
Paying no acknowledgement to Taehee's presence, Jinhee used her chopsticks to pick the beef and chew on the savory piece. After all, she required energy if she needed to concentrate on studies properly, and as a result, it was necessary for her to conserve energy too.

With a light-hearted chuckle, Taehee stepped in forward to take the seat where Chaewon was previously seated at, and Jinhee couldn't resist herself from glowering at the Fran.

These days, it appeared that Taehee has set it as her mission to annoy Jinhee whenever Jinhee falls into her line of sight. The composure Jinhee tries hard to maintain is broken by Taehee in the end, and it seemed that Taehee found great amusement in doing so.

The event from earlier today was recalled by Jinhee, and her gaze towards Taehee turned fiercer.


"Little squirrel, let's shower together," Taehee spoke out, stretching the words and sounding whiny.

She wrapped her hands around Jinhee's torso and pulled her into back hug. Taehee's nose nuzzled against Jinhee's hair and neck, leaving a chilling sensation within Jinhee.

The sensual pleasure felt by her surprised and embarrassed Jinhee at the same time, and her pale cheeks were coated red. This was totally wrong!

"L-leave me," Jinhee spoke out whilst her eyes stared at the ground.

Taehee removed her left hand from the hug and moved it up to pinch Jinhee's cheeks softly yet adoringly.

"Is my little Jinnie shy and blushing?"

"Stop this!" Jinhee exclaimed, slamming down Taehee's hand off of her cheeks.

To her horror, Taehee's hand landed on her chest, and there was no sign of her withdrawing it. Jinhee's face heated up whilst the moved away from Taehee by pushing her away, and it seemed that Taehee behaved this time for she showed for resistance.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Jinhee glared at Taehee. It would be alright if she immediately moved her hand away, but Taehee had to linger her hand on Jinhee's breast.

"You need to eat more papayas; your size is too small," Taehee commented shamelessly, winking her left eyes.

"P-pervert," Jinhee spoke out. This Taehee was truly infuriating, and she wanted to cry out for Taehee pointing out one of the sensitive points of hers.


"Have this, little squirrel. I specifically ordered this for you," Taehee said with her eyes smiling and her face showing a amiable expression.

Nonetheless, within this time, Jinhee got to figure out how sly Taehee could be, and his outer appearance was simply a façade. She was rotten hearted deep inside!

Picking up her chopsticks, Taehee placed the rectangular piece of papaya on to Jinhee's plate. Since there was a crowd watching them, Jinhee begrudgingly picked up papaya piece and put it inside her mouth.

Rejecting the papaya from Taehee would offend both male and female fans of hers, and Jinhee was not willing to deal with some immature school kids.

Enthusiastically, Taehee stacked Jinhee's plate with papaya pieces, and Jinhee felt that her smiling eyes were challenging Jinhee to break out into a outburst.

"Taehee, you can have the rest of them," Jinhee said through her gritting teeth.

The taste of papaya was not something Jinhee was fond of, and having one more piece would lead to her throwing up.

"You needn't be polite; After all, I bought them for you, my little squirrel," Taehee voiced out.

'Her voice sounds too tender, contrary to her diabolical true self!'

"I'm afraid I can't have more. I have to some works at the library that I have to solve before the next class starts."

"Then, I'll accompany you, Jinhee-ah. I'm full today and have no mood for lunch," Taehee stated.

Jinhee let out a dispirited sigh. This Taehee was simply like a glue to her, and no matter what she does, Jinhee could not get unstuck.

"I don't need you to trouble yourself. I'm fine on my own," Jinhee retorted.

Jinhee had no work in the library, and this was simply a fake excuse to get rid of Taehee. Every actions of Taehee angered Jinhee, and Jinhee did not fancy how she decided everything against her will.

"I'm not; I love spending time with my little Jinnie," Taehee expressed— her smile grew wider.

Jinhee had a feeling that the look in her eyes said, "My little Jinhee, how long can you hold it in? You think you can win against me?"

An idea popped up into Jinhee's mind, and a mischievous grin curved up on her face.

"Taehee, didn't you say you had something important to discuss with Lee Jaeho? I think you should talk about that now since he is present here." Jinhee made sure that her voice was loud enough to reach the ears of everyone present there.

Jinhee recalled Lee Jaeho was one of the admirers of Taehee in her previous life, and because he made the effort to confess to Taehee in her previous life multiple times, Jinhee got to learn of his name and face.

Everyone's attention was placed towards the scrawny and timid male, who stood up from his place and walked towards Taehee within blush coating his cheeks.

"D-Did y-you w-want t-to t-talk m-me, T-Taehee-ssi?" Jaeho questioned.

Taking chance out of everyone's diverted gaze, Jinhee slipped out and efficiently ran out of the cafeteria— relief spreading through her.

Staring at the sneaky Jinhee's back, Taehee shook her head slightly. Her little squirrel was too adorable.