Bitter taste

Entering into the elevator of the restaurant, Chaewon let out a sigh. Even the elevators of the restaurants frequented by the wealthy are glamorous.

Staring at her plain clothing in the mirror of the elevator, Chaewon found herself looking out of place. If it wasn't for the study session here, she probably never would have gotten the chance to visit here.

Along with her, Jaehyun stepped in. Silence surrounded the air between the both of them, but none of them made any effort to break it.

Chaewon silently prayed the ride to end soon for she suffered from mild claustrophobia. However, all of a sudden, the lights in the elevator started flickering, and the elevator halted in its position.

Chaewon's eyes widened as she realized what just happened, and soon enough, the lights went off, turning the entire elevator dark. Fright took over her, and her body started to tremble.

'Why did this have to happen at this time?'

Cold sweat dripped down her forehead, and sudden coldness hit her. Memories of that night flowed in her mind, and she tightly closed her eyes to drive them away.

Holding her head tightly, she tried to get rid of the pain. Leaning against the wall, she slowly sat down and was at a state of panic.

"L-Light. P-Please, t-turn on the light," She managed to pronounce out. She couldn't take the darkness any longer; Those frightful memories become vivid to her in the darkness.

Although low, sudden flash of light was directed towards her. With the corner of her eyes glistening with tears, she rose up her head towards the source of light.

Jaehyun stood rooted to his previous place whilst his hand held out his phone's flashlight at her direction. She was surprised; This was not something she expected from someone as aloof as Kim Jaehyun.

Under the light, Jaehyun could distinguish her figures. Her thin hands were shivering as they tightly held into a fist, and her face grew to become ashen. He could easily decipher that she was frightened.

Instantaneously, he took the effort to make a call, and when the call was connected, the other side spoke out, "Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Kim. The electricity will be back in four to five minutes."

Jaehyun made sure that the loudspeaker was on, so that Chaewon could hear the conversation, and as Chaewon stared at him, he could read the gratefulness in her eyes.

"Be fast," He ordered before hanging up.

Relief spread through Chaewon after hearing those words— just five more minutes until she is out of this. Nonetheless, she did not expect Jaehyun to keep his phone in loudspeaker mode simply for her sake.

Certain warmth went through her heart at his actions.


Finally, the door to the elevator opened, and they reached the third floor. Getting out, Chaewon walked a step behind Jaehyun and followed him for she didn't know where the room was exactly.

Her footsteps halted when his did. She noticed that his fingers were curled into a tight fist whilst he stared at something. Following his line of sight, she could guess what had caused his sudden change of mood.

Dressed in clothing of top brands, Han Taehee walked out of the door with a female in her arms. It wasn't for hard for Chaewon to figure out that the girl in her arms was Lee Jinhee.

'Ah! So, Jaehyun likes Jinhee or Taehee.'

However, Chaewon was not sure why this an unusual left a bitter taste within her.