DNA test

Seeing the smiling Taehee seated opposite to her, Jinhee felt annoyance rise within her. She clearly did not mention to Taehee about coming here with Jaehyun yet Taehee efficiently found out about it.

Although there were chances of the Shin inviting her here, Jinhee chose to believe the former for Taehee showed no surprise when she saw Jinhee here. This had to be because she was aware of Jinhee's arrival.

'She truly loves, Jaehyun, if she does not want us to be together that badly.'

Picking up the rice with spoon, Jinhee absent-mindedly chewed on it, whilst repeating inside her head that Jaehyun and Taehee had got nothing to do with her.

Even though the food appeared appetizing to one, Jinhee had no interest in it. Subconsciously, her eyes were vigilantly scanning the interactions between Jaehyun and Taehee.

But up until now, there was not even a single conversation between the both of them. In fact, Taehee's eyes shone brightly as they stared Jinhee, making her feel as if they were challenging her.

From the beginning of the dinner until now, Taehee did not attempt to move her line of eye sight from Jinhee and only occasionally glanced at the Shin when they asked her questions.

"I've noticed it. It seems that coincidentally Jinhee's face resembles our Hyunbin's face," Shin Sekyung spoke out.

Her words bought no surprise to Jinhee for they mentioned it once in her previous life time too. After looking at his photo in her last life, she had to admit that they had similarities between themselves.

Nonetheless, Jinhee was not curious to dive further into the matter for there were many people that appeared similar to each other without being related.

"Jinhee-ah could be his long lost sister!" Taehee exclaimed— cheerfulness perceivable in her tone.

"I'm sure there was no matter of me being adopted within my family," Jinhee spoke out, forcing out a smile.

"DNA test," Jaehyun voiced out. Even though it was just two words, everyone present could get what he truly meant.

Jinhee almost spat out the water in her mouth and her eyes widened.

'Are you fucking crazy!? I clearly have a full family, and you want me to do a test with a stranger!?'

"I think that's not needed," Jinhee vocalised. "It's not a rare thing for people to look similar without being directly related, or we could just distant relatives."

"Jinhee is right; It could be a mere coincidence," Changmin spoke out.

Jinhee let out a breath of relief. It bought ease to her that both of them did not pursue the matter; The wealthier part of the society had a strange hobby to investigate almost everything they were inquisitive about. However, she could not understand what was going through Jaehyun's mind to suggest that.

"Jaehyun-ah, how is everything going with your work?" Sekyung asked. "The other day, my niece was telling me about how you'll be going abroad for your comeback."

Jaehyun nodded.

"During the spring break, to Japan," Jaehyun answered.

Jinhee's eyes turned towards Jaehyun and stared at his side profile beside her. This will be his first time releasing a Japanese album, and Jinhee was quite excited for it in her previous lifetime.

Nonetheless, an event from her last life came into her mind, and this time, it was regarding Jaehyun. He suffered from a plight during his trip to Japan, and recalling that, Jinhee tightly clenched her hand— confused on whether or not to help him in this life.