Something evil

"As Min Hyunbin is new in the class, who's willing to take him in their group," The history teacher spoke out.

In their class of now twenty eight students, there was a group with three members. Nonetheless, the teacher did not add Hyunbin to their group forcefully, and those three seemed relieved on the fact.

Hesitancy to accept Hyunbin was shown on many's face. They were fearful of accidently irritating Hyunbin and early death. Therefore, no one dared to accept him in their group.

"We'll take him in, Sir Jung," Jinhee spoke out after standing up. Jinhee had enough dirt on him to blackmail him to be obedient.


Before the teacher could continue, Hyunbin stood up and slammed his hand on Jinhee's table. His eyes glared at Jinhee. Although these eyes were able to frighten many others, they did not unnerve Jinhee.

Since the Shin gave her the power to order him around, she might as well use it. Jinhee wasn't the one to go lenient when it came to straightening someone.

"I reject it," Hyunbin spoke out, putting emphasis on each syllables.

"No one is going to accept you in their group, loner. So, shut it and sit down," Jinhee retorted— her eyes staring at Hyunbin sternly. Her act bought surprise to multiples.

"Hey! You! I'll be in your group," Hyunbin ordered, pointing his finger at the scrawny male sitting at the second last seat on the third row.

The male and his group members' face grew ashen, and reluctance was evident on their face. Hyunbin found them looking pathetic and silently scoffed at them.

"Stop scaring those poor students, and join these group. Don't tell me that you're too afraid of me to join the group." Jinhee arched her eyebrows challengingly.

"FUCK! I, Min Hyunbin, is scared of no one!" Hyunbin exclaimed angrily.

A bright smile was placed on Jinhee's face. "Then it is settled, sir. Hyunbin is in our group."

Jinhee sat down on her place with the smile on her face not disappearing, and judging by her expression, one could see that how victorious she felt. Surprise increased within everyone at Jinhee's defiance.

Pinching Jinhee's slightly chubby cheeks softly, Taehee commented, "My little squirrel is really clever."

Her voice was loud enough for Hyunbin to hear, and his stare towards Jinhee intensified to a great extent.

'Hey! Glare at Taehee and not me! I'm not the one who voiced that out.'

In all honesty, Jinhee found Hyunbin to be a kid who grew up without proper disciplining, and Jinhee was looking forward to correcting his ways no matter how meddlesome she found herself. She already gave the Shin her word, and she wasn't the one to go against them.

Hyunbin sat down at his place after moments of glaring, and the class resumed. The dense air remained for Hyunbin's anger didn't ease off, and it disturbed the other students. Nonetheless, no one dared to voice out anything.

"With your expression like this, one can easily guess that you're planning something evil," Taehee whispered into her ear. As usual, Jinhee ignored her words and pretended to listen to the teacher.