Amazing Idea

Lee Jinhee— ever since she could recall, she saw her twin sister being disdained by her mother and ignored her father. Whilst she, Lee Jinkyung, was treated like a little princess, no one paid consideration to Jinhee's wishes.

Jinkyung did not understand why they were treated different. At times, the five years old Jinkyung felt sorrowful within her when she saw her twin sister with tears in her eyes.

Once Jinhee was pushed down by a maid, and she suffered from a deep cut at the corner of her eyes. But the maid disregarded her and carried on with her work.

The five years old Jinkyung was about to lend Jinhee a hand and scold the maid, but something within her made her stop. The moment she stepped forward towards Jinhee, a tight squeeze went through her heart and into her ears, a voice whispered, "Don't."

This made Jinkyung unable to move. Physically, she could help Jinhee at that time, but that voice made Jinkyung lose the will to do so. She simply turned her back and walked away from Jinhee.

That was the first time that ever happened, but it was surely not the last time. Everytime Jinkying tried to help Jinhee, the same voice instructed her against doing so. Although the voice uses the same command, stop, everytime, it sounded convincing to Jinkyung each time.

To the five years old Jinkyung, the voice was scary. Nonetheless, she never dared to tell her mother about it— afraid that she'll be treated like Jinhee.

It was when she was seven years old, Jinkyung noticed her sister, Jinhee, was closer to Dowon than she was. Growing up, Jinkyung avoided Dowon for those sharp eyes of his was regarded frightening by her.

Nevertheless, maybe it was because of Jinhee's low intelligence and obliviousness, those eyes did not affect her at all. Everytime Dowon visited their mansion, she would be first one to run up to him and hug him tightly.

A day before Dowon's birthday, her mother patted on her head warmly and softly spoke to her on how Jinkyung should get closer to Dowon. When Jinkyung seemed reluctant, her mom comforted her with the words.

"You're much better than that Jinhee in terms of everything! I'm sure he'll like you once you go closer to him and talk to him sweetly."

Those words encouraged Jinkyung for truly, Jinhee was behind her in terms of everything. Thinking negatively towards Jinhee gave birth to a pleasant and addicting feeling within Jinkyung, and she wanted to continue with that.

Mustering up all her courage, she approached Dowon on the day of her birthday in order to wish him a 'happy birthday'. But each syllables she pronounced came out as a stutter, and before she could finish the entire thing, a cheerful 'happy birthday' was heard.

Staring at her brightly smiling twin sister, whose eyes were twinkling, inexplicable anger rose within Jinkyung. This was the first time she felt such burst of rage within her.

"See, she purposely wished him happy birthday now. She's making fun of you. Don't do anything recklessly now; I'll slowly teach you the ways to take revenge."

A voice sounded sinister. Nonetheless, Jinkyung did not hate it. Taking revenge on Jinhee sounded as an amazing idea to her.