Too violent

A groan was let out by Jinhee when she felt her back crash against the metal rack. Pain spread through her body whilst Jinhee turned her face up to stared at one's that pushed her.

In front of her stood a female with chestnut coloured hair tied up into a pony tail. Her height of 5'4 towered over Jinhee's height of 5'3 whilst her eyes glowered at Jinhee.

This was not what Jinhee expected when she came to place over the skipping ropes over at the storeroom, and staring at the female in front of her, Jinhee did not understand when she offended her. Then again, without going anything to them, it was easy for females here to get provoked.

Hwang Junghwa was someone Jinhee crossed her paths with couple of times after Jinhee started dating Jaehyun in her previous life, and being Jinkyung's friend, many times Junghwa tried to seek revenge.

Nonetheless, she had no contacts with Junghwa at this time period in her previous life, and therefore, could stare at the female in front of her confusedly.

"What do you need?" Jinhee questioned— her eyes staring back at Junghwa with the same intensity.

Behind Junghwa stood a female with a smaller stature, and Jinhee recognised the female as the one who was about to push her in Taeho's birthday party. Did she tell in on her to Junghwa?

"How dare you try to defame and humiliate Hyesook this way?!" The female raised her hand up to slap Jinhee.

Holding the hand that was coming towards her face, Jinhee's eyes stared sharply at the female in front of her, and she spoke out, "Since you're a human, act like one. Don't try to be a senseless dog!"

Jinhee's words increased the anger within the female in front of her, and her glare towards Jinhee turned fiercer. Nonetheless, Jinhee had no desire to participate in a cat-fight, so she stared at Junghwa nonchalantly.

"How dare you dodge me? If you submissively accept what I throw at you, I'll probably go easier on you," The female spoke out, and Jinhee almost scoffed at how idiotic the female in front of her sounded.

As the female in front of her curled her hand into a punch and was about to direct it towards her, Jinhee, using all of her strength, stepped on Junghwa's foot.

"Do you take me for a fool?" Jinhee rolled her eyes, as she noticed Junghwa clutching down and holding her foot in pain.

"Junghwa, you hold her whilst I hit her," Hyesook spoke out. Junghwa stood up straight and nodded at her idea.

Jinhee's eyes widened hearing that. Even if she could go against Junghwa somewhat, she will not be able to compete against both of them, and considering how Junghwa practiced martial arts before, it would be almost impossible for Jinhee to break out of her grasp.

"You weakling! You can not come against me alone. That's why, you go seeking for a lackey to protect you." Jinhee scoffed. "And you, I was right before. You're are truly a dog. After all, you're obeying Hyesook's words like one."

'Even if I die, I'll die with a sense of victory.'

"Don't listen to her words, Junghwa. Hold her tight, and don't let her escape. She is trying to distract us this way."

Abiding by Hyesook's words, Junghwa stepped forward towards Jinhee and held her by her arms. Panic began rising within Jinhee whilst she felt the tight grip on her, but she wasn't the one to fall weak or beg to this two.

Thrashing around her hands and legs violently, Jinhee tried to get Junghwa to release her. However, this made Junghwa tighten her grip around Jinhee's arms, and Jinhee could feel her circulation cut off.

"See, you're behaving like a dog once again, obediently listening to your master's words and wagging your tail around her shamelessly." A mocking smile sat on Jinhee's face.

Jinhee winced and closed her eyes in pain when she took in the pain that came from the punch Hyesook landed on her stomach. For a fragile looking girl, she really has a lot of strength.

Tilting her head, Jinhee stared at the female behind her, and an idea immediately popped into her mind. Using the back of her head, Jinhee hit Junghwa's face using all of her strength.

'Please don't let her nose bleed and dirty my hair. I just washed it earlier today meticulously.'

A cry of pain was let out by Junghwa, and Jinhee felt triumphant. Nonetheless, taking Jinhee aback, Junghwa harshly pushed Jinhee away, causing her body to crash against another metal rack and fall down.

Rage visible in her eyes, Junghwa stepped towards Jinhee with her face contorted. Jinhee winced as she felt a warm liquid flow down her forehead.

'Damn that Junghwa! She's too violent.'

Before Jinhee could stand up, Junghwa raised up her right foot and was about to step above Jinhee. But a voice made her halt in her actions.

"Did you forget the warning I gave you, Hwang Hyesook?"