Well, now I've gone and done it.
Last night, after everyone was in bed, I snuck
downstairs to listen to Rodrick's CD on the
stereo in the family room.
I put Rodrick's new headphones on and cranked
up the volume really high. Then I hit "play."
First, let me just say I can definitely understand
why they put that "Parental Warning" sticker
on the CD.
But I only got to hear about thirty seconds of
the first song before I got interrupted.
It turns out I didn't have the headphones plugged
into the stereo. So the music was actually coming
through the speakers, not the headphones.
Dad marched me up to my room and shut the
door behind him, and then he said—
Whenever Dad says "friend" that way, you know
you're in trouble. The first time Dad ever said
"friend" like that to me, I didn't get that he was
being sarcastic. So I kind of let my guard down.
I don't make that mistake anymore.
Tonight, Dad yelled at me for about ten minutes,
and then I guess he decided he'd rather be in bed
then standing in my room in his underwear. He
told me I was grounded from playing video games
for two weeks, which is about what I expected.
I guess I should be glad that's all he did.
The good thing about Dad is that when he gets
mad, he cools off real quick, and then it's over.
Usually, if you mess up in front of Dad, he just
throws whatever he's got in his hands at you.
Mom has a totally different style when it
comes to punishment. If you mess up and Mom
catches you, the first thing she does is to take
a few days to figure out what your punishment
should be.
And while you're waiting, you do all these nice
things to try to get off easier.
But then after a few days, right when you
forget you're in trouble, that's when she lays it
on you.
This video game ban is a whole lot tougher than
I thought it would be. But at least I'm not the
only one in the family who's in trouble.
Rodrick's in some hot water with Mom right now,
too. Manny got ahold of one of Rodrick's heavy
metal magazines, and one of the pages had a
picture of a woman in a bikini lying across the
hood of a car. And then Manny brought it into
daycare for show-and-tell.
Anyway, I don't think Mom was too happy about
getting that phone call.
I saw the magazine myself, and it honestly wasn't
anything to get worked up over. But Mom doesn't
allow that kind of stuff in the house. Rodrick's punishment was that he had to answer
a bunch of questions Mom wrote out for him.
I'm still grounded from playing video games, so
Manny has been using my system. Mom went out and
bought a whole bunch of educational video games,
and watching Manny play them is like torture.
The good news is that I finally figured out how
to get some of my games past Rowley's dad. I
just put one of my discs in Manny's "Discovering
the Alphabet" case, and that's all it takes.
At school today, they announced that student
government elections are coming up. To be honest
with you, I've never had any interest in student
government. But when I started thinking about
it, I realized getting elected Treasurer could
totally change my situation at school.
And even better ...
Nobody ever thinks about running for Treasurer,
because all anyone ever cares about are the big-ticket positions like President and Vice President.
So I figure if I sign up tomorrow, the
Treasurer job is pretty much mine for the taking.
Today, I went and put my name on the list to
run for Treasurer. Unfortunately, this kid named
Marty Porter is running for Treasurer, too, and
he's really brainy at math. So this might not be as
easy as I thought.
I told Dad that I was running for student
government, and he seemed pretty excited. It
turns out he ran for student government when
he was my age, and he actually won.
Dad dug through some old boxes in the basement
and found one of his campaign posters.
I thought the poster idea was pretty good, so
I asked Dad to drive me to the store to get
some supplies. I loaded up on poster board and
markers, and I spent the rest of the night
making all my campaign stuff. So let's just hope
these posters work.
I brought my posters into school today, and I
have to say, they came out pretty good.
I started hanging my posters up as soon as I
got in. But they were only up for about three
minutes before Vice Principal Roy spotted them.
Mr. Roy said you weren't allowed to write
"fabrications" about the other candidates. So I
told Mr. Roy that the thing about the head lice
was true, and how it practically closed down the
whole school when it happened.
But he took down all my posters anyway. So today,
Marty Porter was going around handing out lollipops
to buy himself votes while my posters were sitting at
the bottom of Mr. Roy's trashcan. I guess this
means my political career is officially over.
Well, it's finally October, and there are only
thirty days left until Halloween. Halloween is
my fAVorite holiday, even though Mom says
I'm getting too old to go trick-or-treating
Halloween is Dad's favorite holiday, too, but for
a different reason. On Halloween night, while
all the other parents are handing out candy,
Dad is hiding in the bushes with a big trash
can full of water.
