Unrequited love

Jinhee stared at awe towards the supernova explosion before her. The bright light reflected in her eyes whilst she gaped at the spectacular event.

Instead of staring at the explosion, Taehee's line of sight was focused towards Jinhee. Her every small change of emotion was noticed by Taehee, and a small smile formed on Taehee's face. Seeing Jinhee like this bought the greatest satisfaction to Taehee.

"Did you see that? It was absolutely amazing!" Jinhee exclaimed whilst turning her head to look at Taehee.

Taehee simply nodded. Nonetheless, a cover of seriousness was on her face, making Jinhee somehow concerned. Her eyes, those stared at Jinhee, contained emotions Jinhee was very much familiar with.

This was because Jinhee had felt such set of emotions before too. It held admiration, love, happiness yet desperation and sadness was present in it— almost as if it was unrequited love.

As Jinhee was about to open her mouth to say something, Taehee put her index finger on Taehee's lips. Jinhee immediately shut close her mouth and watched Taehee, trying to figure her out.

The awkward silence between them made Jinhee nervous, and Taehee's gaze, which was concentrated on Jinhee solely, intensified it. Jinhee was at a loss of idea on what to do.

As Taehee leaned closer to her, all the senses within her grew alert, and Jinhee was confused on what to do. The entire situation made her feel odd.

'Is she going to kiss me?'

The thought made Jinhee widen her eyes, and she abruptly held Taehee's shoulder when Taehee's face was few inches away from hers.

"I...We can't do this!" Jinhee exclaimed.

Kissing Taehee was something Jinhee had never thought of. There was no attraction Jinhee felt towards Taehee for although a lot less, Jinhee still had some remaining feelings from Jaehyun.

Other than that, Jinhee had never felt attracted towards the same gender, and therefore, she did not understand what to make out of the feelings Taehee had for her.

"Look, I have heard about your feelings for me the other day, and I am sorry. But I can't accept these feelings of yours," Jinhee said earnestly. Her heart pulsated faster within her chest as she waited for an answer from Taehee.

Three— That's the number of times Taehee blinked her eyes before laughing out. Jinhee was expecting almost everything, except for that annoying laughter of Taehee's.

The sound of her laughter grew louder, distracting the other audience, and Jinhee could only feel embarrassed about it. Surely, this Taehee was pulling her leg again.

Wiping the corner of her eyes, Taehee voiced out, "Don't get me wrong; I don't like you in that way. I meant that I treasure you as my friend, and about now, I just want to tease you."

Nonetheless, Taehee's laughter did not stop, and they continued on, irritating Jinhee further. Although it was an immature move on her part, Jinhee pinched Taehee's arm.

"Very funny! Laugh on at me. That's what you're doing the entire day," Jinhee stated, staring at the other way. A small pout was visible on her face.

Kissing Jinhee's cheeks softly— an action that surprised Jinhee— Taehee said, "Is that alright? If you want me to like you, then I can start with that."

Jinhee just glared at Taehee whilst trying to not get violent at the female in front of her. She did not want to be more embarrassed in front of this audiences.

'Sorry, Jinhee-ah, but I don't want to let go of this moment with you.'