Favoured over

"Mom, did you talk to the Kim family regarding the engagement?" Jinkyung asked, staring at Jiyoung with anticipation. In midst of that, mock towards Jinhee could be noticed.

In other words, Jinkyung was trying to brag to Jinhee on how she could become the future fiancé of Jaehyun whilst Jinhee could only be his sister-in-law.

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at Jinkyung, Jinhee picked up her chopsticks and picked up the piece of pork with it. The entire thing was similar to her previous life.

Jiyoung's gentle, brown eyes stared at Jinkyung— in a way they never did at Jinhee— and patting Jinkyung's head lovingly, she spoke out, "Eunhye and I'll talk about it in the party tomorrow."

Although Jinhee repeated in her head multiple times that it doesn't matter, a part within her yearned to know what a mother's care felt like. Feeling moderate despondency within her, Jinhee looked down at her food.

"Eat up more," Dowon spoke up, placing a piece of meat on to Jinhee's plate.

This act from Dowon managed to warm up the deepest corner of Jinhee's heart, and it reminded her that she had someone in her family who cared for her. The corner of her lips lifted up slightly.

"Thank you, Grandpa Dowon."

Picking up the piece of meat with her chopsticks, she no longer mulled over the thing with her mother and Jinkyung. Jinhee was aware of what would happen when her mother tries to propose the entire thing to Eunhye, Jaehyun's mother.

When Eunhye was about to agree to the engagement, Jaehyun stopped his mother from it and voiced out how such a thing was harmful to his career. His mother concluded that the entire talk was to be postponed for the future.

Nonetheless, this wasn't enough to make Jinkyung give up, and she attempted her best to create many scandals with Jaehyun to keep Jinhee away.

Jinhee recalled how Jaehyun didn't try to clear up all the scandals to Jinhee directly and instead did it on his social media. The Jinhee back then was too relieved to care about such a thing, but now, all Jinhee felt was humiliated.

'You're such a sorry excuse of a human being, Lee Jinhee.'

Turning right, Jinhee noticed that her second uncle was seated beside her. His figure was chubby and gave off the impression of an idiot to others. But Jinhee knew how much the phrase 'wolf in sheep's clothing' suited him.

His foolish and irresponsible demeanour caused others to overlook him and not consider him as someone potentially dangerous. That was the mistake his father did in her previous life and which destroyed him.

Then again, Jinhee couldn't say that her father didn't deserve it for her father coveted for power and grasped it in a felonious way. Therefore, he deserved the entire thing.

Jinhee held no resentment towards her second uncle, but she knew that she had to stay cautious of him due to the tricks he might have under his sleeves.

His wife, Lee Yeeun, was seated beside him, and unlike her mother who prefers to stay economical, she leads an extravagant life. Squandering money to buy the latest designer item, spending hours at beauty saloon and parties, and bragging to her acquaintances was what she spent her time doing.

Due to imprudent behaviour of both her uncle and aunt, Lee Dowon had no hopes of handing them an important position in the business and failed to acknowledge their children.

Although not much hope can be placed on Chungae, her older brother, Lee Hyunki, was a different case. In spite of the fact that he stayed indoors and out of crowd's eye most of the times, he possessed immense amount of talent.

In his last life, he became nominated for South Korea's top fashion competition at the age of nineteen, and his contribution led Moonstone Enterprise to great heights. If Jinhee had to choose, Lee Hyunki was the best option for being the next heir.

Cladded in black clothes most of the times, black-rimmed spectacles sat upon his black eyes. Long, blunt, jet black bangs covered his forehead, and he rarely opened his lips to speak a word. His face stared down at the food— not bothering to look up once.

"Thank you, mom. You're the best!" Jinkyung brightly smiled, but beneath all that, Jinhee didn't miss the smugness.

"Grandpa Dowon, I need to discuss something with you in the study after the dinner. Can I come?" Jinhee asked.

"Silly girl, do you need to even ask about that? Of course, you're permitted."

Jinhee let out a big, victorious smile after that.

If the memories of her past life was correct, then after the dinner Jinkyung wanted to convince Dowon to talk into forming an engagement between Jaehyun and her, for Dowon was respected among many, and the influence he had was much greater than her mother's.

"But Grandpa Dowon, you said that you'll be having a talk with me today after the dinner." Jinkyung's lower lip thrusted forward, and she pouted— an action rarely anyone was able to resist.

"If it is not important, we can talk about it tomorrow," Dowon replied, obviously showing how he favoured Jinhee over Jinkyung.

'Sorry, Jinkyung, but I have my memories as an advantage.'