And if any teenagers pass by our driveway, he
drenches them.
I'm not sure Dad really understands the concept
of Halloween. But I'm not gonna be the one who
spoils his fun.
Tonight was the opening night of the Crossland
High School haunted house, and I got Mom to
agree to take me and Rowley.
Rowley showed up at my house wearing his Halloween
costume from last year. When I called him earlier
I told him to just wear regular clothes, but of
course, he didn't listen.
I tried not to let it bother me too much, though.
I've never been allowed to go to the Crossland
haunted house before, and I wasn't going to let
Rowley ruin it for me. Rodrick has told me all
about it, and I've been looking forward to this
for about three years.
Anyway, when we got to the entrance, I
started having second thoughts about going in.
But Mom seemed like she was in a hurry to get this
over with, and she moved us along. Once we were
through the gate, it was one scare after another.
There were vampires jumping out at you and people
without heads and all sorts of crazy stuff.
But the worst part was this area called Chainsaw
Alley. There was this big guy in a hockey mask
and he had a real chainsaw. Rodrick told me
the chainsaw has a rubber blade, but I wasn't
taking any chances.
Right when it looked like the chainsaw guy
was going to catch us, Mom stepped in and
bailed us out.
Mom made the chainsaw guy show us where the exit was and that was the end of our haunted
house experience right there. I guess it was a
little embarrassing when Mom did that, but I'm
willing to let it go this one time.
Crossland haunted house really got me thinking.
Those guys were charging five bucks a pop, and
the line stretched halfway around the school.
I decided to make a haunted house of my own.
Actually, I had to bring Rowley in on the deal,
because Mom wouldn't let me convert our first
floor into a full-out haunted mansion.
I knew Rowley's dad wouldn't be crazy about the
the idea, either, so we decided to build the haunted
house in his basement and just not mention it to
his parents.
I and Rowley spent most of the day coming up
with an awesome plan for our haunted house.
Here was our final plan:
I don't mean to brag or anything, but what
we came up with was WAy better than the
Crossland High School haunted house.
We realized we were gonna need to get the word
out that we were doing this thing, so we got
some paper and made up a bunch of flyers.
I'll admit maybe we stretched the truth a little
in our advertisement, but we had to make sure
people actually showed up.
By the time we finished putting the flyers up
around the neighborhood and got back to
Rowley's basement, it was already 2:30, and we
hadn't even started putting the actual haunted
house together yet.
So we had to cut some corners from our
original plan.
When 3:00 rolled around, we looked outside to
see if anyone had shown up. And sure enough,
there were about twenty neighborhood kids waiting
in line outside Rowley's basement.
Now, I know our flyers said admission was fifty
cents, but I could see that we had a chance to
make a killing here.
So I told the kids that admission was two bucks,
and the fifty-cent thing was just a typo.
The first kid to cough up his two bucks was
Shane Snella. He paid his money and we let him
inside, and I and Rowley took our positions in
the Hall of Screams.
The Hall of Screams was basically a bed with me
and Rowley on either side of it.
I guess maybe we made the Hall of Screams a
little too scary, because halfway through, Shane
curled up in a ball underneath the bed. We tried
to get him to crawl out from under there, but
he wouldn't budge.
I started thinking about all the money we were
losing with this kid clogging up the Hall of Screams,
and I knew we had to get him out of there, quick.
Eventually, Rowley's dad came downstairs. At
first, I was happy to see him because I thought
he could help us drag Shane out from under the
bed and get our haunted house cranking again.
But Rowley's dad wasn't really in a helpful mood.
Rowley's dad wanted to know what we were
doing, and why Shane Snella was curled up under
the bed.
We told him that the basement was a haunted
house and that Shane Snella actually paid
for us to do this to him. But Rowley's dad didn't
believe us.
I admit that if you looked around, it didn't
really look like a haunted house. All we had time
to put together was the Hall of Screams and the
Lake of Blood, which was just Rowley's old
baby pool with half a bottle of ketchup in it.
I tried to show Rowley's dad our original plan
to prove that we really were running a legitimate
operation, but he still didn't seem convinced.
And to make a long story short, that was the
end of our haunted house.
The good news is since Rowley's dad didn't
believe us, he didn't make us refund Shane's
money. So at least we cleared two bucks today.