Explain," I demanded.

"Discovering the dungeon was a lucky happenstance," she began. "Several decades ago, the Kelpie family that fished the waters where the river emptied noticed an upsurge in energy. Plants and fish were growing faster, prodigious rates of growth in a short amount of time.

"So, Lord Haygan sent a few trusted men to investigate.

"It took a while, but eventually they discovered the Silinium nodes and deposits. They quickly returned to inform Lord Haygan, mistakenly believing this was the reason the rivers waters were thriving with vitality.

"Lord Haygan considered informing Duke A'Daoine about the discovery, but a missive from Fief Kel changed his mind.

"Lord Kel's second wife had just died, and Lady Patricia was ensconced as his first and only wife. And they were looking for allies. Haygan and Kel have a convoluted history steeped in debauchery and a warped sense of noblesse oblige.

"Both had always believed they not only deserved more but they were entitled to it. I don't know what was in that missive, but it was the impetus that began their pogrom of distraction and illusion.

"The relationship started as a simple skimming enterprise. Lord Haygan would mine the nodes and station guards. Lord Kel and Lady Patricia would distribute the mined metals. Both would share in the profit. Each planning on expanding their territory with the ill-gotten monies.

"The Dungeon didn't exist when mining began. It was about five years later, that an explosion of God particles opened the rift and created the Dungeon instance. If not for the Silinium nodes, and their ability to absorb energies, the Rifts may have destroyed a good portion of the local Sidhe populace and wildlife. Or mutated the people beyond recognition.

"All mining operations had to cease. Both Lords were concerned that if more God particles were produced, the Silinium would be needed to absorb those particles. They decided the prudent move was to wait, to leave the metals, and gauge how the God particles affected the Silinium deposits, the Mother Node would be left in place to absorb the emissions radiating from the dungeon.

"It was a good thing they did because the God Particles seemed to come in waves. A new breach of explosive particles, the timing of which were irregular.

"Finally, Lord Haygan and Lord Kel decided to risk a Dungeon delve. They wanted to try to understand what was happening. Lord Haygan thought it best to send only the best fighters and brightest minds. So, he contracted Duchess Ailis Wynne, a Knocker who had recently Ranked up.

"Her recent elevation in Rank came at a cost. She was now equal in Rank to her liege-lord, this became untenable, and she was released from her Oaths and cast out. Her people, her House was looking for lands they could claim to begin building a new community.

"Lord Haygan offered her and her people the lands at the head of the tributary in exchange for a detailed analysis of the Dungeon. Knockers are amazingly proficient and efficient when it comes to

tinkering and research, and Duchess Wynne had a reputation for gathering the best and brightest.

"What she discovered changed everything.

"The denizens of this dungeon had technology and science. And a method that allowed them to use the portal opening and exit the dungeon.