Chasing you

Hearing Jaehyun's voice cause immediate surprise to appear on Hyesook's face, and Junghwa backed from Jinhee. A piercing pain went through Jinhee's body, as she attempted to stand up by holding the metal rack for support.

Jaehyun smoothly moved towards Jinhee and supported her by holding her shoulder. Wincing slightly, Jinhee leaned on to Jaehyun whilst her eyes stared at the two females in front of her.

'What did he warn them about?'

With Jaehyun's power and influence, his warning is not taken lightly by many, and staring at the ashen face of Hyesook, fright could easily be deciphered.

"Jaehyun-ah, we're just teaching her a lesson for offending us earlier," Junghwa spoke out— nervousness detectable in her voice. Jaehyun's glowering eyes was capable of causing many to shiver.

"We're not familiar," Jaehyun spoke out in a frighteningly calm tone.

Being casually addressed by someone not close to was something Jaehyun was not fond of in either of her lives.

Perceiving the anger on Jaehyun's face, Junghwa's face grew visibly paler, and all of her haughtiness from earlier disappeared. Both of them were afraid about what was to come to them.

"From today onwards, you two will be responsible for cleaning all the washrooms in the school despite of what class you might have for three months, and if you are against it, feel free to leave school," Jaehyun ordered a commanding tone.

Then, he swiftly picked up Jinhee in a bridal style, surprising her, and leaned her body closer to his. Her widened eyes stared at him whilst she let out a groan when a wounded spot was touched.

Immediate grimace was bought to their face when they heard Jaehyun's bathroom. Cleaning the bathroom was disgusting, and a huge school like theirs had numerous amount of washrooms.

Tiresome would an understatement to describe how they'd feel after cleaning them all. Nonetheless, they did not speak a word with the fear that Jaehyun would increase their punishment.

As Jaehyun started walking away with Jinhee in his arms, Jinhee opened her mouth to speak out, "You can let me down."

"You can't walk," Jaehyun pointed out.

The anger on his face eased considerably, and it was replaced with a deprecatory countenance. This bought confusion to Jinhee for Jaehyun rarely wore on that expression on his face.

"Sorry," Jaehyun mumbled, causing Jinhee's eyes to widen.

His voice was soft to the point Jinhee found the entire thing to be the fragment of her imagination, and the surprise could be detected from her features.

Her heart started to beat faster, and the pale cheeks of her began to be coloured with red. She finally felt conscious of the distance between them both and was afraid that Jaehyun would hear her rapid heartbeat.

Curiosity got the best of Jinhee, and she asked, "What did you warn them about?"

Jaehyun walked with Jinhee in his arms at a steady pace and was careful to not let any uncomfortableness come to her.

"I pulled out my investment from Hyesook's father's project," Jaehyun answered.

Even though Jaehyun left it incomplete, Jinhee could figure the rest of the thing out, and it left her quite shocked. Why would he do such a thing for her?

After all, Jaehyun was not someone to mix business and personal life, and this was something Jinhee was well-aware of in her previous life.

"Why did you do this for me? Why are you doing all these for me? We're not even close in the first place," Jinhee spoke out— her tone portraying the emotional mess she was now.

If Jaehyun were to be this good to her, she was afraid that she wouldn't forget about these feelings and once again, latch herself on to Jaehyun. She did not want to go to that humiliating extent.

Moreover, why couldn't Jaehyun be this nice at her previous life? If he was, then probably she could've gotten a peaceful death and not be reborn as a vengeful spirit.

"Because I'm chasing you," Jaehyun confessed, causing for Jinhee's heart to skip a beat and mind to become blank.