Plastic surgery

Messy mint coloured hair, boredom perceivable in those blue eyes, first few buttons of the shirt open, one side of the shirt untucked into the pant, and the navy blue uniform pant folded up— This was a typical appearance of a troublemaker.

Those blue eyes swept over the entire classroom of student, and mock was noticeable in those eyes. Shin Sekyung was right yesterday; Despite the gender and unruly appearance, both of them appeared really similar.

"As Junghwa transferred, Min Hyunbin will be taking her place. Junghwa's seatmate, raise up your hand," Their homeroom teacher, Min Jaesook, spoke out.

After the events from last time, Junghwa's parents immediately withdrew her from the school— afraid that she'd defame them further— whilst Hyesook remained at the school and suffered everyone's bullying.

With displeasure placed on his face, Hyunbin arrogantly stepped towards his seat after Junghwa's previous seatmate, Im Joonhyuk, raised his hand up. Jinhee could see that Hyunbin's presence unsettled his nerves.

The weird thing about this was that Hyunbin was in her class this time for in her previous life, they both were in different class. The Shin could be behind it after finding Jinhee and Hyunbin looked similar, or it could be related to changes in Taehee and Jaehyun.

Hyunbin was seated right in front of Jinhee, and in spite of his undisciplined outlook, his charms attracted the eyes of many females around him.

Immediately after introducing Hyunbin to the class, the homeroom teacher left, and the students were waiting for the arrival of the next teacher.

Tilting his head towards Joonhyuk, Hyunbin removed the orange lollipop from his mouth. Under Hyunbin's intense stare, Joonhyuk's features instantly paled.

"Note down everything for me," Hyunbin commanded. His domineering, deep voiced caused for few females to blush.

Placing the earbud into his ear, Joonhyuk leaned on to the chair and closed his eyes. His legs were placed on to the table— with his right leg above the left.

Seeing the attitude, no wonder he made lots of enemies in his previous life and died early. Jinhee couldn't leave someone to die without even trying. So, mustering up all her courage, she bravely pulled away the earbuds from his ear.

Instantly, Hyunbin placed his legs down and turned back. With his eyes glowering at Jinhee, he clutched her collar, leading for her to stand up. His enraged eyes did not make Jinhee tremble, and instead, she stared at him with same intensity.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Hyunbin yelled at Jinhee— his voice imprinting fear into many.

Taehee and Jaehyun immediately stood up— ready to take actions if things got messy. Since they trusted Jinhee to not do something reckless, they stayed rooted to their place and silently supported her.

"Act properly in class; This is not your home," Jinhee spoke out.

Hyunbin scoffed. "What the fuck makes you think that I'll obey you? Do you fucking take yourself to be my mom?"

Jinhee bent closer to Hyunbin, and when her mouth was near to his ear, she whispered, "I'm sure you don't want your parents to know that you're involved with the gangs."

In her last life, Hyunbin died during the first year of highschool, and after his death, rumours spread out on how he was involved with the gangs from his middle school days.

Jinhee did not know about the relationship of Hyunbin with his parents. Nevertheless, almost every upper social family did not want their child to get involved with the dark side no matter what their feelings towards their child was. Therefore, Jinhee decided to test her luck.

Fortunately, for Jinhee, her guess was right, and the threat seemed to work for Hyunbin loosened his grip around her shirt. Nevertheless, the anger in his eyes intensified.

Hyunbin sneered. "You must be a serious fan of mine to stalk me that closely and even doing plastic surgery to look like me."

Smirking, Jinhee retorted, "My allowance is not that much for me to do a plastic surgery, unlike someone."