
"The third thing I wanted to talk about is that I want you to choose an appropriate fiancé for me. Since I'm still not sensible enough, I can only trust you with this job," Jinhee expressed. 

Noting how much Dowon doted on Jinhee and was skilled at judging people, getting Dowon to choose a fiancé for her was the best option.

Her grandfather Dowon wouldn't choose someone incompetent for her, and this would surely remove one worry from Dowon's mind.

Secondly, if Jinhee wanted revenge and to protect herself in this life, she had to build connections and have an influential backing.

Having a capable and powerful fiancé would be extremely helpful to her. Although Jinhee wasn't talented in any fields, many would vie after her due to her grandfather's status. Everyone was cognisant of the fact she was the favoured granddaughter.

"I'll look through that," Dowon answered succinctly.

The hidden joy of his could be noticed by Jinhee. Jinhee knew how much weight each word of Dowon contained, and he wasn't the one to make empty promises.

"Grandpa Dowon, I have always wondered on this matter. Why do you support me so much when you know it won't bring any benefit to you?" Jinhee asked, mustering up all of her courage.

In her last life, Jinhee was too clouded by her thoughts of pursuing Taehee and Jaehyun to think of this matter.

However, now in her second life, Jinhee realized that the way Dowon treated her was indeed special, and scarcely anyone received such treatment.

"Those clear dark eyes of yours are unlike anyone's in the family. Although you're lost before, I can see that you've reached the correct path now," Grandpa Dowon spoke out, "I'll tell you more when the time arrives."

Confusion brewed within Jinhee when she heard Dowon's words, and she found herself curious to know about what Dowon was hiding. But since Dowon said it's not the time yet, she was ready to wait.


Jinhee softly knocked on the brown, wooden door in front of her with her sweaty hand. Nervousness bloomed within Jinhee, and she cleared her throat multiple times whilst organising her thoughts on how to speak to Hyunki.

Although they were cousins, Jinhee barely held any conversations with him. The male's introvert personality made him similar to Jinhee in some ways for he too tend to stay at one corner during the parties.

The door before her opened, and Jinhee immediately placed a gentle smile on her face while she held the tray with one teacup in her hands.

"Can I come in, Hyunki?" Jinhee asked.

Jinhee could perceive how surprised Hyunki was by her presence here, which was understandable for she could count with her single hand the number of times she visited his room.

Hyunki nodded while moving aside to give space for Jinhee to enter. Jinhee stepped into the room and admired how neatly his room was arranged.

Beige coloured his wall, and aside from the basic, circular analogue clock, there was nothing else hung on his wall. A desk was placed against the wall with a desk chair in front of it.

Few books and stationaries were placed on the desk, showing that Hyunki was currently studying, and a medium-sized bookshelf was placed beside it.

A single bed and nightstand with a flower vase filled with fresh lavender was placed opposite. An average sized, simple cupboard was placed at the right side of the room, facing the bed.

The room appeared humble, befitting Hyunki's style. Even when Hyunki became opulent in her previous life, he tend to lead a modest life.

"I bought some chamomile tea for you," Jinhee spoke out, placing the tray on top of his desk.

Her eyes fell upon the sheet of white paper underneath Hyunki's math textbook, and Jinhee smoothly pulled it out before Hyunki could stop her.

Although Jinhee had seen multiples of Hyunki's designs in her previous life, she still managed to get stunned by the clothing drawn in the piece of paper.

In spite of the work not being up to the level of her last life, Jinhee knew that, with a little brushing up, Hyunki would surely be a legend in this field.

Jinhee's smile began wider.

Every female aspired to wear clothing designed by Hyunki, and therefore, the demand for it was high.

If Hyunki was polished better this time, he might be able to reach more popularity this time than in her previous life.

"Noona¹, this is something I did in my free period," Hyunki voiced out while taking the paper from Jinhee's hand.

Jinhee saw red shading his cheeks slightly while he stared at the ground and found protective instinct of an elder sister rise within her.

Even though they were distant now, Jinhee and Hyunki used to quite close during the time they were kids. Hyunki was the one who made Jinhee feel she wasn't lonely back then.

He used to be only one that played with her when all the kids and her sister refused to spend time with her and comforted her when she cried although he was months younger than her.

Although Hyunki was really successful in her previous life at his age, she recalled that two months before her death, he was crippled badly and lost his eyesight.

The situation that led to his state was deliberate, and this time around, she wouldn't let things go in that way.

"This is impressive!" Jinhee asked, "If I give you an opportunity for you to work towards your goal, will you take it?"

Jinhee arched her eyebrow. Although this was to help Hyunki and her family business, Jinhee's selfish desires laid within this too.

If she would help Hyunki reach his dreams, he would be grateful towards her, and judging by his character, he was someone who values loyalty.

In other words, Hyunki would be there to lend Jinhee a hand whenever she will need it in the future.

Jinhee wasn't someone who enjoyed using others' as her pawn neither was she a philanthropist.

Hyunki would reach his dreams sooner or later, for his talents can't be hidden, and it would be an advantage for Jinhee to grasp this position.

"You're aware that under your parents you'll never be able to reach your dream, so I want to help you with it."

Jinhee felt guilty for lying, but in the world where the fittest survived, she couldn't take care of petty emotions.

She had to take advantage of every possible opportunities or else she'll be the one to get eaten up.

Astonishment was visible Hyunki's eyes as they stared at Jinhee. Nevertheless, he nodded. Fashion designing was something he aspired to do, and under his unreliable parents, it might take him years to achieve that.

If his parents continued the way they are, soon enough, a big debt would be built, and the Lee family would disown them without solving the debt.

Moreover, Lee Minjoon wanted to take the position as the chairman to Moonstone Enterprise, and although not much significant, his father was still considered an obstacle to him. These would obstruct Hyunki from reaching his dreams.

Hyunki nodded.

"But in return for that, I'd require you to remain loyal to me for until I want you to. However, if I find you useless or using dishonest ways, you'll be removed immediately," Jinhee spoke out— her eyes showing a dangerous glint.

Hyunki found his older sister admirable, and he let out a determined nod. He wasn't willing to let this chance slip out of his hands.