Mysterious Character

Nervousness within Jinhee increased, as the door in front of her slowly opened. In her hand was a metallic, blue luggage, and the moderately cold air flew by, blowing Jinhee's pony tail.

A knitted, grey cardigan was worn by her over her black t-shirt, and black leggings hugged her legs fittingly. On her head was a intricately designed, grey woollen hat.

"Welcome in, Ms. Jinhee," An elderly butler, Shin Dongyoon, spoke out after bowing down once.

The white plain shirt was under his black tailcoat, and black dress pants was worn by him. Whites can be seen among the black hair of his, and a black moustache sat under his nose. The respect and nonchalance shown in his eyes proved how well-trained the butler was.

The butler took the luggage from Jinhee's hand and spoke out, "Master is waiting for at his room."

Since it was the birthday of heir to Royal Group tomorrow, it was mandatory for Jinhee to attend the celebration for her parents did not show out to the world how they had preferential treatment towards one of their daughter.

Royal Group was the top conglomerate in South Korea and had multiple branches abroad too. They had hands and influence in many sectors, and no one dared to offend them— not even mistakenly.

The heir, Han Taeho, was a mysterious character. No one had yet seen his face as his countenance was covered in masquerade mask every time he appears in public, and tabloid rarely contained information on him. The only thing Jinhee knew about him was the fact that Taehee was his distant cousin, who shared same birthday as him.

In her previous life, Jinhee barely saw his face for she preferred to stay in darkened corners, avoiding others. Her sister, Lee Jinkyung, took chances to humiliate herself in front of everyone in her last life, and therefore, staying out of public's eyes was the best option for her.

Nevertheless, since she was blessed with another chance, she wouldn't let herself fall cowardly. She should attempt her best to form connections with the others'.

Before all that, she needed to talk Lee Dowon and discuss matters with him. She didn't need to worry about his death currently, as almost an year is left for it. However, her changes already caused a butterfly effect, and therefore, it would be better for her to careful from the very beginning.

Jinhee's eyes narrowed when she got up through the series of stairs and saw Jinkyung stand before her. The usual smugness mixed with hint of anger could be noted within Jinkyung's eyes.

Ever since Jaehyun defended Jinhee from Jinkyung, Jinhee took every chance to avoid falling onto Jinkyung's sight and stir up any new trouble. She couldn't waste her energy picking petty fights.

In order to evade Jinkyung, Jinhee took the initiative to show up in early morning at their family mansion for Jinkyung usually spent her time with friends during this time. However, unluckily, she had to encounter her at this time.

Standing behind Jinkyung was Lee Chungae— a loyal devotee of Jinkyung in either lives. Nonetheless, Jinkyung attached no importance to Chungae, other than when it was about mocking Jinhee or use Chungae to her advantage.

Chungae was fifteen years old this time, and her body grew quite maturely compared to other females' in her age. Her full red lips sat upon her heart-shaped face, and she had back length ebony hair.

In all aspects, she tried her best to imitate Jinkyung— something Jinkyung made fun of behind her back— and took Jinkyung as her goddess. Everything done by Jinkyung was the best in her opinion.

Nonetheless, pitifully, her end was devastating in her previous life, and all that was due to Jinkyung's manipulation. A man in his fifties wanted Jinkyung as his bed warmer in order to let her participate in South Korea's top fashion show. However, Jinkyung, not being fond of that, sent Chungae in her place for they looked quite similar in appearance.

All hell broke lose when Chungae ended up being pregnant, and the middle-aged man found out that he was bedding the wrong female. Furious, the male attempted to murder Chungae, and since she no longer had support of her father, Lee Daeho, due to her pregnancy, the middle-aged male was successful in murdering Chungae, after torturing her mercilessly both physically and mentally. It was no surprise that her father disowned Chungae since he didn't like her for being a loyal supporter of Jinkyung.

Jinkyung didn't bat an eyelash when that happened, and instead she acted pitiful on how Chungae threatened her using the status of being his mistress. Moreover, the mysterious backer behind Jinkyung made it impossible for the middle-aged male to lay a finger on Jinhee.

"Are you feeling proud on how Kim Jaehyun protected you?" Jinkyung scoffed. "This was clearly because he is a nice guy and doesn't know both of us."

"Does that mean you admit to bullying me?" Jinhee arched her eyebrows upwards.

"Yah! Lee Jinhee! Don't cross your line!" Chungae exclaimed angrily— somewhat adding onto Jinhee's amusement.

"I do. Is there anything you can do anything against it?" Jinkyung sneered, raising her hand to stop Chungae. Nevertheless, Chungae glared fiercely at Jinhee from behind.

"Nope, I was thinking of acting pitiful to attract Jaehyun's attention. It worked the first time, so it might work the second time as well."

"Jaehyun Oppa will never fall for your cheap seduction tricks of yours."

Jinhee knew of Jinkyung's deep crush on Jaehyun, and this was the rare thing that was same between both the sisters. Jinkyung's bullying towards Jinhee got a lot worse when she started dating Jaehyun, and Jinkyung tried many times to break them apart by creating misunderstanding.

"You haven't ever seen my seduction tricks, so how can you even judge them? You very well know that Jaehyun isn't someone to help a stranger. You definitely did not unnotice how Jaehyun and I hang out together during the parties." The corner of Jinhee's lips lifted up.