Middle schooler

Walking into the school building, Jinhee noticed everyone was acting oddly. They stared at her whilst some whispered about matters. Very often she would hear her name leave their mouth.

Knowing that she can't be bothered with them, Jinhee stepped towards her classroom and opened the door.

Taehee wasn't at the class yet neither was Chaewon. Jaehyun would not be able to attend school for he had to prepare for the tour. Hyunbin was probably skipping school.

Walking over to her seat, Jinhee's eyes widened when she saw her table. Various derogatory words were scratched over her table. 

Clutching tightly at the corner of her table, Jinhee did not let herself fall week. Turning back, Jinhee stared fiercely at them.

"Which one of you did it?" She questioned— her tone sounding dominating and angry.

Some ignored her question whilst the rest just snickered at her. Nonetheless, that did not make Jinhee feel down.