
As it was not appropriate to visit any of their houses for the study session, they decided to book a room at a private restaurant. Bright golden lighting shone from above, and a mahogany coloured table was placed at the centre.

"It's taking too long for both of them to appear," Jinhee voiced out after checking her watch.

Taehee, who was seated beside Jinhee, leaned closer to her. Arching her eyebrow, Taehee, suggestively, spoke out, "Doesn't this give us some private time?"

Rolling her eyes, Jinhee commented, "Can you stop acting like a pervert?"

"It's only you who brings out the perverted side within me." Taehee winked.

Ignoring Taehee, Jinhee took out her notebook to go through the English problems she had difficulties with. As Jinhee was reading the book, Taehee placed her head on Jinhee's book and stared at her face while blinking her eyes repeatedly.

"I'm bored, my little squirrel."

"If you're bored, then what am I supposed to do? I am not here to entertain you," Jinhee bluntly spoke out while trying to push Taehee's head off her notebook.

"You're starting to become much more violent and talkative these days, little squirrel. You need some type of punishments."

Seeing the glass of water beside her, a wicked idea came inside Jinhee's mind, and implementing it, she picked it up, targeting it at Taehee's face.

Seeing the Taehee drenched in water, Jinhee faked innocence and spoke out, "Sorry, I slipped. You better wash that if you don't want to get sick."

Instead of showing anger, Taehee smirked. Taehee brushed back her long hair with her hand, and a water droplet fell down her face, making her look charming in one's eyes.

Jinhee sighed.

'Beauties are beauties no matter what state they are at.'

"You're getting naughtier, little squirrel!" Taehee commented.

"Go and change your clothing." Jinhee frowned. Even if she was the one, who was behind Taehee getting wet, Jinhee did not want her to catch a cold.

Gripping Jinhee's right hand, Taehee pulled Jinhee from her chair, and the abrupt action caught Jinhee by surprise. Holding Jinhee tightly on her lap, Taehee poured her glass of water on Jinhee's head.

"You jerk!" Jinhee exclaimed when she felt the cold water go down her body. She didn't expect Taehee to take revenge against her like this.

Jinhee struggle to get away from Taehee was futile for Taehee's strength was much more than her, and Taehee hugged Jinhee closer to herself.

"Now, both of us are wet together," Taehee whispered into Jinhee's ear— his warm breath hitting her shoulder, causing shivers to go down her spine.

'What made me think that she actually liked me!? This is actual bullying!'

As Taehee stood up from the chair, she carried Jinhee in a bridal style, causing Jinhee's eyes to widen in astonishment.

"W-What the hell are you doing? Get me down!" Jinhee tried to push Taehee shoulder to get her to out Jinhee down, but that was to no avail.

Walking with Jinhee in her arms without stumbling, Taehee said, "Stop moving around. Both of us will fall and get injured."

"That wouldn't happen if you put me down!" Jinhee started moving around her legs randomly. This was too much of an embarrassing position!

"But I want to hug you close to me, so no," Taehee answered.

Struggling will only cause Jinhee to fall down and get hurt. Therefore, she could only try to convince her verbally.

As Taehee opened the door gradually, Jinhee hid her face in Taehee's shoulder in embarrassment and said, "Let me down, Han Taehee. I beg of you to."

"I can't listen."

"Han Taehee!"