On the condition

"Taehee?" Jinhee questioned.

Taehee's current action bought surprise to Jinhee for she didn't understand why Taehee hugged her all of a sudden. Although Taehee's actions were spontaneous at times, this hug showed that it was different this time.

"Let me hold you for few seconds. I just had a really bad dream, Jinhee— a terrible one."

Taehee's head sunk further into Jinhee's shoulder whilst her tone sounded broken. It was as if Taehee was will start crying any second now, and Taehee's most vulnerable side was exposed to Jinhee.

Jinhee did not understand what happened with Taehee to be like this all of a sudden whilst Taehee's hold on Jinhee tightened. It was almost as if she did not want to let of Jinhee.

This side of Taehee softened Jinhee's heart, and she was unable to push her away. In her last life, Taehee was there to comfort her the times she broke down, and now that Taehee was in this state, Jinhee couldn't choose to be heartless.

Even in her last life, she barely saw Taehee being this emotional, and somehow it brewed up worry within Jinhee. Taehee had a great control over her emotions, and a mere bad dream wouldn't break her down to this point.

Softly and rhythmically patting on Taehee's back, Jinhee asked, "Are you alright?"

"Jinhee-ah, I'm scared, really scared," Taehee answered.

Jinhee did not know how to reply. All she could do was lend Taehee comfort silently. No matter how much Jinhee was appalled by Taehee at times, at the end of the day, she did not want anything bad to come to her.

Jinhee didn't count how long they stood like this. Her legs started aching, and they were about to give out. Nonetheless, she didn't have the strength within her to say Taehee to release her.

As if her suffering was noticed, Taehee removed her hands from around Jinhee, and she asked out, "Do you want to know the truth behind mine and Jaehyun's lip to lip touch?"

Taehee did not want to talk about this matter. Jinhee understood that as Taehee changed her expression to one that was jovial, and a wide smile was placed on her face. It was perfected to the point many would doubt whether or not that was her few minutes earlier.

Jinhee gave no reply. She wanted to know the truth, but she did not want to show Taehee that she cared. Therefore, she chose to stay silent.

Jinhee felt a slender figure back-hug her, and a warm breath touched her exposed neck softly, causing chills to go down her spine. The fresh scent of mint wafted into Jinhee's nostrils.

"Jagiya¹, are you jealous?" Taehee questioned— her voice sounding almost sensual to Jinhee.

Hearing the question made Jinhee's eyes widen due to the immense surprise she felt. Did Taehee's sexual orientation change this time around or was it because she had some type of ulterior motive?

"You don't need to worry. I wouldn't kiss that Jaehyun even if he begged me with his life. Both of us tripped, and it was a misunderstanding. That Jaehyun is too ugly. Someone like him isn't comparable to me," Taehee voiced out— 'her' tone sounding like a spoiled child's.

"It doesn't matter," Jinhee answered, pulling away from Taehee's hug.

Despite her words, her heart felt much more light-hearted after hearing her words. This bought up a strange thought within Jinhee's head. Could it be that the kiss in my previous life was a misunderstanding too?

Jinhee immediately drove that idea out of her head. Whether or not it was a misunderstanding had nothing to do with her. Currently, she had no time to deal with romances, and she would think about it once she gets her life set at perfect pace.

"Do you want to find out who set that up for Min Hyunbin? I can help you, on the condition that you go to a date with me."