
With the help of the lifesavers, both of them were helped up to the plain land. Jinhee stared daggers at Taehee, who had a towel wrapped around her.

Although the fault was solely Jinhee's for standing up, the current situation would not occur if Taehee didn't splash water at Jinhee in the first place.

Moreover, there was no sign of Taehee apologizing, and on the contrary, a smile sat on her face. The female truly infuriated Jinhee.

"There is a dressing room here. I'll show you to there," One of the staffs voiced out to which both of them nodded.

Ignoring Taehee's presence, Jinhee followed behind the staff towards the dressing room. With a soft chuckle, Taehee started walking.


After her bathing was over, Jinhee came out of the cubicle with a towel wrapped around her body. Her black wet hair was tied around with a towel in order to dry them.

As Jinhee stepped towards the hanger that held her clothes, the door to Taehee's cubicle opened. It seemed that Taehee had gotten dressed immediately after the bath in the clothing provided.

Taking the set of underwear, she was about to put them on whilst her line of eyesight was mainly focused towards Taehee. For a second or two there, Jinhee noticed that Taehee's cheeks were red, and immediately, Taehee turned the other way.

Since both of them were girls, Jinhee found Taehee's reaction strange. Nonetheless, paying no mind to it, she began to get dressed.

When she finished wearing the blue jeans, Taehee, who was faced towards her cubicle, asked, "Are you done?"

"Yeah, I'm finished. But why are you staring the other way?" Jinhee asked, wearing her backpack. As she was not allowed to take the backpack along with her, it was safe from the water.

With that usual smile on Taehee's face, Taehee stated, "I thought you'd be insecure with your body."

Staring at Jinhee's body from top to bottom, Taehee continued, "It's really lacking."

'That bastard!'

Pulling out the towel from the hanger, Jinhee threw it towards Taehee. Although she was not the one to get violent, Taehee kept pushing her buttons multiple times.

The towel landed on Taehee's face. Using her hands, Taehee removed the towel from her face, and with mischievous glint appearing in her eyes, Taehee sniffed the towel.

"Smells nice."

Flabbergasted at Taehee's actions, Jinhee commented, "Y-You pervert!"


As they walked towards the planetarium, the sun had started to set. The population inside the park started to gradually grow, and the artificial lightings were turned on, increasing the attractiveness of the park.

"Will you be getting engaged to Han Taeho?" Taehee questioned while staring forward.

Slightly surprised, Jinhee turned her head to look at Taehee. Taehee's face was covered in nonchalance, and Jinhee couldn't guess that Taehee was thinking.

"Not sure yet," Jinhee answered.

Taeho's relation with Taehee must be deeper than what Jinhee originally had thought. Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for Taehee to know about the matter.

"In my opinion, you should agree to it. His plans are not clear to me yet, but it is not something that will bring harm to you; I wouldn't allow it. However, you must not fall in love with him; You'll be in great pain if that happens," Taehee voiced out.