Rowley ended up getting grounded for that whole
haunted house mess yesterday. He's not allowed to
watch tv for a week, and he's not allowed to
have me over at his house during that time.
That last part really isn't fair, because that's
punishing me, and I didn't even do anything
wrong. And now where am I supposed to play
my video games?
Anyway, I felt kind of bad for Rowley. So
tonight, I tried to make it up to him. I turned
on one of Rowley's favorite tv shows, and I
did a play-by-play over the phone so he could
kind of experience it that way.
I did my best to keep up with what was going on
on the screen, but to be honest with you, I'm
not sure if Rowley was getting the full effect.
Well, Rowley's grounding is finally over, and just
in time for Halloween, too. I went up to his
house to check out his costume, and I have to
admit, I'm a little jealous.
Rowley's Mom got him this knight costume that's
Way cooler than his costume from last year.
His knight outfit came with a helmet and a shield
and a real sword and eVerytHinG.
I've never had a store-bought costume before.
I still haven't figured out what I'm gonna go as
tomorrow night, so I'll probably just throw
something together at the last minute. I figure
maybe I'll bring back the Toilet Paper Mummy again.
But I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow
night, so that might not be the smartest choice.
In the past few years, the grown-ups in
the neighborhood has been getting cranky about
my lame costumes and I'm starting to think it's
actually having an effect on the amount of candy
I'm bringing in.
But I don't really have time to put together a
good costume, because I'm in charge of planning
out the best route for me and Rowley to take
tomorrow night.
This year I've come up with a plan that' l gelt us
at least twice the candy we scored last year.
About an hour before we were supposed to start
trick-or-treating, I still didn't have a costume.
At that point, I was seriously thinking about
going as a cowboy for the second year in a row.
But then Mom knocked at my door and handed
me a pirate costume, with an eye patch and a
hook and everything.
Rowley showed up around 6:30 wearing his
knight costume, but it didn't look AnytHinG
like it looked yesterday.
Rowley's mom made all these safety improvements
to it, and you couldn't even tell what he was
supposed to be anymore.
She cut out a big hole in the front of the helmet
so he could see better and covered him up in all
this reflective tape. She made him wear his winter
coat underneath everything, and she replaced his
sword with a glow stick.
I grabbed my pillowcase, and I and Rowley
started to head out. But Mom stopped us before
we could get out the door.
Man, I should have known there was a catch
when Mom gave me that costume.
I told Mom there was no WAy we were taking
Manny with us, because we were going to hit 152
houses in three hours. And plus, we were going
to be on Snake Road, which is way too dangerous
for a little kid like Manny.
I should never have mentioned that last part,
because the next thing I knew, Mom was telling
Dad, he had to go along with us to make sure we
didn't step foot outside our neighborhood. Dad
tried to squirm out of it, but once Mom makes up
her mind, there's no way you can change it.
Before we even got out of our own driveway, we
ran into our neighbor Mr. Mitchell and his kid
Jeremy. So, of course, they tagged along with us.
Manny and Jeremy wouldn't trick-or-treat at any
houses with spooky decorations on them, so that
ruled out pretty much every house on our block.
Dad and Mr. Mitchell started talking about
football or something, and every time one of them
wanted to make a point, they'd stop walking.
So we were hitting only about one house every
twenty minutes.
After a couple of hours, Dad and Mr. Mitchell
took the little kids home.
I was glad because that meant me and Rowley
could take off. My pillowcase was almost empty,
so I wanted to make up as much time as possible.
Alittlewhilelater, Rowley told me he needed a
"potty break."Imadehimholdoffforanother
forty-five minutes.Butbythetimewegottomy
grandma's house,itwasprettyclearthatifIdidn't
letRowleyusethebathroom, it was going to get messy.
So I told Rowley if he wasn't back outside in
one minute, I was gonna start helping myself to
his candy.
After that, we headed back out on the road.
But it was already 10:30, and I guess that's
when most grown-ups decide Halloween is over.
You can kind of tell because that's when they
start coming to the door in their pajamas and
giving you the evil eye.
We decided to head home. We made up a lot of
time after Dad and Manny left, so I was pretty
satisfied with how much candy we took in.
When we were halfway home, this pickup truck
came roaring down the street with a bunch of
high school kids in it.
The kid in the back was holding a fire extinguisher,
and when the truck passed by us, he opened fire.
I have to give Rowley credit because he blocked
about 95% of the water with his shield. And if
he hadn't done that, all our candy would have
gotten soaked.
When the truck drove away, I yelled out something
that I regretted about two seconds later.
The driver slammed on the brakes and he turned
his truck around. I and Rowley started running,
but those guys were right on our heels.
The only place I could think of that was safe
was Gramma's house, so we cut through a couple
backyards to get there. Gramma was in bed
already, but I knew she keeps a key under the
mat on her front porch.
Once we got inside, I looked out the window to see
if those guys had followed us, and sure enough,
they did. I tried to trick them into leaving, but
they wouldn't budge.
After a while, we realized the teenagers were
going to wait us out, so we decided we were just
gonna have to spend the night at Grandma's.
That's when we started getting cocky, making
monkey noises at the teenagers and whatnot.
Well, at least I was making monkey noises.
Rowley was kind of making owl noises, but I
guess it was the same general idea.
I called Mom to tell her we were going to crash
at Grandma's for the night. But Mom sounded
really mad on the phone.
She said it was a school night, and that we had
to get home right that instant. So that meant
we were gonna have to make a run for it.
I looked out the window, and this time, I didn't
see the truck. But I knew those guys were hiding
somewhere and were just trying to draw us out.
So we snuck out the back door, hopped over
Gramma's fence, and ran all the way to Snake
Road. I figured our chances were better there
because there aren't any streetlights.
Snake Road is scary enough on its own without
having a truckload of teenagers hunting you
down. Every time we saw a car coming, we dove
into the bushes. It must've taken us a half
hour to go 100 yards.
But believe it or not, we made it all the way
home without getting caught. Neither one of us
let our guard down until we got to my driveway.
But right then, there was this awful scream, and
we saw a big wave of water coming toward us.
Man, I forgot all about Dad, and we totally
paid the price for it.
When I and Rowley got inside, we laid out all
our candy on the kitchen table.
The only things we could salvage were a couple of
mints that were wrapped in cellophane, and the
toothbrushes Dr. Garrison gave us.
I think next Halloween I'll stay home and
mooch some Butterfingers from the bowl Mom
keeps on top of the refrigerator.