Hard Truths

[You have chosen not to claim the lands of Fief Kel. You have gained 20,000 gold]

I wondered briefly if that gold was System generated or removed from Kel's treasury. Either way, the funds were added to my coin pouch, and I was not going to refuse them.

Money hadn't really been an issue yet, but I could foresee a time when I would need vast sums. If I were going to build the kind of Kingdom I'd envisioned, I would need to be able to fund and build infrastructure. It may be crass and uncouth to worry about coinage when you are a Prince, but wages must be paid, retainers and vassals must be fed. I couldn't afford to ignore these realities no matter how crass and uncouth they may seem.

Speaking of, once that decision had been made, I realized two things. First, I was hungry; we were supposed to have been attending a banquet so none of us had eaten much earlier. And, second, I had to go to the restroom.

Battling was great for sweating the toxins from your body, and dying certainly slowed the process, but now that I had a moment of peace, the call of nature reminded me that Immortality was built on a foundation of mortality. Prince or pauper, we all must answer the call of nature, and I really had to piss. Thankfully, Lord Kel's office had an en suite and I wouldn't need to embarrass myself when I attended the next meeting.

Hunger ignored, for now, Cedric gathered the guards outside Lord Kel's office, and we moved to enter the next room. Our discussion while fruitful had been quick, and we'd barely spent thirty minutes coming to a decision. None the less, the meeting room was almost full to bursting. It seemed anyone that was anyone had clamored for admittance and insisted they attend.

It mattered little to me who was in attendance, but Uron had other ideas. Motioning for me to remain in Lord Kel's office, he quickly and decisively began clearing the room of superfluous attendants and sycophants. Finally settling on an even dozen attendees, including Leian, the Majordomo, Lord Kel's Seneschal, and his most trusted advisers, Uron gave the all-clear and motioned for me to enter.

"Let's make this quick," I said addressing the room as soon as I entered, not bothering to claim a seat. "Lord Kel's situation is dire and cannot be ignored. He hasn't long to live, and his condition will only deteriorate as the Elfshot continues to destroy his body and mind.

"System has offered these lands as a reward for uncovering the truth about what has been going on here and defeating Lord Kel and Lady Patricia. I have refused. I have no claim on these lands. It was the Wild Hunt that acted. Their vengeance and retribution were satisfied when the battle was ended.

"Regardless, that means some decisions must be made until Duke A'Daoine has been apprised of the situation and can act.

"Leian," I continued ruthlessly, "just days ago you were a commoner. I doubt the Duke will invest you with these demesnes. You are simply not ranked high enough. Whether he will appoint a regent and council to rule for you until you are able to Rank up is his decision. Mine is to inform you that my plans to embark on our planned journey and leave these lands tomorrow will go forward.

"Lohne. You and Desmond should contact Duke A'Daoine and inform him of today's actions. All of today's actions. Stress the importance of the decimated ranks left in Lord Kel's forces because of the battle with the Wild Hunt. He will need to act expeditiously to maintain control over the area.

"Inform him that I will be traveling to his lands and will meet to discuss what occurred here today and over the past fortnight. The meeting shouldn't last long, but I would appreciate his attention when I arrive.

"I don't foresee a long stay, so guest rights or quarters are not necessary, but do make it clear that I intend to use the teleportation array to travel to the Capital as quickly as possible.

My pronouncements were not met with a cheer by Lord Kel's people. I hadn't thought they would be. Leian, especially, seemed to resent my words, I couldn't blame her. I could have sugar-coated them, tried to soften the blow, but enough obfuscation and smearing of truths had occurred.

Deceit and conspiracies are what had led us to the now. Perhaps hard truths were what was needed in order to shake the complacency of those that remained and remove the blinders from the eyes that these people had labored under.

I felt sympathy for them. But I didn't have the time to remain to ease their suffering. They would have to depend on each other for comfort.

[Quest generated - Meet with Duke A'Daoine and reveal the truth of Olympus' schemes and Sidhe co-conspirators.]