Damn confused

With Jinhee's lack of connection, it would be almost impossible to find the CCTV recordings at Hwaseong Fortress, but for someone, who has vast amount of resources like Taehee, it was not that big of a matter.

Although Jinhee did not want to entertain Taehee's ridiculous ideas, for the sake of Min Hyunbin, she had to do it.

"Alright, I agree. But this can't be too extreme," Jinhee pointed out.

"Then, I'll gather up everything by tomorrow," Taehee voiced out.

Confusion brewed up within Jinhee on why Taehee would bother to help her. It could be because Taehee wanted to earn Jinhee's trust to bring her bigger harm, but a part within Jinhee was not willing to believe that.

"Why are you doing all these, Taehee?! You're making me damn confused with your actions! What is actually your purpose?!" Jinhee exclaimed— All of her emotions spilling out.

Jinhee hated being at this state of uncertainty. She clearly did not know whether or not she should be thankful to Taehee. Should she be wary of Taehee and hate her? If Taehee truly meant no harm, then wasn't her actions unfair to Taehee?

Pulling Jinhee to her chest by gripping her arm, Taehee softly patted her head. The entire thing was comforting to Jinhee, making guilt stab her heart.

"There, there, my little squirrel. Why do you think so much about things?"

Pulling Jinhee away from her chest, Taehee lightly pinched her nose and spoke out, "Can't you see that I'm doing all these to score a date with you?"

Jinhee retorted, "I don't go for girls."

Should she give Taehee a chance? Unlike her last life, she wouldn't get too close to Taehee and would maintain an amiable relationship with her.

A smirk formed on Taehee's face, and 'she' said, "What if I can change that?"

Taehee stepped closer to Jinhee, and subconsciously, Jinhee took few steps back. This was too sudden, and Jinhee was in lack of ideas for what to do.

Taehee is truly weird to change her expressions this many times within a small span of time.

Seeing Taehee was so close to her, Jinhee exclaimed, "I'll be going to the washroom then!"

Seeing Jinhee rush to the washroom hurriedly, a tiny smile formed on Taehee's face, and 'she' mumbled, "What should I do with you, my little squirrel?"


"Where is the homework I ordered you to do for me!?" A male student exclaimed, slamming his hand down on Chaewon's table.

Rising her eyes up to look at the male student, nonchalantly, Chaewon answered, "Not done."

Recently, with her father's business deteriorating, she had to take up a part-time job in order to pay for her expenses, and yesterday, she had to work overtime, leaving no time for her to do his homework.

Chaewon stared at the male student blankly, ready to accept a punch or two that was coming for her. There was no use in resisting them, and Chaewon learnt that in the hardest way. Getting beaten up for years, Chaewon grew used to them.

"You bitch! How dare you not complete the homework and on top of that, show this attitude!?" The male exclaimed.

All other students in their class stared at them now— probably waiting to see her beg for forgiveness. However, Chaewon wasn't ready to give them that pleasure.

As the male swung his fist, Chaewon expected a punch to come towards her face, but surprising her, it never did.

"Kim Kyungjae, your father wouldn't be happy to hear you picking fight with males," Kim Jaehyun commented, holding Kyungjae's wrist.

Kim Jaehyun— He was the male who sat beside her, but Chaewon did not have much impression of him. He probably had feelings for Lee Jinhee, and considering his detached personality, she didn't expect him to stand up for her.

Kyungjae's face instantly paled, and he lowered his hand. It appeared that he was truly fearful of Kim Jaehyun as he stuttered out, "J-Jaehyun, I-I was just playing around."

At that moment, holding his knee, Kyungjae kneeled down, and judging by his expression, it seemed that he was in pain. Seeing Jinhee behind him, Chaewon figured out that Jinhee kicked his leg from behind.