Attend a party

"The way you're solving this is wrong."

A deep voice reached Jinhee's ear, leaving her startled. She did not expect that Jaehyun would come close to her neither point her mistake her. Was he watching her do the questions?

Pulling out the chair besides Jinhee, he slipped into the seat and took the pen from Jinhee's hand, causing her heart to flutter from the momentary touch.

As Jaehyun solved the question on her notebook, Jinhee's eyes fell upon his long eyelashes over his brown iris, and the slight scent of cologne and mint wafted from him— the entire situation bringing back a feeling of déjà vü.

Either first or second position in school examination was occupied by Jaehyun. It was safe to say that when it came to studies, he was in a similar level to Taehee.

In her last life, despite Jaehyun's lack of enthusiasm and nonchalant face, he solved all the questions Jinhee had problems in. This was those rare times Jinhee felt the warmth from Jaehyun.

Nonetheless, Jinhee must have been quite irritating to Jaehyun with her countless pestering, and that's why, he solved those questions for her in the end.

"Thank you, Jaehyun-ssi," Jinhee spoke out politely once Jaehyun finished with the problem. His neat handwriting and detailed steps made the process clearer to Jinhee.

As Jinhee's eyes scanned over the question Jaehyun had done for him, Jaehyun spoke out loud, "Attend a party with me later today."

Astoundment hit Jinhee after she heard Jaehyun's words, and she stared at him with widened eyes. Jaehyun's words was like a bolt out of the blue.

Jaehyun was not the one to correct someone unknown's question nor was he the one ask an unfamiliar person to be his date to a party as far as she knew him.

She would have been in cloud nine if the Jaehyun asked her in her previous life. If truth was told, joy spread through Jinhee's heart when she heard Jaehyun's words, and it was cause by remnants of her feelings for Jaehyun.

As much as Jinhee would prefer to deny it, it was an inevitable truth that Jinhee still had romantic feelings towards Jaehyun— probably very close to her previous life. The only difference was that she no longer viewed him as a potential love interest.

After all, in her past life, her feelings towards Jaehyun were great that she wouldn't be able to let go of them in a month or two. Time was needed for her to pick up the broken pieces of herself and grow up. Maybe one day, she can also find someone to love, who too would equally love her

Composing her expression, Jinhee spoke out, "I'm sorry, Jaehyun-ssi. I think my sister would be free, and you can take her with you."

'Or you can just ask Taehee.'

"Your sister is annoying," Jaehyun commented. "The school is over, and you're the only female student left."

The excuse was quite improbable for Jaehyun could have innumerable females at his disposal as long as he called them once.

Jaehyun added, "I'll have to deal with scandals."

Jinhee was used to Jaehyun's vague answers, and she could figure out what Jaehyun meant. Others would post about it, and this would create a scandal for Jaehyun. However, this was unlikely as long as Jaehyun warned them about.

"I apologize, Jaehyun-ssi, for I have some matters to attend to later."

"I'll call grandfather Dowon to ask about it then," Jaehyun spoke out.

Although Dowon was not fond of Jinhee chasing Jaehyun, it did not imply that Dowon hated Jaehyun. On the contrary, he quite was in favour with Jaehyun's personality and found him to be a promising young man.

Lee Dowon was acquainted with Jaehyun's grandfather and therefore, watched him grow up. Jaehyun viewed Dowon as a respected person, and this was the reason why Jaehyun never treated Jinhee harshly.

Jinhee was sure that Dowon was searching for fine candidates for Jinhee's engagement ever since she mentioned it last life, and if Dowon were to know Jaehyun showed interest in Jinhee, he'd definitely try to matchmake them.

That was something she did not want to go for. As long as she was with Jaehyun, those romantic feelings she had for him could prove to be a hindrance at one time, and it was better for her to get rid of them.

Jinhee let out a dispirited sigh. "Fine."

'An ordinary student like can definitely not compare with the top ones.'

"Then, after you're done with these problems, follow me to my car."

Jinhee nodded.

After that, she pointed her attention towards the math problem, but Jaehyun's gaze on her made it difficult for her to concentrate. His eyes made her heart beat faster, and nervousness pervaded through her. Nonetheless, she did not know how to tell him to not look at her.

"Are you done?" Jaehyun asked.

'I'll just do it tomorrow. This party could be a good opportunity. I might as well try to make connections.'