Can't afford

Jinhee let out a breath of relief when she saw that there was no Taehee behind her. When Taehee went to search for some exquisite piece of lingerie for Jinhee, she took the opportunity to escape.

'Jinhee, now quickly find a piece of cloth you want to buy and leave without that Taehee. Let her search for me!'

The mall in front of Jinhee was quite renowned among the teenagers of her age, and it contained latest items from one of South Korea's top brand, Aphrodite.

Garments from Aphrodite could rival those from Moonstone Enterprise, and their cost was not something normally one could pay for. Aphrodite's parent group was Royal Group, and therefore, it is expected for the garments to be of fine quality

With her credit card's current balance, it was not difficult for Jinhee to purchase a clothing from Aphrodite. In her last life, Jinhee used her credit card to buy gifts for Taehee and Jaehyun, and information about both of them. Nonetheless, she was determined to use it on her this time.

Stepping into the air-conditioned room, Jinhee's eyes scanned over the organised shop. The clothes were arranged according to their price and model. Each piece was capable of capturing one's fascinated attention.

Dressed in their uniform, the saleswomen stood at one side with polite smile placed on their faces. One of them approached Jinhee, who didn't understand where to stand.

"Is there anything specific you require, miss?" The saleswoman asked.

The ones who shopped at here were regulars, and by now, the saleswomen were used to their face. Therefore, seeing Jinhee, whom they never saw here before or heard of, made them inquisitive.

As this shop was frequented by the many top celebrities and socialites, it was mandatory for the saleswomen to learn their faces and names. Since Jinhee was someone new, they attached no importance to her.

She must be some nouveau riche, who thinks that she can afford the item here, or some school student, coming for the sake of satisfying their curiosity. They had both kinds before, and it made the saleswomen scoff.

"Something casual for dinner with family," Jinhee spoke out— not missing the disregard the saleswoman showed her.

"I'll show you the way," The saleswoman spoke out, and the grimace in her eyes were perceivable, making Jinhee sigh. Such arrogance was never beneficial.

Following the saleswoman, Jinhee noticed that she was being lead to the section with the cheapest and out of trend clothing.

Although Jinhee paid no attention to what she wore as long as it was decent, this time she was meeting up with someone respectable, and it wasn't appropriate for her to be dressed in something relatively inexpensive.

"I'd want to look there." Jinhee pointed out, halting in her steps.

"The clothings over there are limited editions, and extra care is needed to while handling them."

If someone like Jinhee touched the clothing and caused some damages, the saleswomen couldn't dare to take the blame upon herself. Therefore, with a nonchalant face, she indirectly rejected Jinhee.

"If you're against it, then I'll go by my own," Jinhee spoke out decisively. She already had limited time, and therefore, she couldn't bear to argue with some saleswoman.

"Miss, please don't force us to take actions," The saleswoman spoke out. They say that customers are the king, but it seems that this saleswoman doesn't regard that policy.

Before Jinhee could speak out, a voice from behind her interfered. "Is it any use for you to look at something you can't afford?"