Position as the heir

"What is it that you wanted to discuss about?" Dowon questioned.

Lee Dowon's study showed how scholarly he was. Four large bookshelves filled with various kind of book was placed at both right and light wall. There was a smaller bookshelf behind Dowon.

Collections of book ranged from different time period and different cultures. Lee Dowon suffered from intense bibliomania and tried out almost all world famous book.

His right and left hand interlocked together— he placed both his hand on the table whilst seated upon his desk chair, he stared at Jinhee solemnly. The scent of jasmine wafted into the air, calming Jinhee's nerves.

This wasn't certainly the first time Jinhee talked to Dowon or asked him for a favour; However, this was something much more serious and did not completely include her selfish desires.

In her last life, she was, similar to Jinkyung, wanted to ask Dowon to use his power to engage both Jaehyun and her. But when she heard of how this would affect Jaehyun's career, Jinhee stopped herself for she didn't any damage to Jaehyun's dreams.

Seated upon the chair facing Dowon, Jinhee let out a deep breath and voiced out, "This is a really serious matter, and I would prefer you to look closely at it."

Dowon looked at Jinhee, waiting for her to continue.

"There's someone in this mansion that wants to murder you," Jinhee spoke out.

She paused for a second to watch a change in Dowon's expression, but there was none other than the slight frown that appeared on his face.

"I'm sure you're aware on who it is. Earlier today, I eavesdropped on father and mother discuss about it earlier. I want you to stay safe about it."

Beating around the bush wasn't something Jinhee was proficient in, and there was no problem in being straightforward with Lee Dowon.

Dowon was a smart man, who was not fond of reckless action; This added up to Jinhee's wonder of why Dowon supported her this much for she did most of the things thoughtlessly.

Surprise wasn't evident on Dowon's face; It seemed that he already had a suspicion on it. This made Jinhee confused on why Dowon was killed in her last life despite him being dubious about her parents.

Dowon nodded. "I figured that part out; Your father is someone who covets for power and would go to great extent for it."

"Secondly, it is about selecting a heir. Although my father is extremely good at business and creating profits, he's not talented when it comes to fashion. In spite of things looking favourable currently, he wouldn't be able to control the company from going downhill in few years," Jinhee spoke out.

Although the company was within Daeho's grasp before something serious could happen to it, there were signs of minor loses in the business one wouldn't know about unless they closely observe.

Jinhee was not someone who paid much attention to her family business in her previous life, but this was the piece of news she heard Jinkyung and Jiyoung discuss about.

"You want to take the position as the heir then?" Dowon arched her eyebrow.

Even though Jinhee disapproved for her father taking the position as the heir, she was not someone appropriate for it either. She did not possess the creativeness or the aura a businesswoman should have.

Her knowledge on such field wasn't broad, and the Jinhee now was not someone to foolishly destroy something for the sake of boasting.

Jinhee shook her head, indicating a 'no'.

"Hyunki would be the best for it," Jinhee enunciated.

"Daeho's son?" Dowon questioned— creases appearing between his eyebrows.

Jinhee nodded.

"Hyunki has impressive talents when it comes to such field, and you'll not regret choosing him. He is someone who genuinely enjoy fashion designing like you, and I believe he'll be able to take Moonstone Enterprise to great heights.

Once you get to know him, you'll truly understand how he is similar to you in many aspects. He is not someone who covets for power and has clear, honest eyes.

Shareholders might not approve of joining the company with an important position now, and you might not be able to place your trust on him. That's why, it's better to give him a smaller position in the company and watch him gradually grow up with the promotions.

You can remove him if you find him dangerous or incompetent, and by giving a small position, it won't affect the status of the company," Jinhee explained.

"Since you suggested about it, I see no problems with it. After all, currently, I'm having a hard time selecting a heir and need to go through all possible options."

"Since the competition for the heir should be fair, allow Chungae and Jinkyung to participate in this too. As for me, I'm currently rethinking my life decisions, and once I come to a concrete conclusion, I'll tell you about it."

This could be considered as Jinkyung's retribution for all the tortures Jinhee was put through. By doing this, Jinhee was cutting off Jinkyung's wings to reach the modelling world, unless she wanted to give up the position of a heiress to Moonstone Enterprise.

Nonetheless, considering how scheming Jinkyung was, she would definitely try to put obstacles in Hyunki's path with the help of Chungae.

Considering Dowon's character, he'd definitely put spies around them to judge their character, and it would simply take Dowon a second to look through her plans. This, mixed with Hyunki's talents, would surely remove Jinkyung's chances of being a heir.

"It appears that you've become smarter from that fall. But what if Daeho's son doesn't agree to it?"

"I have plans for that too."