Fraternal twins

The triad of girls snickered at her.

Standing in front of two girls was a female student with peerless beauty. Her lustrous and soft chocolate brown hair fell to her waist, and side-swept bangs covered a part of her forehead.

She had a pair of beautiful almond eyes. The plump, red cupid bow lips of hers were deemed seductive by many, and a straight, slim nose sat upon her oval face. Her eyebrows were arched while she had high cheekbones, and her body could rival any model's.

Jinhee, on the other hand, was taller than the female by at least three centimetres and possessed a paler complexion. Light pink coloured Jinhee's thin lips, and her black hair was reached until her mid back.

Her bangs were styled in face framing fringes around her face, and compared to Jinkyung, Jinhee's cheeks were more chubby. Jinhee's big eyes gave her the overall cute outlook.

"Lee Jinhee, you do realize studying is futile for you," Jinkyung mocked.

Lee Jinhee and Lee Jinkyung were fraternal twins. However, from very young age, they were unable to get along and quarrelled over the smallest things.

Jinkyung was the more sociable one among the two and therefore, got acquainted with many from a young age. On the other hand, Jinhee preferred to observe everything from the dark corner.

As they both grew up, Jinkyung displayed to be more talented and well-versed in many compared to Jinhee, and her family, who went for usefulness more, began siding with Jinkyung, neglecting Jinhee.

Thus, they never paid heed on to how Jinkyung tormented Jinhee, as long as Jinkyung was able to live up to their expectations and smear no dirt upon their family. Her grades fell on to the top ten, and she formed connections with many influential person. In no way was she an disadvantage to the Lee family.

Jinhee was never held in the same light as her sister since she slacked off of studies and was ostracised by the others. Nevertheless, the Lee family did not try to provoke her too much later due to her connections with Han Taehee and Kim Jaehyun, and at times, her indifferent parents asked her for favours from them.

Nonetheless, knowing Jinkyung's future, Jinhee was aware that Jinkyung goes to the modelling field after a year. Due to the female's arrogance towards those below her, scandals are made up against her, but the mysterious backer of Jinkyung stops it all.

The backer was someone Jinhee was curious about since, now that Jinhee was adamant on changing her fate, he formed a great threat to Jinhee's plan. The backer had to be someone powerful to be able to stop the mouth's of many out there.

Paying no attention to Jinkyung's words, Jinhee decided to walk past her; There were some lessons Jinhee had to memorize, and she couldn't waste her time here.

Jinkyung's next words halted Jinhee in her steps.

"Are you actually trying to compete with me for the ownership of the company?" Jinkyung sneered condescendingly and spoke out, "Don't waste your time at something useless because it is already mine. After all, you can not compare to me, and my dad clearly showed intentions of handing over to me."

Jinhee turned back, and a mocking smile sat upon her face. Her eyebrows were arched upwards, and her current expression made Jinkyung frown visibly.

"Do you suffer from princess syndrome?" Jinhee questioned— her smile still there.

As Jinkyung stared at her questioningly, Jinhee continued, "The company doesn't yet belong to your dad, so how is it possible for him to hand it over you? And here, I thought I was the one with the lower IQ."

Jinhee let out a dramatic sigh while internally, she felt triumphant. It felt really refreshing to talk back to Jinkyung and have the upper hand.

"Lee Jinhee, are you an idiot? My father is already the CEO, so even without it being announced, it's clear that the company will be handed down to him," Jinkyung retorted.

"Your case of princess syndrome is getting higher, Jinkyung. You might as well show it to a doctor. After all, I don't want you to suffer from something serious. Grandpa Dowon never said anything about handing the business over to your father, and it could also be second uncle too."

"That second uncle and his sons are useless. I doubt grandpa Dowon would be stupid enough to hand it over to them." Jinkyung sniggered.

"Arrogance can easily destroy a person's virtues," Jinhee enunciated— ready to walk away from Jinkyung. Arguing with her would do no good to Jinhee.

"Lee Jinhee!" Jinkyung exclaimed.

On that moment Jinhee found herself getting pinned to the wall by two lackeys, who stood behind Jinkyung earlier, and regretted speaking out those words earlier.

If Jinkyung would put Jinhee down with her words, the next thing she would resort to was violence. That is probably why her lackeys always knew martial arts.

As Jinkyung closed in on Jinhee, Jinhee closed her eyes and awaited for Jinkyung's punch to come. There was no use in fighting against this since the hold lackeys had on her wasn't ordinary, and Jinhee was already familiar to this, so a little more did not matter.

Jinhee scoffed at herself for not being able to resist such a weak opponent, and although she was given a second chance, she was same as before— a victim at Jinkyung's hand.

A wry, self-mocking smile came upon Jinhee's face.

'You'll be always pathetic, Lee Jinhee. You can't even fight against Jinkyung, so what else can you do? You don't even deserve a second chance.'

"The student council asked me to be on look out for students who cause trouble, but I didn't expect I'd find some here."

The deep voice made Jinhee opened her eyes, and the familiar male in front of her caused her heart to beat faster. It surprised Jinhee that Jaehyun stepped up for her since he preferred to stay out of such trifling matter.

"Jaehyun Oppa, it was nothing like that. It's just a sibling thing." Jinkyung wore on a sweet yet nervous smile.

"This better not be repeated." Jaehyun's eyes looked at them warningly, and the triad could only nod obediently.