The Divine

I felt pressured, uncertain of the decision I was about to make. I still was unsure what System expected from me if this was all something orchestrated to invade another reality and allow System to expand and update this Universe's Law.

I would have felt better if I could trust in Danu, Beleros, and Cyronax instead of the System if the choices I made were going to benefit them, but they were transient. They would be recalled, returned to Sleep. These dreams given flesh could not last, they were simply reflections of the Tuatha de Danaan Divine.

And because they were transient, I wondered if I should stall or ask for a less restrictive Oath until I knew better what System planned.

=[You have no time to stall, and to reject the Oath as given would be an insult.] Cariad warned. [The Oath establishes parity between the parties, don't discount the power and efficacy of an Oath that is freely given between Powers that are close in Rank and Level.]

=[Although you are correct; Danu, Beleros, and Cyronax will return to Sleep, these dreams will be absorbed by and become memories for the Sleepers. Further, having three Gods present and bearing witness to this Oath is profound and fortuitous.]

=[Even if they are only reflections, only dreams given voice; the part of the Divine they have allowed to power these dreams are substantive. Your actions here today should make those choices unassailable even by System when witnessed by that Divine spark.]

=[As long as you do not forswear those promises. As long as you are doing everything within your power to give the Duchess an opportunity, no matter the time involved, or how small the likelihood, her House and allies are yours. By making a real and good faith effort to get the Duchess into a position where she can confront those that destroyed her family and seek justice or revenge, you increase your Power-base.]

=[Accept the benefice of the Duchess, her connections alone make it worthwhile, and even if her immediate House is severely diminished, she is a Ranked Duchess; she comes with her own abilities.]

=[You cannot shape the change that Talahm required by yourself. You need allies if you are going to make any real change to the Sidhe and Talahm's political structure.]

=[Once the Oath is accepted, there will never be a reason to worry about her motivation or loyalty. She and those that have pledged to her will be with and support you until the end of days.]

=[And for Sidhe? That is just the short side of forever.]

=[Accept her Oath and get her off her knees. I think it the height of hubris to expect someone that has endured what she has to kneel. Something you should begin considering now when you are just beginning to form a functional Court and House are what trappings of power are you going to retain.]

=[The Seelie and Unseelie are all about genuflecting, kneeling, and remaining with head bowed in the presence of the Monarchs. Rank and Titles are to be venerated no matter the actions of the person behind that Rank, and if they deserved that respect and veneration.]

=[Maybe you can do better. Instill a benevolence and respect in your subjects that have less to do with subjugation and more to do with respect. It's never too early to start returning the dignity and honor to those that swear to serve.]

I agreed with everything Caraid said, so after I clicked 'Yes' and accepted Duchess Wynne's Oath, I knelt down to offer her my support, raising her up, and bowing my head my hand moving to cover my heart, "Your Oath is accepted, Duchess Wynne," I began, "Yours is the first House and Benefice to join House Beleros y Cyronax. No matter the future, you and yours will always have a special place."

"Your words will always be heard. Your council always sought and respected even when other paths and choices conflict with that advice and must be made.

"We will embrace whatever future may come as one, together we are stronger. There will be no kowtowing or kneeling between our Houses. We are past those demeaning protocols and traditions. Actions that do little more than to belittle and disparage one House over another. Between us, let us instead simply bow our heads, cover our hearts, and stand proudly as we forge a new future together.

"I swear to you, that I will do everything I can to see you standing in the halls of Olympus and Asgard. I will do all I can so that you will stand before those that have wronged and decimated your House. Even if I have to wake the Tuatha de Danaan Pantheon and wage the final battle."

The voices of Danu, Beleros, and Cyronax resonated, the very Sithern pulsing with and absorbing the echoes of the words, absorbing the Oath and the Divine into the foundation and magical matrix that gave life and intellect to the Sithern.

And as that Divine was absorbed, a subtle change to the Sithern occurred. A radiance and peacefulness that reflected the Divine and instilled a reverence and majesty that flowed like mist, currents of air dispersing and renewing that Divine becoming an integral part of the Sithern. A radiance that became self-sustaining and enduring. The change to the atmosphere, the hint of the Divine spark would mark this Sithern as other.

The Tuatha de Danaan Gods themselves had spoken, witnessed, and acted within the Sithern's boundary. The first time in countless ages that the Sidhe was once again touched by the benevolence and imbued with the power of faith, a Divine manifestation long forgotten as those Gods that had been long sleeping had been unable to provide their children with their blessings.

Danu said interrupting me as I was manipulating System menu's looking for the prompt to claim it,

"Show me," I said agreeing to Danu's request, "My knowledge of the Sidhe Gods is based on fiction and myths. Show me what it means to be the Tuatha de Danaan Pantheon. The weakness, the strengths. The wondrous and the ugly.

"I would create a shrine that reflects what is true. Let them see You for who You are. Remove the blinders of influence and expectations of the Divine, so that they can know the reason the Sidhe Pantheon is unique among all Gods and all Pantheons."

And they did.

And as they filled my sight with the wonders and horrors, as they shared the Divine, I sculpted what I was shown. Reaching forth, calling the freshly planted and empowered Silinium to move to my will, and form relief sculptures that heralded the Sidhe experience.


An absence, not just of light and life, but of matter and time.

A stillness and emptiness filled with the vast power of the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end.

And the Sidhe Gods, in truth all Gods, were simply different faces of this Oneness.

Loneliness so filled with desire that action was required. And in that action, the Multi-verse was formed. And as the Alpha and Omega commanded, the Gods were formed. Imbued with powers and Universal constants. Splintered dualities as the Alpha and Omega wielded titanic power to create; imbuing Time, Eternity, Life, Death, and S-Prime with fundamental laws that would govern all existence.

Allowing fissured thoughts to be given shape as Gods, restricted and confined to aspects and domains, to assume and coalesce as the Divine caretakers of this new Multi-verse.

And finally, tying the breadth and width of creation and the Multi-verse together by joining all points in space and time, space and time without end, together. Connecting those disparate points and allowing them to share the majesty and might that would become the Summerlands.

Those newly Divine, those sparks of awareness that was charged by the splintering mind of the Alpha and the Omega, gained intellect, will, and identity. Searching for other sparks of the Divine that resonated with similar intent. Until the Tuatha de Danaan Pantheon was formed, the first Pantheon, charged as the last command of the Alpha and the Omega to become Guardians, to stay vigilant and maintain the protection of the Summerlands.

Unique among all the Divine because they were given dominion over all time, all space, as part of their mandate to protect the intricate permutations as actions and choices were made and the Universes began to diverge.