Inferiority complex

A camera hung around Jinhee's and Taehee's neck whilst they stood in a circle with the other members. A notebook was held in Chaewon's and Jaehyun's face, and an impatient look was worn on Hyunbin's face.

"Jinhee-ah and I will be in the same group!" Taehee exclaimed joyfully, stepping closer to Jinhee.

Jinhee shook her head. "Both of us are the only ones who bought the camera. So, you and Jaehyun be on one team whilst Chaewon, Hyunbin, and I are in one."

"Jinhee-ah, I don't want to team up with this stone face," Taehee commented honestly, feigning disgust towards Jaehyun.

'I thought you would be happy by this? Seems like you're too smart with you schemes.'

"Neither do I want to be in a team with old hag," Hyunbin voiced out.

Pointing towards Jaehyun, Jinhee spoke out, "Team up with Hyunbin then."

Moving her index towards Hyunbin, Jinhee voiced out, "Then, find a group that will willing accept you."

Softly pecking Jinhee's cheeks— starling her and the others' present— Taehee said, "Then, I'll reluctantly follow your arrangements and be with Jaehyun."

"Don't slow me down," Jaehyun expressed with his face staying nonchalant.

"I should be the one saying that, you asshole!" Taehee exclaimed.

'This Taehee is getting more and more childish as day passes by.'


A leisurely expression sat on Taehee's face as she walked beside Jaehyun whilst both of her hands swayed around, and a big smile was placed on her face.

"I heard that you confessed to little squirrel the other day, and she still is avoiding to give you an answer. You better give it up; You say how she allowed me to kiss her," Taehee voiced out— her words chosen to provoke Jaehyun— whilst she picked up her camera to take the picture.

Jaehyun stopped writing down on his notebook, and his eyes stared at Taehee— an indescribable look placed on his eyes. Nonetheless, rage hidden under the layers of indifference could be perceived by Taehee, and she felt victorious at that fact.

"At least she doesn't want me to get out of her life," Jaehyun voiced out. Although Jaehyun's words stung, Taehee showed no change of expression for she couldn't lose to him.

"If I were to reveal my real gender to her, you would stand no chance against me. After all, I'm naturally beautiful as a female, and it is understandable for Jinhee to feel inferiority complex," Taehee spoke out smugly.

"Then, reveal your true gender to her," Jaehyun replied before going back to writing down everything.

A smirk was placed on Taehee's face.

"If that happens, then I can't share a room with Jinhee and know her closest girl secrets. Girls have special things that only they reveal to each other."

"Pervert," Jaehyun responded.

"You're just sour that you can't experience the thing I do. Before you can date her, you've to remove your mom and dad properly from the path whilst I have no obstacles," Taehee spoke out— the grin on her face getting wider.

"Han Taeho," Jaehyun pronounced, walking ahead of her.

"Wait! What!? You knew about it? Since when, asshole!" Taehee chased after Jaehyun's figure.