Sensitive spot

Before Jinhee could take out her book from the bag, the door to the classroom opened, and expecting it to be the teacher, Jinhee raised her head. 

Unfortunately, instead of the one entering being the teacher, Jinkyung, her so-called sister whom she loathed, stepped into the classroom with feigned concern on her face.

Spotting Jinhee, Jinkyung rushed towards her, and most of their classmates stared at Jinhee and Jinkyung, anticipating to see what will be happening next.

"Are you alright, Jinhee-ah?" Jinkyung questioned. 

Undertones of worry was visible in her tone, and only a very few would have doubt in her acting skills.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Jinhee questioned whilst putting on a big, bright smile on her face.

"Or were you hoping I wouldn't be?" Jinhee questioned- her eyes sharpening to look out for each of Jinkyung's movements.

"Of course not, Jinhee! I always want the best for you," Jinkyung voiced out.