Murder you

In the midst of how emotional she was yesterday, she wasn't able to think about her birth secret that her so-called parents mentioned. Now, clearheaded, her birth secret just bought more confusion to her.

'All these mysteries are just going to kill me for real!'

As she was contemplating on whether or not to ask Dowon, a teasing voice interrupted her thoughts, raising irritation within her.

"What are you thinking this intently about? Could it be me?"

"Yes, about how to murder you." Jinhee glared at the smiling female behind her.

Before it was five in the morning, Taehee flooded her phone with missed calls and messages. She already slept much later than twelve yesterday for she had to complete the homework, and therefore, woken up so early wasn't something Jinhee found pleasant.

Taehee spammed her phone with messages on how to come outside or else she'd be the one to come up. That's how Jinhee's plan on ignoring Taehee got ruined.

The ridiculous thing Taehee did was take Jinhee on a one hour car trip so early in the morning to show the meteor shower. Although meteor shower was something Jinhee enjoyed, this wasn't the case when she could barely open her eyes.

Mixed with Taehee's constant chattering, Jinhee found the female beside her completely hateful. If this continued, Jinhee couldn't promise that she wouldn't go violent on Taehee.

"Aish¹! Jinhee-ah, you're too rude to me compared to that Kim Jaehyun. You always give him face, and it's the opposite case for me. This almost makes me feel like I've tortured you in your previous life," Taehee comments.

Jinhee coughed at how accurate Taehee's words were. Staring towards the bus window, Jinhee decided to ignore Taehee's presence as always.

As Jinhee was about to close her eyes to drift into sleep, she felt something touch her ear, and suddenly, a loud voice flowed into her ear, — startling Jinhee.

With her eyes wide open, Jinhee glowered at Taehee and with her gritted teeth, she asked out, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Is this song good?" Taehee questioned as if oblivious to Jinhee's angered eyes on him. "Those girls go on and on about how that Kim Jaehyun is on top of the K-pop world when he clearly is not."

Jinhee was in no mood to discuss about nonsensical matters. Pulling out the earphones from her ear, Jinhee warningly stared at Taehee and spoke out, "The next time you disturb me, I'll be changing the places."

Since the bus did not depart yet, it would not be difficult for Jinhee to exchange seat with someone else. Catching up on some hours of sleep during the ride would do a great favour on her.

"Although I don't know what I did to offend you, I'll zip up my mouth," Taehee spoke out, showing the zipping motion with her hand.

"Thanks," Jinhee spoke out whilst leaning against the soft seat of the bus and slipping into sleep. Finally, it was peaceful.

Seeing the sleeping girl, Taehee couldn't help but trail her fingers on her face lightly and slowly. Touching her face, a gentle smile appeared on her, and using her hand, she smoothly pushed Jinhee's head to allow it to rest upon her shoulder.


Jinhee felt a tickling sensation under her nose, and the feeling increased with each passing second, irritating her. Unable to hold it in, Jinhee sneezed loudly, surprising all those around her.

Opening her eyes, she noticed that everyone's eyes were on her, and Taehee's hand held a fake feather with a mischievous smile on her face. Feeling embarrassed about everyone's eyes on her, Jinhee held in her urge to punch the female in front her.

"We've arrived, Jinhee-ah."